"Forget it, let Uranus make up his mind on this matter! We have sacrificed a lot of interests to win over Hades. Uranus naturally has to show his appreciation! Moreover, Uranus is responsible for the ocean. Pontos had an accident, so it must be blamed on Uranus! If the plan cannot be carried out, then Uranus will have to compensate us for the interests we wasted on Hades!"

Erebus said. Although he was looking forward to the ancient gods dominating the entire universe, interests were not calculated in this way.

Although the twin gods, Ker and other Hades gods were nothing at all, they were also gods!

Even if the second-rate gods were just slaves to them, they were also useful slaves and their property, and they could not be wasted.

"In that case, then you can tell him. I want to see what kind of concessions Uranus and Gaia will make! Except for Zeus and Apollo, the Olympian gods have never been taken seriously by them. Even Poseidon and Hades are just a little tricky for them! Now, Poseidon has ruined his plan. I wonder how that self-righteous guy will feel!"

Nyx said with a smile. Thinking of the big embarrassment of Uranus in the mythological era, both she and Erebus laughed...

Sicily, Mount Etna.

Walking through the rugged mountain road and entering the dark cave, Tinao, Rimuru and Melba finally entered the cave in the mountain and saw the giant sealed there, the son of Uranus, the god of the sky, and Gaia, the mother goddess of the earth, and Typhon's brother, Enceladus, who is also one of the giants of the Gegantes!

Although Typhon was also sealed here, it was the result of the joint efforts of Athena and Zeus, and it was unbreakable.

That is why Enceladus, an evil giant at the level of a second-rate god, was not taken seriously by Zeus.

"Another Saint of Athena? How hateful! You sealed me 14 years ago, and now you come to ruin my good deeds again!"

Enceladus roared, his anger turned into a hurricane, howling in this underground cave, blowing Tinao, Rimuru and Melba unable to open their eyes.


Tinao's face was solemn. In order to carry out this mission, they were fully prepared.

Apart from other things, they had already learned about the situation here from Shion.


The one who came here to carry out the mission 14 years ago was not someone else, but his mentor, the former Taurus Gold Saint - Hasgarth!

In the mythological era, before leaving heaven, the god king Zeus made a bronze doll, Aldebaran, to protect his beloved woman, Europa, and their children.

The heart of Aldebaran was endowed with divine blood by Zeus. As the top innate god, Zeus's divine blood has never weakened even after endless years.

The powerful divine power gave the bronze doll Aldebaran eternal power, and its combat power was even comparable to that of the Golden Saint.

Compared with Athena's divine power, which basically disappeared after more than two hundred years, it is not at the same level at all.

14 years ago, when Hasgart came here to perform a mission, he even fought with Aldebaran, whose divine blood power was out of control.

In the end, with the help of Hasgart, Aldebaran barely suppressed the outburst.

Both sides went deep underground to deal with Enceladus together.

It was with the power and lightning of the blood of Zeus from Aldebaran that Hasgart suppressed Enceladus deep underground.

But the giants are also gods, even if they are lower-level gods, their life level is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Although Enceladus's true body could not leave the ground, his soul ran out.

He even went the other way and took away the blood of Zeus from Aldebaran.

Although he could not turn Zeus's power into his own, and even his power would be suppressed, as long as he adapted to this power, Enceladus was confident that he could use it to unlock the seals of giants around the world and let their giants reappear on the earth!

If the seal of Typhon could be unlocked, it would be even better.

At the moment when Zeus is not here, with the power of Typhon, it is completely possible to compete with the Olympian gods, or even replace them!

Of course, before that, he had to get rid of the annoying Athena Saints first!

"Don't worry, Tinao, looking at this guy's current condition, he should be in a soul state. In this way, it will be much easier to deal with him. I will contain him, and you find a way to take away his core!"

Melba said, Tinao and Rimuru also nodded.

Enceladus' body at this time is the heart of Aldebaran.The heart is the core, and the remains of the puppets made here in the past mythological era are combined.

The heart core is also easy to identify. Even now, Zeus's thunder is still flashing.

"Corpse Qi·Underworld Wave!"

"Damn little devil, you actually want to shake my soul, unforgivable! Die!"

At the moment when Melba cast the Underworld Wave, Enceladus immediately felt that his soul was unstable, and it seemed that he would break away from the body he was attached to at any time.

He roared in anger and punched Melba directly.

As a giant of the Guigantes clan, although he is a lower-level god, his strength is also extraordinary.

He has the strength of a second-rate god. Even if his combat power is not outstanding among second-rate gods, he is not comparable to the seven-sense warrior.

Without any tricks, the giant's casual attack is probably powerful enough to crush the stars.

"Ice Coffin Shield!"

At this moment, Rimuru also immediately attacked, and the huge ice wall directly blocked Enceladus's fist.


The giant fist hit the ice shield, and it was cracked all over. However, the ice wall that several gold saints could not break together finally blocked this terrifying punch. Even Enceladus who was attacking felt incredible.

"Now is not the time to be dazed! Ice crystal ring!"

Rimuru lightly tapped his right hand, and the terrifying freezing air burst out instantly, forming a layer of mist around Enceladus.

Of course, although it looks like mist, it is the terrifying freezing air at absolute zero.

As long as you touch it a little, you can completely freeze the enemy.

At this moment, even Enceladus couldn't help feeling a chill.

"Damn you, do you think you can trap me?"

"Giant Horn!"

Just when Enceladus tried to break free, Tinao, who had been accumulating strength, finally made a move, and a giant horn hit his heart directly.

The powerful shock wave instantly broke Enceladus' chest, and the heart of Aldebaran was also knocked out!

"Damn you, I actually..."

"Evil giant, disappear with the mythological era, corpse gas·soul burial!"

Just when Enceladus was unwilling, Melba also made another move, and the blue ghost fire attached to his small fist suddenly hit Enceladus's huge body!


At this moment, Enceladus's huge body immediately exploded violently, and the entire Mount Etna even shook in an instant!

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