Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 141: A devastating blow

Broly flew in the air, looking suspiciously at the sea cliff below. Just now, he clearly felt that a very strong Qi was not far below, and suddenly disappeared.

"It seems like they are hiding nearby. With their speed, they can't escape very far."

He looked down from high in the sky and directly entered the angry form. He opened his arms and the restless Gang Qi condensed in his palms and turned into two Qigong bombs.

The sea wind around the body was driven away by the air, and the raging turbulence howled in the air.

Hiding underground, Norman Osborne's heart was filled with warning signs that a great disaster was about to come. He moved his two forelimbs, and the hard soil was as soft as tofu under his paws. With one stroke and one movement, he drilled dozens of meters underground. Winston Jensen and Dr. Radha hugged his long tail tightly to prevent it from being swallowed up by the waves of gravel and soil.

"If you choose to hide, then die."

Broly said, throwing the two Qigong bombs in his hand directly downwards.

Two green rays of light lit up, almost dyeing half of the sky green.

"Boom! Boom!"

Amidst the violent roar. The shock wave flattened the rocks blocking the way, and even the seawater was pushed flatly towards the depths of the sea.

The ground trembled violently, and the violent shock wave spread rapidly along the soil layer, and in an instant it caught up with Norman Osborne who was digging the ground.

Even though they were more than two hundred meters away from the ground, the shock wave still shook the weak Winston Johnson and Dr. Radha's chests, and they were almost crushed to death under the ground.

"This Air Force ground-penetrating bomb, how did they find our location?"

Dr. Radha was a little lucky that he put on the Green Goblin armor to demonstrate to Winston, otherwise he would have been crushed into pulp just now. Even so, the Green Goblin's armor was distorted and partially damaged in the attack just now.

"No" Norman Osborn only felt the burning pain on his face, and became a little angry: "It's the Green Goblin!"

He couldn't believe that after swallowing all the radiation sources of a nuclear warhead, his strength increased dramatically, but he was still not as good as the Green Goblin. This was unscientific!

Winston's body trembled, and he remembered his powerlessness when he first met the Green Goblin.

"As long as I swallow enough radiation sources, I will be able to easily surpass him!"

Norman Osborn said in a gritted tone.

The smoke and dust slowly dissipated, revealing two large craters with a diameter of tens of meters that were blasted by Broly. The sea water poured into the craters turbulently, and the waves surged.

Broly rushed directly into the sea and sensed carefully, but still found nothing. Maybe the other party was proficient in condensing his own energy, or maybe he was hiding deep underground. Those two qigong bullets just now would not kill him directly.

He burst out of the water and began to gather energy. Kakarot was beaten and bruised all over his body. He looked calm on the surface, but he was really angry in his heart and planned to completely destroy the entire area.

"Turtle Style Qigong!"

The dazzling electric light flashed, and the Qigong wave that condensed a large amount of Qi took shape instantly.

The two fighter jets turned on their afterburners and flew towards here. After Norman Osborne appeared in downtown New York City, the U.S. Air Force arranged for two F-35s to be on combat readiness duty around New York City.

This place is very close to New York City. The previous two qigong waves could be clearly felt even in Manhattan. Continuous riots brought New York City to an instant depression. A considerable part of the assets of the consortium that secretly controls the lifeblood of the United States are in New York, and they will never allow this situation to continue to happen.

"Eagle's Nest, this is Eagle One. The attacker was found, and he is the Green Goblin."

The AN/AAQ-40 photoelectric targeting system installed in the F-35 body instantly locked onto Broly, who was gathering energy crazily. The military had already entered the Green Goblin's target information into the onboard computer of the fighter jet, and immediately identified his identity.

The person on the other end of the call was an E-3 Watchtower early warning aircraft. When it was determined that the target was the Green Goblin, the atmosphere in the entire early warning aircraft instantly froze.

After a moment of silence, the colonel on duty in the early warning aircraft immediately reported the situation to the Pentagon.

"Attack! Attack! Let those F-15s at the Air National Guard base take off too!"

The Pentagon sent back the order. The army must show its presence, and with the supersonic maneuverability of fighter jets, although the Green Goblin can fly, it should not pose a threat to them.

Tony Stark did not turn over the data from his battle with Broly in New York City to the military because he felt too embarrassed.


Broly blasted the turtle style Qigong downwards.

The qigong wave went straight down, instantly penetrating the ground more than a hundred meters deep, and exploded violently. The immeasurable amount of soil was annihilated by the gas in an instant, and thousands of tons of rock and sand were thrown into the sky, as if a volcano was erupting. The explosive gas directly destroyed a large piece of the coast.

The pilot inside the F-35 fighter jet stared at the scene in front of him in stunned silence.

"This is simply a natural disaster."

"Are we really going to open fire on this monster?"

Such a horrific scene was seen by quite a few New York City citizens. They looked at the dust that almost covered half of the sky in horror and were at a loss.

"He should be dead this time."

Broly looked at the large pit that looked like a meteorite crater. Sea water was pouring in continuously, and within a short while, the large pit could not be filled.

Suddenly, he turned his head, and four infrared tracking missiles trailing white exhaust gas were flying straight towards him.

"A boring trick."

He punched like lightning, blasting all four missiles into parts that filled the sky. The fuses of the missiles didn't even have time to detonate the warhead.

The pilots of the two F-35s were shocked. After launching the missiles, they turned around and tried to distance themselves from Broly. But what they never expected was that four missiles were fired to stop Broly. Broly didn't do it for a moment.


The pilot suddenly found that the fuselage sank and there was an abnormal sound from behind. He glanced at the rearview mirror, then at the airspeed indicator, and suddenly froze (fighters really have rearview mirrors).


One hand penetrated directly through the hatch cover and tore the entire hatch cover off the fuselage. A green stream of air covered the fuselage, blocking the deadly strong wind.

"Contact me your commander."

Broly squatted and said to the pilot.

The pilot shivered and turned on the radio in the cabin.

"Eagle One! Eagle Two! What are you doing? You are not allowed to escape. Go back and continue fighting!"

There was silence in the cabin, and the pilot just wanted to teleport to the opposite side and strangle the silly guy.

"Do you want to dance too?"

Broly said.

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