The old man was very angry.

"That's it...that's it!" Ying Mengyao trembled, not knowing how to speak.

"Seventh sister, what is it?" Ying Yuyao asked in confusion.


"Oh, Seventh sister, please tell me!" Ying Yuyao said dissatisfiedly.

"That's it...that's it, he wants to enter your body, and he wants you to marry him!" Ying Mengyao trembled.


Ying Yuyao was shocked when she heard it.

"How did he enter my body? What did he use to enter?"

"Ninth sister, didn't mother tell us before that men can be things outside the body or things inside the body? You will know when the time comes."

After hearing this, Ying Yuyao stopped tangling with this question and asked in confusion: "Seventh sister, are you kidding me? Is he a prince? Or a prince of another country?"

Ying Mengyao shook her head, "Neither."

"Seventh sister, even if I am willing to marry him, my father will not allow it. As everyone knows, the princesses of the Great Qin Dynasty either have to marry a prince or a prince of another country, otherwise my father will definitely not agree."

"Ninth sister, as long as you agree to it, this person has his own way."

She knows how many endless means Qin Tian has, and there is also a small world. Her father should not be able to do anything to Qin Tian.

Ying Yuyao fell into deep thought after hearing this.

Although she didn't want to die, she didn't want to marry someone she had never met for no reason.

"Seventh sister, does this person have no other conditions? Can't you let father give him a high official title or give him a lot of cultivation resources?"

"No, this person's only condition is you! Moreover, this person does not want to be an official in the Great Qin Dynasty, and he does not lack cultivation resources."

"Seventh sister, how about asking father to capture him and cure me before letting him go?"

"Don't do that, this person has a high level of cultivation and endless means. Even if father takes action personally, it is impossible to catch him, and as long as we do this, he will never treat you again!" Ying Mengyao was shocked.

"But, seventh sister, I have never met this person, why does he want me to marry him?" Ying Yuyao asked in confusion.

Ying Mengyao's face flushed when she heard this, and she lowered her head in shame.

"Seventh sister, did you tell him?"

"That's right, this is the only person in the world who can save you. I can't see you die!" Ying Mengyao cried bitterly.

"Ahem! Sister Qi, don't cry. I don't blame you!" Ying Yuyao coughed and consoled.

"Seventh sister, I know you have loved me since childhood and can't bear to see me die, but have you ever thought about it? I have never seen this person and have no feelings for him. How can I marry him? What if this person is ugly and a pervert? What should I do?"

"No! This person is very handsome, a rare handsome man in the world, much more handsome than my father, and he is very nice to us. He is definitely not a pervert, but he has a lot of needs."

Hearing this, Ying Yuyao looked at Ying Mengyao in confusion and asked, "Seventh sister, you said he is even more handsome than my father? And what do you mean by listening to you, you also married this person? And what do you mean by a big need?"

Ying Mengyao nodded slightly, "Ninth sister, he is indeed more handsome than my father, and I did marry him. Not only me, but Xiaolian also married him. As for the following questions, you will know in the future."


"You and Xiaolian both married him?" Ying Yuyao said in shock.

"Ninth sister, isn't this better? The three of us have played together since we were young. Now we marry the same person at the same time, and we can be together forever in the future!"

Ying Mengyao patiently persuaded Ying Yuyao, telling them all the good things about Qin Tian, ​​but not mentioning his shortcomings. After half an hour of persuasion, she finally agreed to see Qin Tian before making a decision.


On the other side.

After Qin Tian left the small world, he returned to Wang Yuyan's courtyard. With a casual move, a level six array appeared in his hand.

Transmitting what the puppet had seen and heard that day to his mind, Qin Tian nodded slightly, "These people are really scared. They have not left the general's mansion for a single step that day, and have not communicated with anyone."

Immediately, he strode out, followed by the bloodthirsty puppet.

Everyone in Pingnan General's Mansion breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the evil star had finally left.

"Mom! This demon is finally gone! We are completely safe!" Wang Tianhua smiled.


Ni Wenjing slapped Wang Tianhua hard and shouted angrily:

You beast, it's all your fault. If it weren't for you, how could our Pingnan General's Mansion have suffered such a disaster? "


In less than half an hour, Qin Tian arrived at the Prime Minister's Mansion. He randomly found an empty alley, and he flashed into the small world.

The puppet picked up the Heavenly Demon Order and entered the Prime Minister's Mansion again invisibly.

He didn't forget that Ren Juntian was still in the Prime Minister's Mansion. Now that she had fulfilled her wish and rebuilt a body for her brother, it was time for her to return to the small world.

Originally, he was very unhappy with Ren Tianxing and didn't want to reshape his body for him.

But the five sisters tried their best to let She was happy, her lips were broken, but she still insisted. If she didn't give him some benefits, it would be a bit unreasonable.

However, the last time I saw her brother Ren Tianxing, he stood up for Ren Juntian and was severely injured by Wang Tianhua. He was still good to his sister, so I was relieved.

Soon, the puppet came to the Prime Minister's Mansion with the Heavenly Demon Order. Qin Tian controlled the puppet to check everywhere. After half a minute, he finally found Ren Juntian in an antique room.

The puppet opened the door and walked in.


As soon as the puppet entered the door, Qin Tian flashed and came to Ren Juntian's room.

"Of course it's me!" Qin Tian said with a smile.

"My lord, you finally came to pick me up! I thought you didn't want me anymore? "When Ren Juntian saw that it was Qin Tian, ​​she threw herself into his arms and choked with sobs.

Qin Tian wiped her tears, rubbed her little head, smiled and said: "How can this young master bear to give up you? You are so good at oral sex, but you are my favorite! Hahaha!"

"Young master, you are annoying!" Ren Juntian snorted.

"Haha, okay, Tian'er, you go back to the small world to practice first, your husband is preparing to enter the palace now. "

Ren Juntian nodded slightly after hearing this.

Immediately, Qin Tian's spiritual consciousness wrapped Ren Juntian, and with a thought, he sent her directly to the Tianmo Palace Square in the small world.

After doing all this, he flashed and entered the small world, letting the puppet continue to hold the Tianmo Order and go outside the Prime Minister's Mansion.

As soon as the puppet walked into the Prime Minister's Mansion, he saw Ren Woxing alone in the hall, sitting in the first seat and looking at the jade slip intently.

"Damn it, Ren Laogou, I let your daughter come back to reshape your son's body, but you dare to imprison her and sell your daughter. I will teach you a lesson today."

Qin Tian controlled the puppet and walked carefully behind Ren Woxing. The puppet took out the mace, circulated the spiritual power, and smashed it hard at the back of Ren Woxing's head.

"Bang! "

Ren Woxing was hit by the mace, rolled his eyes, and fainted directly.

This was because Qin Tian controlled the strength, otherwise his brain would burst with one blow.

Qin Tian controlled the puppet, took off Ren Woxing's storage ring directly, put it into the small world, and continued to go outside.

Just after arriving outside the Prime Minister's Mansion, Qin Tian's figure flashed and came to an empty alley. He took out the sound transmission stone and sent a sound transmission to Ying Mengyao: "Mengyao, I'm going to the palace now, you quickly arrange it. "

Thinking of the Ninth Princess, Qin Tian showed a strong look of expectation.

"How should I treat her later? Should I enter her body to treat it? Or should I go in after I'm cured?" Qin Tian muttered to himself.

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