Thick smoke continued to rise, and the burning flames and pungent smell of blood continued to spread.

When Tenma followed the Saint Seiya troops led by Dohu and Shion to this hometown, he stayed where he was.

Although all the friends in the orphanage have moved to Atlantis, Aaron is still here. I don’t know what happened to the friend who made him fight for him!

"Hey, Tenma..."

Seeing Tenma suddenly leave the main force and enter the town, his friend, the Unicorn Bronze Saint Seiya, Ye Ren, couldn't help but get anxious.

"Okay, don't worry about him for now, let's see if there are any survivors! If you find any survivors, rescue them immediately."

Shion ordered, then glanced at Dohu, who nodded and immediately followed Tenma.

The importance of Tenma, the gold saints of the zodiac have already vaguely known something.

Although nothing can be seen at the moment, as a person entrusted by the sea emperor Poseidon, Tenma can't die easily just for this reason!


Not long after Tonghu followed, a roar suddenly came from the town.

This made Shion, who was originally planning to search and rescue ordinary people, immediately stunned and frowned. He didn't expect that a battle would break out so quickly.

And the only ones who could fight with the Saints were undoubtedly the Hades Saints!

"The search and rescue operation is temporarily abandoned. Now, go to the town to check the situation!"



In the town.

Just now, Pegasus ran into Filigias of the Sky Sin Star·Jackal.

Filigias of the Sky Sin Star·Jackal

The two sides were enemies, and the hatred of destroying their hometown made Pegasus explode directly and beat Filigias directly.

Although Pegasus is a bronze Saint, in terms of strength, he is not much worse than the peak strength of the Silver Saint.

The sixth sense of the microcosm has long been honed by him to perfection.

With his current strength, unless the opponent has comprehended the seventh sense, he is no match for him.

"Is it you, Pegasus Saint!"

At this moment, Radamanthys of the Sky Star Wyvern also stepped over the body of Philicias and walked towards Pegasus.

His powerful pressure instantly shocked Pegasus, and his brain went blank.

Seeing this, Radamanthys narrowed his eyes, his expression full of disdain.

"Humph, trash! I personally volunteered to come and attack you, but I didn't expect that you are only this level! But it doesn't matter, sinners like you, go to hell now!"

Radamanthys flapped his wings, and a strong gust of wind instantly tore the atmosphere, sweeping towards Pegasus like countless wind blades.

[Damn, I can't dodge, this guy is too strong...]

Tenma's face was horrified. Although he had practiced in the Sanctuary for the past two years and received instruction from Asmita, he had never been involved in a battle of this level.

And Asmita's strength might be above Radamanthys, but he needed to accumulate his microcosm, so it was impossible for him to fight with Tenma. At most, he could find a few Saints to serve as sparring partners for him.

Therefore, when facing the Seven Senses Warriors, Tenma's dilemma was revealed.

And even if he was a Seven Senses Warrior, Radamanthys was not an ordinary Seven Senses Warrior. His combat power was among the top ones among the Seven Senses Microcosms!


Just when Tenma was desperate, Dohko stood in front of him and helped him block the attack.

The strong wind that Radamanthys casually raised only tore the cloak behind him.

"You are..."

"Idiot, how can you act arbitrarily during the mission! But you are really attractive. You ran into a big fish right at the beginning. I didn't expect to run into the three giants of the underworld so soon!"

Dohu looked at Radamanthys with a serious face, and he didn't want to punish Tenma at this moment.

"You are Dohu, the Libra Gold Saint! It's just right, I'll kill you together!"

Radamanthys's face condensed, and the terrifying microcosm began to burst out.

Just at this moment, a series of dark thunders suddenly resounded through the sky, instantly shocking the two.

"Back off, Radamanthys! As expected... my best friend should be entertained by me!"

"What... Aaron!"

Watching Aaron slowly fall from the air, Tenma couldn't help but widen his eyes, full of disbelief.

"Yes, Lord Hades!"

Although he wanted to kill Dohko and Tenma directly, since the master came in person, Radamanthys couldn't disobey him, so he could only step aside and wait and see.

"Aaron, you are HadesSi? "

Pegasus' voice was trembling, and his eyes were full of astonishment.

Tong Hu was also quite shocked. He did not expect that Hades, the King of Hades, was actually Pegasus' best friend.

In response, Aaron couldn't help but smile and said: "It's great that you are still alive, Pegasus. I have been thinking that if I had not gone to the town, maybe I would have been sent to live in Atlantis! "


"It's such a pity, Tianma, we missed it after all! I even drew a portrait for you, which will come in handy now!"

As soon as Aaron said this, an oil painting of Pegasus suddenly appeared out of thin air and floated in front of Aaron.

The next second, Aaron held a brush, stained with the blood that soaked the earth, and directly hit the portrait of Tianma with a red cross.


Suddenly, the bronze holy clothes on Tianma's body also shattered. He himself even vomited a mouthful of blood, and his vitality continued to disappear.


When Tong Hu saw this scene, he couldn't help but hug him in a hurry.

Pegasus, on the other hand, looked at Aaron in astonishment, and even to his death he still had a look of disbelief on his face.

"Goodbye, Pegasus!"

"Goodbye, hometown!"

"Goodbye, Aaron!"

Aaron's eyes shed tears, and his long blond hair was dyed black at this moment. The dark universe continued to burst out of him, seeming to become more powerful than before.

"You guy, why did you kill Pegasus? Isn't he your best friend? Answer me!"

Feeling Tianma's cold body, Tong Hu also looked at Aaron angrily and asked.

"I am Hades, the king of Hades, where can I find my best friend? Moreover, for Pegasus, death is the salvation I bestow upon him!"

Aaron said indifferently, not taking Tong Hu seriously at all.

"In that case, I am here to grant you salvation, Hades! Lushan Hundred Dragon Tyrant!"

"Don't be arrogant in front of my lord, Tong Hu! The greatest warning!"

Seeing Tong Hu launching an attack on Aaron, Radamandis also stood up and hit him with a maximum warning shot.

For a moment, the two people's special moves collided. The strong force directly crushed Tong Hu's Bailongba, causing him to fly backwards like a cannonball and penetrate several walls.

On the other hand, Radamandis just took a few steps back and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of her mouth. It was nothing serious!

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