At night, in Hades City, in Pandora's room.

Feeling the disappearance of Quinbe and Chub's microcosm, Pandora couldn't help but sigh.

She knew that these assassins had failed just like the script she knew in advance.

There was only the frog of Gilos, and Pandora simply ignored him.

The Hades warrior from the Earthly Star was not worth looking forward to at all.

At this moment, Pandora was lying on the bed, worrying about what expression she should show when she was criticized by Aaron tomorrow.

In addition, how should she deal with the twin gods? Headache!

"Don't worry, my little beauty? Just let everything go!"

A big hand suddenly stretched out from the side and groped Pandora's body, which immediately made Pandora blush!

"P, Lord Poseidon..."

Pandora turned her head slightly and found that Poseidon was lying beside her.

"Pandora, I have finished my work. I have also killed the horse of Mephisto, the star of heaven! The only thing left is how can you survive this holy war? However, I believe you can do it... Ah, I really want to have a child with you!"

Poseidon's hands became more and more dishonest, and Pandora's face was also red.

However, playing is playing, but Poseidon will not eat Pandora at this critical moment.

With his secret protection, as long as Pandora does not take the initiative to reveal her feet, neither the Gemini God nor Aaron, who is disguised as Hades, will be able to find out her abnormality.

But if she loses her virginity, it will be different. Both the Gemini God and Aaron will definitely be able to detect it at the first time.

As a puppet of these Hades gods, and also playing the role of Hades' sister, Pandora's first time can only be taken by Hades.

Even if this is a "chicken" talk for Hades, Pandora has to stay alone and wait for her fate!

"Lord Poseidon, I will definitely live well!"

"Well, I look forward to the day when you take the initiative to lie beside me!"

Poseidon kissed Pandora's forehead and disappeared in the room in an instant!

[That's right, I must live! Even if it's just for myself, I will try my best to live! ]

Pandora's eyes were extremely firm. Now she has completely lost her faith in Hades!

On the other hand, Poseidon returned to Atlantis and said a few words to Seraphina, and then went to the end of time.

Yes, it is one of the ultimate worlds created by Saturn, who is also a super god, in "Saint Seiya Ω".

Here, the past, present, and future are intertwined and overlapped. The origin of every universe and world in infinite time and space also started from here.

Only the existence of a microcosm above the Big Bang level can enter and exit this world at will. The birth of the universe is the beginning of time. All time starts to flow from here and eventually converges here.

In other words, the beginning and the end exist in the same place, which is also one of the basics of eternal reincarnation.

At the end of this time, there is infinite energy.


But because Chronos, Saturn and other beings are all super gods of time, in this ultimate world, time warriors are very favored.

As long as warriors with time abilities practice in this world, there will be no bottlenecks. It is equivalent to the privilege given to them by Saturn, and they can easily reach the realm above the Big Bang level (main god level).

At the same time, you can travel from this world that connects all time and space in the past, present and future to any dimension.

Moreover, warriors with time abilities do not need to consume any power to manipulate time and space in this world, which can be said to be playing with time in the palm of your hand.

And this is only a tiny part of Saturn's power.

The power that Poseidon gained from Cairos's phantom allowed him to directly reach the intermediate level from the low-level upper god.

Now he is definitely stronger than Apollo in the heaven.

But Poseidon is not satisfied with this. Although his microcosm realm has long surpassed the Big Bang, his space-time ability is still a little bit lacking.

If he practices in this place, he can not only quickly digest the stolen power, but also help him develop the skills of space-time ability.

While Poseidon was practicing, the holy war was in full swing.

Although Pandora was scolded, it was just an insignificant matter for the holy war.

After knowing that the Pluto Army assassinated Pegasus, the Sanctuary paid more attention to Pegasus.

Pluto ArmyHere, under the instigation of the Twin Gods, Pandora also imprisoned Aaron in the cage of the dream world, allowing him to concentrate on completing The Lose Cnvas.

It was at this time that the Sanctuary also chose to attack Hades City with its army.

What made Pandora happy was that the two mountains of the Twin Gods were still sealed by the Saints.

Manigot of Cancer

Danadus was found by the master and apprentice pair of Sage and Manigot. In the end, after a big fight with Manigot, he was still calculated by Sage, using his own body as bait, and finally sealed in the Holy Ark.

Both of them, the master and the apprentice, also died.

Hypnos wanted to kill Pegasus, and also sent the Four Dream Gods to hunt, but in the end, he was broken by the Capricorn Gold Saint, El Cid, at the cost of himself.

Although he died in the end, he also eliminated the Four Dream Gods and even allowed Sisyphus to recover.

Hypnos himself was also sealed by Bai Li, but before being sealed, he seemed to have noticed some inside stories of the holy war.

Although he was sealed, he felt somewhat proactive.

After all, Hades let Aaron go and let him fight with Sasha and Pegasus, and Hypnos himself plotted and tormented Aaron many times.

Once Aaron planned to attack him, Hypnos would never be his opponent facing Aaron with the power of Hades.

In this case, it would be better to retreat and let others seal him, and then let his master play!

Anyway, he, a second-rate god, dared not challenge the main god.

In the end, as Hypnos was sealed, Hades' barrier was destroyed, and the war between the two sides broke out completely.

Let's not talk about other Saints and Hades for now, the fight between the Gold Saints and Hades was particularly fierce.

The radiant fire of the sky-violating star Bennu bird

Hasgarth of Taurus faced the radiant fire of the sky-violating star Bennu bird, and both sides died in the end.

The gold saint of Leo, Regulus, wanted to seek revenge for Radamanthys's father's murder, but was eventually taken advantage of by Caludia of Scorpio. In the end, Caludia died in the battle, and Radamanthys was seriously injured and dying by his last poison needle!

Regulus defeated Baioret of Behemoth, but he was seriously injured and dying by Aiacos of Garuda, one of the three giants.

Fortunately, Sisyphus came to save him, and defeated Aiacos with his serious injuries and the power of comprehending the eighth sense.

As for the other gold saints, there were also casualties on both sides.

After a gunfight, both sides suffered heavy losses!

Finally, after Aaron appeared, the battle ended with the temporary retreat of the Holy Land.

But everyone knew that when the two sides fought again, it would be the day of the decisive battle!

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