An NYPD Crime Scene Unit laboratory in Queens. Lizard serum raided from the New York City Veterans Hospital is kept here. The CIA, FBI, military and S.H.I.E.L.D. all wanted to obtain this batch of serum, but a strange balance was maintained, allowing the serum to remain in the hands of the New York City Police Department.

The police chief has a deep understanding of how hot these serums are, and has sent almost all SWAT here to protect these precious lizard serums.

Two SWAT snipers and observers stood on the roof of the building, monitoring the streets below and the streets not far away.

During this period, everyone in SWAT felt like they were facing a formidable enemy, fearing that something might happen to this batch of serum. A lot of people are interested in this batch of lizard serum.

The Kingpin offers a bounty for one piece of lizard serum to get five percent of New York City's drug trade. This is a profit of hundreds of millions of dollars every year. Some ambitious gangsters were eyeing this batch of serum like chicken blood.

The New York City Police Department is not monolithic. There are many corrupt police officers who have been bribed. These gangsters may already know the location of the serum.

"Those two people! They opened the communication box and wanted to cut off the connection between the laboratory and the police station!"

The observer held the telescope and said:

"Kill them quickly! Then ask for help from headquarters!"

The sniper hurriedly turned his gun and aimed at the two people wearing nun uniforms and Halloween masks.

"Bang! Bang!"

There were two gunshots, which were a bit muffled because of the silencers. Blood mist erupted on the faces of the two SWAT members, and their heads were smashed.

A robber wearing a nun's uniform put the gun back on his waist and took out the walkie-talkie.


He picked up the sniper rifle and saw through the scope a group of armed men wearing nun uniforms rushing into the laboratory carrying assault rifles.

Not long after, there was a burst of gunfire like exploding beans and the explosion of grenades inside the laboratory.

The SWATs trained by the New York City Police Department at a huge expense were shot like sheep, with almost no resistance. The attackers were obviously more rigorously trained and had more combat experience than them.


The alloy door was directly blown open by C4. The civilian personnel belonging to the New York City Police Department inside raised their hands in fear and surrendered, but were still shot and killed mercilessly.

Stepping on the blood on the ground, the leader, a robber wearing a nun's uniform, put the precious serums into the incubator one by one.

"We're going to make a fortune, Winston!"

One of the robbers couldn't help but said excitedly. He wanted to say something more, but was slapped to the ground.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said your name"

He stood up awkwardly.

"let's go."

The robbers picked up the incubator and walked out of the laboratory. They piled into the van in which they came.

"Colonel, the news said you turned into a lizard man."

said one of the robbers.

"This is real."

Winston Jansen said. He alone cannot quickly eliminate an entire heavily armed SWAT team. If he delays for too long, he will attract support from various branches. Even if he has the ability to heal at a high speed, he cannot compete with the modern army.

So he called in his former subordinates who had retired. These SEALs were carefully selected by him. Their military life was not happy. Their relationship with their families was very tense. Most of them had various psychological problems. They spent all the money they earned while serving. Bare, some people also have problems like alcoholism.

Winston Jensen knew about their situation and just said there was an opportunity to make a lot of money, and all these people came. Their lives can't get any worse, so they might as well come here and give it a try.

"Sir, where should we go now? Find gangsters to sell these serums, or we should do it ourselves!"

A former Navy SEAL opened a bottle of whiskey with his teeth and took a long gulp.

"No, we don't sell it, why not inject it yourself?"

The face beneath Winston Jansen's mask grinned ferociously.

"This is different from what we were talking about before, Winston!"

The SEAL put down his bottle and put his hand on his gun. He stopped calling Winston Johnson sir.

"What about you, what do other people think?"

The others looked at each other.

"We don't want to turn into crazy monsters, Winston."

Sister Winston's body swelled under the clothes.

"Do you think you have other options in this narrow space?"

A long tail penetrated directly through the chest of the subordinate opposite him, and the tip of the tail even penetrated directly through the body of the car. If he was outdoors in the open, it would be difficult for him to deal with these front subordinates, but it was completely different in a narrow car. These experienced soldiers didn't even have time to draw their guns.

"Is there anyone else who disagrees?"

He pulled out his tail.

"FUCK YOU! Winston!"

Amidst the ear-piercing sound of bone crushing, Long Tail quickly broke the man's neck. The car almost turned into a bloody meat grinding ground, and blood dripped along the crack of the car door onto the street.

The car braked suddenly and stopped in the middle of the street.

"Keep driving, or I'll just twist your head off!"

Winston took off his mask, revealing his cold lizard face.

The soldier in the driver's seat hurriedly restarted the van.

"I do, I do, sir, don't kill me!"

A veteran soldier was frightened and raised his hands.

"Looks like someone finally showed up."

Winston tossed him a shot of lizard serum.

The soldier hesitated for a moment, then closed his eyes and injected the lizard serum into his body. There were two victims first, and the other soldiers succumbed.

"You can not."

Winston distributed the serum to the soldiers, then pointed to the remaining soldier and said.

"Why, there is obviously a lot of serum left?!"

he asked desperately.

"Kane, you are too weak. Drugs have made your body fragile. These remaining serums are gifts I prepared for some big shots, not for you, a weak-willed scumbag."

Winston clawed through his chest and tore out the heart. The soldiers who were forced to be injected with lizard serum fell into coma, and the genes in the serum were being embedded into their gene chains.

"Sir, where should we go?"

The driver asked in horror. He discovered that Winston was no longer the gentle and courageous commander before.

"Go to the New York City Court, where the fifth trial of the Osborne Group is taking place. We will rush there now to give them a big surprise."

Winston said with a grin.

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