Upon hearing this, Dr. Brive's eyes suddenly lit up.

As a scientist, what Sun Wutian said was really tempting to him.

Mrs. Breve also breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter what, at least it was confirmed that Bulma was safe now.

After a brief silence, Dr. Breeve suddenly spoke;"In that case, I will take action first.""

"Come pick it up in a week!"

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the house.

Sun Wutian did not interrupt. After saying goodbye to Mrs. Brive, he flew directly away from Xidu.

Immediately afterwards, Sun Wutian headed directly towards the island where the artificial man was born. Speeding away.

According to records, Sun Wutian knew very well where Androids 17, 18, and others were born, but he didn't know if they had been made into humans at this stage. If he killed them. Can it be regarded as completing his mission?

But even if it is a one-in-10,000 possibility, Sun Wutian still wants to try it.

After all, killing Cyborg No. 18, No. 17 and Cell represent the three sign-in rewards. There are a lot of treasures. If the task can be completed in advance, the rewards will definitely be more.

Three days later, Sun Wutian found the island where the artificial man was born.

According to the plot, he finally searched for it for a while. Found the cave research room set up by Dr. Nagro.

Unfortunately, as Sun Wutian entered, although there were artificial humans in it, they were only some of the original versions of No. 7 and No. 8. They were completely useless. It didn't reach the point where he needed it.

Even when Sun Wutian broke into the underground area, he didn't see the existence of the Cellulite Petri dish. It was obvious that Dr. Groo did not start the production of Cellulite at this time.

In other words, it is now. The artificial human experiment at this stage was not perfect and had not been moved to this area. For a moment, Sun Wutian was disappointed. After all, he really didn't know where the other research laboratories of the Red Satin Army were.

Afterwards, Sun Wutian directly chose to leave for Xidu.

In the next few days, Sun Wutian enjoyed life in Xidu.

Unlike the collapse of the future world, Xidu is now the most prosperous city. One.

Sun Wutian just salvaged some gold in the sea and made enough money. After that, he started a life of drunkenness and dreams, indulging in bars, clubs and other areas every day, communicating with various young ladies and discussing life. Soon

, the time arrived at the time agreed with Dr. Breve.

After Sun Wutian finished communicating with a pair of sisters, he came directly to the capsule company, and Breve had already arranged for the robot to wait. After seeing Goten, he directly led him to the backyard area.

"Mr. Goten!"

Seeing Sun Wutian's arrival, Dr. Briff immediately stepped forward and said:"The things you need have been made, take a look!"

As he said that, Dr. Breve directly pointed to a small house not far away.

This house is not big, it looks like it is only twenty or thirty square meters, but it is also wrapped in a sense of technology. It is just One look at it and one can't help but marvel at its miraculous craftsmanship.

When Sun Wutian entered it, Dr. Breve directly turned on the gravity ten times - thirty times - fifty times - eighty times - one hundred and two times. Ten times - one hundred and eighty times!

After reaching the point of one hundred and eighty times, Dr. Breeve stopped moving and said:"This is the limit of the gravity chamber I made."

"Materials on earth, even if they are aerospace grade, can only reach so far."

"If you want to ascend, you must find special materials from outside the earth."

"That's enough.

Hearing this, Sun Wutian came back to his senses, looked at Dr. Brive with admiration and said,"Thank you, doctor!""

After all, this is a gravity chamber that can reach 180 times. This is not something that Boomer and the others can compare with.

The most important thing is that Dr. Briff is only made of materials on the earth, and Boomer The gravity chamber made by Ma was completed with the help of Namek's spaceship, so the gap between the two is still very large.

Therefore, there is no doubt that Dr. Briev's wisdom is comparable to it. Not many people.

Thinking of this, Sun Wutian said:"Doctor, can this gravity chamber be put away?"


Hahaha, Briv pointed to an area and said:"This is the shrink switch!"

"After all, I am a company that mainly develops capsules, so the things I produce naturally need to be easy to carry."

As he said that, Briff pressed the button.

In an instant, smoke rose from the gravity chamber, and then the gravity chamber disappeared and was replaced by an area where the capsule lay on the ground.

After doing all this, Briff placed the capsule He handed it to Sun Wutian and said,"Okay, Mr. Wutian gave this to you."

"I hope you will come to my home more often"

"Thanks Dr. Breeve."

Putting away the capsule, Sun Wutian did not refuse. After all, this was what he needed most.

Then, he looked at Dr. Brive and said,"Doctor, have you ever thought about making an artificial human?"

"Although artificial humans have great hidden dangers, there is no doubt that artificial humans are of great value and can perfect many things that you cannot do."

Although he hates artificial humans,

Sun Wutian is very clear that artificial humans are the way and hope for human beings to become stronger. Those who have read the original work will know that the limits of earthlings are not high, and even the earthlings in the later period are almost soybean existences.

But The artificial humans are different.

They have strong combat power, and most importantly, they have the power of the regeneration furnace.���At this point, it is completely possible to achieve unlimited energy.

For any martial artist, unlimited energy represents shamelessness and invincibility.

As long as they are not defeated in the first place, as the regeneration furnace continues to consume, the opponent's strength will rapidly slow down, and eventually they will be forcibly consumed and die.

Since Dr. Gero made the androids, why not Dr. Breve?

If he can make a few artificial humans, he will not only be able to protect his own safety, but also be able to protect the safety of the earth even in the absence of Sun Wukong and others.


"I know this technique!"

Glancing at Sun Wutian, Dr. Breve said:"But this artificial human technology requires genetics and other technical foundations. I don't know these methods!"

"On the contrary, there is a guy I know called Dr. Rogge. He is an expert in this field. He even made a mechanical android a few years ago, which has excellent responses in various fields.……"

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