Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 939: Tiangong dispatched

? ......

"How is the assessment?"

On the island, a gold-faced Rakshasa stood with his hands on his shoulders, and his robe was hunting by the sea wind. In front of him, there were more than twenty silver-faced Yasha, at the moment he was asking about the assessment.

"The situation is not very good. Of the more than 2,000 people who participated in the assessment, 70% have been killed." A one-eyed silver-faced Yaksha said.

Regarding this, Golden-faced Rakshasa didn't respond at all, just listened carefully.

Because the existence used to evaluate this time is the warrior of Tiangong.

It was extremely difficult, not to mention a silver faced general.

"Those are wastes that don't matter!" Jin Nian Luo Cha nodded, "Is there anything worth special attention?"

"A total of seven people!" One-eyed Yasha thought about it and said, "The first one is Liu Yiyi! As unexpected, she should be able to pass the assessment!"

Liu Yiyi, San Xing Sanxiu.

The beginning of the Eight Realms.

Have participated in a prefecture assessment.

The last time, because she temporarily broke through the eight realms, forced the assessment to be interrupted, so she was sentenced to be eliminated.

"The second is Chen Mingwei!"

One-eyed Yasha continued.

Chen Mingwei, a disciple of Shengge Wuge, the beginning of the Eight Realms!

Because of offending the Wuge elders, he was framed to steal the Wuge sect, and was expelled from the Wuge. Later, after training, he actually flattened the Wuge and became famous for a while.

"The third is Xia Qingchen!"

Xia Qingchen, the holy realm repaired.

Once because of a Tianling Dibao and the Holy Warriors fought, they accidentally killed a tribe of the Warriors. Because they had no choice, they joined the land government.

"The fourth is Dongfang Yu!"

"The fifth is ...!"

"The sixth is ...!"

Golden-faced Raksha heard his brow frowned slightly and couldn't help but said, "These people are just ordinary, not too brilliant. Nothing, these six people are not very useful when the judge is using them ! "

Recently, the local government and Tiangong fought frequently, and the men of several core members suffered great losses.

Even if these people pass the assessment, they are only the lowest-level dark iron wandering souls. They can only do some dirty work and collect some information.

Speaking, what suddenly happened to Jinmian Luosha, "Did you just say that there were seven people in total? Is this one more?"

"The last person was San Luo Wang Cheng, but he was killed and his bones were absent, so we can't judge who it is!" One-eyed Yasha respectfully.


Golden-faced Raksha heard that his eyes and pupils could not help but lighten up, and some dared not to believe: "Someone could kill Wang Luocheng, and killed him without any bones. It seems that this child is not bad.

"Yes, it is said that it is still killing with one palm!" One-eyed Yasha continued.

"It seems that this assessment has really picked up treasure!" A golden light flashed in the eyes of the golden-faced Raksha.


As the assessment progresses.

The battle in the entire mystery became more and more locked up.

More than a hundred Tiangong members have been killed, and some are fleeing continuously. Most of the masks have fallen into the hands of the martial arts participating in the assessment.

It can be said that this assessment has come to an end.

They must accumulate five masks in their hands in the remaining days, and they will not be taken away by others during this month.

However, some people still don't get a mask.

Among the three thousand six hundred islands, one of them.

People stood here.

"Most of the month has passed, and now there are only more than a dozen of us brothers!" A Tiangong member wearing a black iron live mask, his voice was cold.

"Although our strength is dominant, there are too many people on the other side!"

"But now, the number of warriors participating in the assessment of the local government has been reduced by a lot in order to mask each other!"

For those who took part in the assessment, these members of the Celestial Palace were the prey to be slaughtered. It is even more difficult to live to the end of the assessment in this case.

Many of them had to work hard to escape to this small island.

Their only hope of survival is the man in front of him wearing a silver mask.

Like the prefecture, these members of Tiangong are also divided into four levels.

Black iron real people, bronze immortal soldiers, silver celestial generals, and gold celestial officials correspond to the four levels of the outer area of ​​the palace.

Usually they are privately referred to as 'surname'.

The silver general is Sun Tianjiang.

Since the assessment began, they have been ordered by Sun Tianjiang to hide in the island.

When Attorney Cui sealed them in this secret realm, but told them that if they wanted to survive, all the warriors who had entered the secret realm evaluation could be killed!

And they have been hiding here, waiting for the opportunity!


"I did not expect that more than half a month later, among these 3,600 islands, there was actually an uninhabited island. I wonder if any members of the Tiangong are hiding here!"

After hearing this laughter, the breath of the dozen or so Tiangong members present immediately became cold.

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!

Four figures quickly landed on the island.

If Chu Jingtian is here, he must be able to recognize that these four people are the four people who have had conflicts with them before, headed by that strong man.

The four strong men had just landed on the island, and the eyes of more than a dozen dark iron real people all looked at. The silver-faced Sun Tianjiang, headed by him, looked coldly like a sword!


The sturdy man took a breath of air, and just now he wanted to speak, and a real black iron man had already been killed.


Jian Guang was cold.

Four heads fly up.


Four headless corpses fell weakly to the ground.

"Master, our hiding place has been exposed!"

"Soon, there will be more appraisers of martial arts in the prefectures, who will hear the wind and come here!"

"We have endured long enough!"

"Master Sun Tianjiang, let's go!"

Looking at the corpses that fell to the ground, the dark iron real people present could not help shouting in unison.


In the voice of ~ ~, the silent Sun Tian who has been sitting in the center will rise suddenly.

"it is good!"

"We have been hiding for 27 days!"

"In the twenty-seven days, we couldn't bear it. A total of more than 80 members of the Tiangong were killed by each other! Those who participated in the assessment were constantly killing each other in order to compete for our mask!"

"Now their number has been greatly reduced! In this case, we don't need to hide anymore! Follow me and kill them directly, and kill all those who participated in the assessment."

"Let them know the power of our heavenly palace!"


As soon as Sun Tian's words came to an end, it was already a step out, and the breath broke out without reservation!


(End of this chapter)

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