Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 952: 3 strokes

? The two momentums are tumbling up over Qishan. In the level of spiritual seeing, they should rise to the sky like flames. Cultivate for a weaker existence. If you dare to spy on the battle with the mind, I am afraid it will be smashed by two powerful forces in an instant.


Below Qishan, countless demon kings felt the terrible breath, and suddenly made a terrifying cry, and fled towards the distance.

Under this momentum, the people of the Su family and the war family had to retreat again and again.

"Brother Su Yue, can Chu Jingtian win?"

Su Long asked in amazement.

"I, I don't know ..."

Su Yue's eyes were full of horror. Naturally, he was more inclined to be shocked, but Zhanshan's cultivation was significantly higher.

"Fart, in such a role, the boss said that the three tricks beat him, and the three tricks will surely beat him down!" Lu Jianli cursed fiercely.

As soon as the words fell, the momentum was already reaching the extreme battle mountain, and at this moment it skyrocketed.

Suddenly, they swept up this terrible momentum and blasted towards Chu Jingtian's location. That amazing speed even burned the air and brought out a plume of flame like a meteor!

When the momentum rolled down, it shattered the pressure on the ground, and the sound of 'Beep Beep', the huge Qishan was going to burst apart, as if it would collapse at any time.

"First move!"

Chu Jingtian smiled lightly. Facing the rolling hills, he turned his right hand and waved his fist slowly.

This fist is like an antelope's hanging horn, and it is natural and flawless.

Booming towards the battle mountain.


A loud noise blew loudly.

The turbulent air waves that waved during the attack were even hundreds of square meters of ring-shaped hurricanes. The hurricane set off like a wave sweeping out. Suddenly, with Qishan as the center, all the trees and mountains were crushed into powder on the spot.

Feeling the power of this hurricane, everyone in the surroundings changed drastically, and they flew towards the rear. At the same time, the eyes looked forward without blinking.

At this point, everyone couldn't help but take a breath.

Under Chu Jingtian's fist, Zhan Shan was directly beaten out. Chu Jingtian still stood in place, not moving.

"how can that be?"

"He actually repelled Battle Mountain?"

"Where did this guy come from? Why hasn't he ever been his character before?"

The fighters couldn't help but take a breath.

The children of the Su family were stunned.

Only Lu Jianli looked proud, as if he had expected it.

At this moment, Chu Jingtian's voice sounded again:

"Second move!"

This cold voice shrouded the heavens and the earth like a canopy of sky, as if it sounded directly in the ear of Zhanshan. Zhan Shan trembled in his heart and quickly looked. I saw that Chu Jingtian didn't charge up.

"What does he want?"

In Zhanshan's doubtful eyes, Chu Jingtian slowly raised his hands,

The ten fingers, which are thinner than the women, quickly sprinted and printed, and each movement aroused this aura of heaven and earth. Countless auras of heaven and earth visible to the naked eye, like spring wind and rain, come down in a vortex.


There were bursts of dragon howling.

In the shocking eyes of everyone, a fierce dragon made up of various attributes directly emerged in the virtual space. Fire Dragon, Water Dragon, Thunder Dragon, Ice Dragon, Wind Dragon ...

Almost at the same time, they quickly gathered behind Chu Jingtian in a gesture of covering the sky.

Each elemental dragon has a necessary fiber pattern, lifelike, as if the physical body is condensed.


Su Fan almost did not bite off her tongue.

Chu Jingtian's move is exactly the same as the spell he used in the tomb of King Xian, but its power is quite different. Compared with Chu Jingtian, his spell is almost like a trick played by a child.

"go with!"

Chu Jingtian waved slowly.

Suddenly, the thousands of dragons scrambled towards the battle mountain and swept away.

As if in front of these dragons, Battle Mountain is like a delicious prey.

"Get away!"

Zhan Shan roared, his forehead was blue and mad, apparently he had urged his vitality to the extreme.

He flipped his hands up, and brought infinite vitality to the dragons.

"咚!" "咚!" "咚!" "咚!" "咚!"

Bursts of horror burst through.

The whole sky was violent, as if a brilliant firework bloomed.

Looking at the sky, everyone's brain is blank.

"too strong!"

Zhan Shan's mind was even more confused.

From the punch that Chu Jingtian started to the skill that came out of his hands, he gave him a huge sense of oppression. Every time a dragon is broken, he can feel his physical strength passing by quickly.

"No, if I go on like this, I'm afraid I would lose without three moves!"

The palm of the ice smashed the smashed dragon, and the battle dragon glanced at the pervasive emergence of the sky, as if an endless dragon, which had originally reached the ultimate infuriating energy again:

"Get out of me!"


Zhanshan roared, the surging anger swept out.

I saw him use his hands as a knife and suddenly cut off. The whole person is like a revolving swordman, no matter how many dragons you have, you can't get close.

"Good job!"

Seeing this scene, the fighters felt that their blood was boiling and couldn't help shouting.

"Wanting three moves to defeat Brother Zhanshan, who do you think you are? It's just laughing at big teeth!" Zhan Zhong snorted even more.

As for the Su family, there was a silence, staring at the battlefield.

The appointment of three moves has passed two moves, only the last one!


A horrific tear sounded loudly.

The countless mad dragons were actually beheaded by Zhan Shan.

"Haha!" In the air, Zhan Shan raised his head and Yi Yi hunted. He stared at Chu Jingtian with staring eyes, his laughter sounded like thunder:

"Boy, you want to defeat me within three strokes, it's so whimsical!"

"Now you only have one trick left ~ ~ What do you think of you?"

Hearing the words of Zhan Shan, the hearts of all the Su family were trembling again.

According to the previous agreement, if Chu Jingtian did not defeat the battle mountain within three strokes, he would even concede.

Now that he hasn't made any success with even two moves, can this last move beat the battle mountain?

The fighters were all overjoyed, as if victory was in sight.

But at the same time, I can't help feeling sad. The leading figures of the young generation of grand warriors will be complacent because they insist on three tricks in the hands of an unknown young man.

Faced with crowds or suspicions, or shocks, or rejoicing, or mocking eyes, Chu Jingtian's expression remained unchanged, and his voice resounded through the void again:

"Third move!"

I saw that he lifted his right hand and slowly pressed down!

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