Sanctuary, Aquarius Palace.

"Rimuru, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Teacher Dieter! It's just... it's really scary. Hades, the king of the underworld, has a completely different universe from my father! Although it doesn't feel as deep as my father's, it's still unfathomable!"

Rimuru patted his knees and said in shock.

Dieter saw the little guy's behavior and was very appreciative.

After Poseidon brought the two children to the Sanctuary, he took Ren Ye away alone.

Now, Rimuru stayed with Dieter and became his disciple.

And Melba stayed in the Pope's Palace, temporarily taken care of by Bai Li.

Aaron's pressure just now broke out, and the entire Sanctuary, not only the Saints, but even ordinary people couldn't stand up.

Rimuru and Melba were in the Sanctuary, so they were naturally not immune.

"I'm sorry, Rimuru. Although I accept you as my disciple, you should also be able to see that the Sanctuary is in a very special period. Although I want to teach you, I must also focus on the battle that may break out at any time! However, your father, Lord Poseidon, specially asked Asmita to be your and Melba's teacher. It can be seen that the idea of ​​that lord is to let you learn combat skills from us, and then comprehend the microcosm from Asmita. He has high expectations for you, and I'm afraid he also wants you to comprehend the eighth sense!"

"You are right, Teacher Dieter! Please forgive me, my father never means to look down on you. He also hopes that we can become stronger to support the future of the sea world!"

"I know this!"

Dieter was full of smiles. He was good at thinking and knowledgeable. Poseidon's intention was so obvious, how could he not understand it.

And Dieter had to admit that in terms of the realm of microcosm, no Saint Seiya in the entire Sanctuary could compare to Asmita.

Moreover, Asmita's microcosm was over-consumed due to making the wood-luanzi rosary, and he could no longer fight in this holy war.

With no time left, he had plenty of time to teach the two children the essence of the microcosm.

As for Dieter, he only needed to teach his ice fighting skills.

In this way, he fulfilled the request of his best friend, Seraphina...

A few days later, Hades City.

Pandora, who was worried about the situation, was also shocked. In an instant, she was shrouded by a huge dark microcosm.

The terrifying figure of the twin gods appeared in front of her again like a nightmare.

"Lord Hypnos, Lord Danados... I wonder why you two have condescended to this?"

"Shut up, he ignored the stage we specially prepared for him and ran to the Holy Land alone. Why is this? Do I need to explain it?"

"But, I, Pandora, can't do anything about this!"

"It's too ugly, Pandora!"

Danadus shouted angrily, and the dark little universe instantly turned into dark thunder, giving Pandora a full-body electric therapy.

For a while, Pandora's screams also echoed in the city.

"Pandora, if you can't do it, we will take care of Lord Hades! In order to let Lord Hades complete Paradise Lost without any distractions, we will prepare a special studio for him so that he will not think about going out alone! During this period, you must cut off the root of Lord Hades's inner wavering! So... you should know what to do, Pandora!"

"I know!"

Pandora responded, and the twin gods disappeared in front of her.

When the twin gods left, Pandora couldn't help but clench her fists. While feeling humiliated, she also hated Aaron and others.

Obviously, all this was Aaron's fault. He pretended to be Hades and ran to the sanctuary by himself, but in the end, she was punished!

It's really hateful, so hateful!

As for the twin gods, Pandora also hated them, but she didn't dare to show it in front of the gods.

Once the twin gods noticed that she had a different heart, her end would be extremely miserable.

Although she was Hades's appointed commander of the Pluto army, she was nothing but a scum and a slave compared to the Gemini gods who were his right-hand men.

If the Gemini gods wanted to kill Pandora, they would definitely not have too many scruples.

Hades would certainly not pursue responsibility for this matter.

Pandora was not worth turning against her two most trusted confidants for a slave!

However, although she hated it, Pandora did not dare to neglect the task assigned by the Gemini gods.

Although she wished that Aaron would be taken away by the Gemini gods, for her own future happiness, in order to be able toAfter being redeemed by Poseidon, she must play her own role like Aaron.

"Who will be the assassin? Go and kill Pegasus for me. Tell me your name!"

"Yes, Lady Pandora, leave this to us!"

As soon as Pandora spoke, two Hades warriors knelt behind her.

Earth Star·Bat's Wenbo

"Earth Star·Headless Knight's Chubu, Earth Star·Bat's Wenbo... Then, this task is left to you, and you must take down Pegasus's head!"

"Yes! We will definitely complete the task as a mere bronze Saint!"

"We will kill him in the dark without him noticing!"


Pandora nodded slightly, and Chubu and Wenbo disappeared from the scene in an instant.

But after the two left, Earth Star·Frog's Gilos also volunteered.

There should have been two assassins, but now it has become three.

[The future predicted by Lord Poseidon has come true again. This time, the Hades warriors have sent away three more heads! Their mission will definitely fail. Next, I will most likely be scolded by Aaron... Hateful Aaron, a born evil kid! Hades is so stupid that he actually regards him as the purest person in the world! ]

Pandora was furious when she thought that she would be criticized again soon.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, Aaron is indeed very pure, but his purity is based on Pandora's pain.

Therefore, in Pandora's view, Aaron is the most evil human in the world, no one else!

But no matter how angry, helpless and unwilling she is, she has to endure it, because she is a "secretary"!

At this moment, Pandora even envied Seraphina. As female spokespersons, the treatment of the two is very different.

Even Seraphina has achieved Pandora's ultimate goal. Not only is she second to none, but she has also given birth to offspring with her master, who is a god!

In Pandora's opinion, even if she can't be like Seraphina, at least she should be as relaxed and comfortable as Ren Ye...

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