Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 92: 3 Grand Masters!

If Lei Yunfei's wind tiger is a transitive wind, the roaring momentum is unstoppable.

Then the astounding wind is a tornado that can destroy everything.

At this moment, everyone can feel that the aura of rolling aura between the heavens and the earth rushes quickly, converging directly in front of Chu Jingtian, staying between his right hand. He grabbed it casually, and the wind turned into a half-moon-shaped wind blade, and it was almost formed in a split second!


The icy cold mang lights up and flashes on.

Time seemed to stop completely under this wind blade. In the shocking eyes of countless people, the unstoppable wind tiger was divided into two by Chu Jingtian.

The wind blade remained unabated and cut to Lei Yunfei.

"You have actually reached Master Xuanxuan!"

Lei Yunfei exclaimed, spreading his hands, the infinite mana formed a cloud wing behind him, avoiding the cut.


The blade of wind flew past Lei Yunfei's body and banged on the Wansheng building hundreds of meters away, and cut it off directly. In the exclamation of countless people, this huge restaurant collapsed and shook the entire imperial city.

Lei Yunfei's eyes were shocked to hear the sound of that devastation.

He thought that this blow was enough to easily kill the opponent, but who thought that the strength of the opponent actually reached Master Tong Xuan.

"Although your wind tiger is strong, it is not strong enough, and it is not enough to defeat me."

Chu Jingtian smiled and said.

"What about this? I don't believe that I am practicing Yushen Realm, and I can't destroy you, a little master Tongxuan!"

Lei Yun screamed angrily, mana gushing like a tide. Suddenly wind blades, lightning, flames, ice cones, and water arrows swept away towards Chu Jingtian.

He thinks that he possesses the practice of imperial realm. Even if he has a huge mana far superior to the opponent, he can easily kill the opponent!

"My goodness!"

Seeing the spell covering the sky, everyone shivered in fright. Lei Yunfei was a human-shaped turret. With so many spells under his hood, let alone kill Chu Chutian. It can be done easily!

"Is this the Royal God Realm?"

Fang Chengjing and other practitioners were stunned.

Such terrible techniques, let alone say that he cannot be released by himself, even if seven or eight people are added together, they may not be able to explode like this. Not to mention, each one is a second-order operation.

Even if it is a army of a thousand people, he will be killed by most of them instantly.

"Who said I was just Master Tong Xuan?"

Chu Jingtian laughed loudly.

The flow of Yang Mucheng, Chu Wushuang, and Zhang Ruochen was too weak, and he easily resolved it with a wave of his hand. Now reaching the state of triple master, he has nowhere to play. Now meeting Lei Yunfei, such a powerful God of Realm, has excited him.

He stomped his feet, bursting with energy. Then he grabbed it with a large hand, and in the void outside him, a sword of aura appeared. The number of flying swords in this sky is no less than that of the other party to cover the sky.

"Master Qi!"

Lei Yunfei was about to collapse.

Zhang Ruochen reluctantly reached the true master with the help of Bloodwing Silver-eyed Demon Worm. However, the other party actually reached the state of dual masters under the condition of double martial arts.

This level of strength almost made him speechless, and the danger level of Chu Jingtian in his heart suddenly increased by several grades.

"嘭!" "嘭!" "”! "

The void burst open, and the attacks from both sides were drowned in midair.

"I don't believe it, I can't consume you! When your mana and energy are exhausted, it is your death!"

Even if it was a double master, Lei Yunfei bit his teeth and drew a circle in front of his hands, the infinite aura flowing between the world. This time he forcibly plundered the aura of heaven and earth, and the spells that erupted were faster, denser and scarier than before!

Chu Jingtian smiled, and squeezed a seal with his right hand.

Suddenly, hundreds of swords of Qi were formed beside him again.

With the surging of Indian swords, these swords converged like Wan Jiangui, forming a giant sword with a length of several feet. With Chu Jingtian waving his palm, he suddenly cut out.

boom! boom! boom!

Wherever the Great Sword passed, all the techniques were immediately torn apart. The sky that was blocked in an instant was white in the sky!

"See how my sword cuts you!"

With a slight smile, Chu Jingtian waved his right hand suddenly. This giant sword burst out with a sound of swordsing, brought a lightning-like predatory light, and pointed at Lei Yunfei.

Lei Yunfei retreated again.

This sword was cut off from him dangerously, and a tens of meters of sword marks were cut directly. It extended from the foot of Chu Jingtian to the outside of the Beiliang King's Palace. Split in half.

Everyone was shocked by this scene.

"Double Grand Master! He is not even afraid of the powerful God Realm, and can still hold the other side down. This is really terrible, right?"

Wei Qingfeng swallowed foam.

On the side, Yi Yifan could hardly speak, and couldn't help but make trouble.

"too strong!"

Several female soldiers of the Suzaku Regiment who followed Chu Yao looked at Chu Jingtian with admiration.

The identities of these girls are also extraordinary, and there are many young talents around them, but those people are not even worth mentioning to each other compared to Chu Jingtian!

"Youzi is so envious of others!"

Lu Tianxun couldn't help sighing.

But Chu Ao was worried, maybe others didn't know the terrible strength of the Royal God Realm, but he understood that the strong Royal God Realm was not a dual master's realm.

Sure enough, after avoiding the sword, Lei Yunfei looked at the sword mang on the ground and laughed wildly:

"Chu Jingtian, I despised you. I didn't expect that you would be able to reach the dual master's state when you were so young. I said that you had never reached Yushen Realm and would never know how terrible Yushen Realm was!"

"I don't know if you can catch this trick!"

Lei Yunfei's hands danced in front of him like a butterfly. At this moment, the spirits rolled wildly and poured in, converging between the inches of his hands. As the reiki gathered, electric snake thunder pythons converged and formed around him.

Everyone looked dull when they saw him.

The previous technique was just a wave of Lei Yunfei's hand. Now he uses the seal to perform the technique. What is this leisurely move? I saw the countless electric snake thunder pythons gathered around him, but it was slowly forming a thunder dragon with a length of more than 20 meters.

This thunder dragon is almost a circle larger than the Yin snake, and its scales are more necessary than the fibrous lines and lifelike. The shining thunder light even darkens the sun and the moon!

Almost immediately, the formation of Lei Long was accompanied by a shocking dragon howl, like an arrow off the string, and shot towards Chu Jing Tian.

"Hisse ~"

Seeing this thunder dragon, the Yin snake scared no longer dare to stay in place, and yelled aloud, like an arrow off the string, burst out of Beiliang King's Mansion.

"Oh my God! Is this a complete blow to kill Chu Jingtian?"

Looking at this Thunder Dragon, countless people couldn't help screaming.

"This kid is dead, the Master is angry, and no one can withstand the anger of a strong God of Realm!" Zhang Ruochen sneered, but this smile just appeared on his face and instantly solidified.

I saw Chu shocked and smiled.

"Dual Grand Master, naturally cannot fight against Yushen Realm, but what about Triple Master? Look at me!"

In the shocking eyes of countless people, Chu Jingtian punched his right fist and made a fierce step. He only heard the sound of bang, as if it had set off an earthquake.

All I saw was that the ground beneath him collapsed suddenly, and dense cracks spread along his feet. For a time, this depression was like being hit by a meteorite. Under this fist, Chu Jingtian's entire body was shot like a cannonball, and went directly towards Thunder Dragon!


Under the incredible eyes of countless people, the Thunder Dragon was actually smashed by the punch on the spot and turned into a thunderous sky. But Chu Jingtian jumped over Lei Guang and came directly to Lei Yunfei.

"You break through the body, you have actually reached the Master of Heng Lian!"

At this moment, Lei Yunfei's complexion changed completely.

He never expected that Chu Jingtian actually reached the state of triple master. Such existence is simply unheard of and unheard of. Strongly suppressing the terror in his heart, Lei Yunfei sprinted quickly, and even swiftly chanted:

"The wind is coming!"

Numerous romantics came together and turned into a shield with a thickness of a few inches in front of him. But he was not relieved, this shield was smashed under Chu Jingtian's fist.

And this punch was unabated, and he was hit **** his chest.


A mist of blood sprayed out, and Lei Yunfei blasted out of the air directly like an arrow off the string, and blasted on the parliament hall of the Beiliang King's Palace. With shocking eyes, the dozens of square-footed chambers suddenly collapsed.

Lei Yunfei was lying in the ruins, and the powers around him had been dumbfounded.

There was no shortage of strong men in the second realm, and they did not have no encounter with each other, but they have not seen anyone who can reach the triple master level, and they can also oppress a strong **** realm!

This kind of power can hardly be described in words ~ ~ How is it possible? "

Yang Mucheng was as dumb as a chicken, his eyes were almost protruding, and his heart turned over. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he couldn't believe that someone could reach the triple master level before he was sixteen.

Others were not much better. They watched the Emperor Realm with the name of "True Immortal", but they were bombarded directly from the sky. There was no sound around, but there was a sound of air-conditioning.

In the dusty Beiliang King's Mansion, Chu Jingtian slowly fell. He lifted his head and looked at Lei Yunfei, who was lying in the rubble, grinning:

"How about my punch?"

PS: Thanks to the big brother 15270 for the reward, today is also the third. Each chapter is three thousand words. Although there are only three changes, it is equivalent to the weight of others' four changes and even five changes. I will speed up as much as possible under the condition of ensuring quality, I hope everyone understands.

(End of this chapter)

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