The rain in Greece has been falling, from day to night, without a break.

Under this heavy rain, the whole of Greece has become a depression, and some relatively low-lying areas have even been flooded.

The surging sea occasionally beats up waves, as if it is going to climb onto the shore, forming a tsunami and thoroughly cleansing Greece.

And in this dark night, Oceanus is suspended in the air, watching all this with satisfaction.

As long as the heavy rain continues tomorrow, and then a few Saints are killed secretly, leaving one or two "survivors", and Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory, brainwashes them, tampering with their memories, and finally complaining to the Pope, then the Sanctuary will have an excuse to attack the Sea Realm!

At that time, these Titans can sit on the mountain and watch the fight between the tigers, and finally come out to clean up the mess.

"Oceanos, you are really good at playing!"


The sudden voice from behind also made Oceanus' face change greatly.

When he turned around, Poseidon had appeared behind him!

"Impossible, how did you know I was here, Poseidon?"

"Of course I know you are here, Oceanus. Now, the space and time of the entire universe are actually under my surveillance. Whether it is you Titans, Olympians, or the ancient gods, I can see everything clearly!"

Poseidon sneered, and he did not lie.

Even if the system's efficiency in stealing infinite space and time and Chronos' origin is extremely low, after more than two hundred years of precipitation, these origins have long been gathered into a powerful force, which further promoted Poseidon's growth.

To be frank, in addition to the laws governed by the original owner Poseidon and Pontos, the current Poseidon has to add space and time, dimension, and dimension.

Moreover, even if these laws are taken out separately, it is enough for Poseidon to become a powerful main god.

With these laws, Poseidon can even monitor and even dominate the time and space of the entire universe. With the power of omniscience and omnipotence, it is a piece of cake to monitor the movements of other gods.

It is precisely because of this confidence that Poseidon dares to openly confront the gods.

It can be said that in the entire universe now, except for the mysterious Nyx, Poseidon is confident that he can easily deal with all the gods.

Even Uranus and Apollo, Poseidon doesn't take them seriously at all!

In response, Oceanus couldn't help but sweat all over his face. The next second, he used the fantasy to create his own Chu Zhen's original form-Chu Zhen Dagger.

For the twelve Titans, their combat suits are weapons in their original form, which have the power to destroy the world.

But after wearing them, they also lost their weapons.

But relying on Chu Zhen and their own strength, they can use the power of fantasy to create Chu Zhen's prototype out of thin air to assist in the battle.

Some of these Chu Zhen created by them are even more powerful than the original.

Now that he has been caught by Poseidon, Oceanus knows that he is afraid that he has no way to escape and can only fight.

However, as the god of the sea who controls all flow and freezing, Oceanus also has his own self-esteem.

Even though his status and divine power are far inferior to those of the Sea Emperor, he is also a sea god. How can he beg for mercy and kowtow in front of Poseidon.

"Want to fight me? Well, I have killed Pontos, the first generation of the sea god, and it doesn't matter if I kill you, the second generation of the sea god!"

Poseidon smiled. Of course, he was not wrong. When the Titans dominated the entire universe, although Kronos was the highest ruler, ruling the four realms of heaven, earth, Hades, and sea.

But he still chose to delegate power and hand over part of the divine domain to the Titans under his command.

Among them, Oceanus, the god of the sea, was the god who ruled the ocean instead of Kronos.

Although he was not the King of the Sea, at that time, Oceanus was also the supreme ruler of the ocean besides Kronos!

"Glowing Water Stream!"

Oceanus waved two daggers. For a moment, the water in the entire space between heaven and earth, as well as the sea water below, were constantly turbulent with the waving of his daggers. For a moment, terrifying huge waves formed in an instant and rushed towards Poseidon.

The blade of his Chuzhen dagger was wrapped in divine water, which could completely generate infinite huge water streams from nothing, and could also control all water streams. Therefore, Oceanus's moves were all based on the mass and shock waves generated by huge water streams as the main attack methods.

Even if he could inject his own microcosm into the opponent, Oceanus could even control the opponent's blood.

After all, whether it was a human or a god, heThe blood in their bodies is also constantly flowing.

However, facing Poseidon who is much stronger than himself, Oceanus naturally has no chance.

"It's ridiculous, you are playing with water in front of me, the Sea King Poseidon, Oceanus, you are really stupid and cute! Cosmic explosion!"



Oceanus exclaimed, and Poseidon punched out. In an instant, the two Chuzhen short swords in his hands were immediately broken into pieces, and the Chuzhen on his body also exploded, and the whole person exploded into a ball of blood mist, flying between heaven and earth.

"Impossible, how could this happen?"

Oceanus was bleeding, and he didn't know how many bones in his body were broken. All his internal organs were severely damaged, and he was breathing out more and breathing less.

Even his small universe seemed to be affected by the cosmic explosion, becoming extremely unstable, looming, and seemed to disappear at any time.

"This war was not something that you little people could intervene in from the beginning. To be frank, in front of the real great gods, you second-rate gods don't even have the qualifications to enter! But since you have intervened, you must be prepared to die. Although you are a weak sea god, you are in charge of some of the laws of the ocean after all! Oceanus, I'm not polite about your power! Chaos Erosion Sea!"

Poseidon opened the dark sea of ​​chaos. Back then, he also used this trick to kill Strobes of the Cyclops.

"The power of Pontus? I really overestimate my own abilities! But Poseidon, don't expect a good ending for you. Reshaping the mythological era is the tone set by the gods! Whether it is our Titans or other gods, we will not sit idly by and watch the arrival of the reincarnation catastrophe. You go against the gods and choose to stand on the side of humans. One day, you will also be punished by the gods! And that day will definitely not be too far away!"

As soon as Oceanus said this, his whole body was assimilated and swallowed by the Sea of ​​Chaos, and he died without leaving any residue!

"Punish me? Wait until they can defeat me!"

Poseidon sneered, and then went to the sanctuary...

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