Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 886: 2x7 Master


There was infinite anger in the eyes of the statue deity.


At this moment, countless immortals and Buddhas all roared at this moment on the palace that day.


Then, in the roar, the gods and goddesses of the sky were bursting out, sweeping over the place facing Chu Jingtian.


Chu Jingtian slowly shook his head.

If others saw this scene, they might have turned pale and scared, kneeling and begging for mercy. However, he could see that the 'Heavenly Emperor' in front of the palace that day was just this statue which bears incense and worship and produced a hint of will.

Because of this group of Godless thoughts, self-creation became a god.

And this space is also a void world, which was created by the other party with divine thoughts.

"Get away!"

Faced with the overwhelming deities, Chu Jingtian looked immobile and grabbed nothing.


He yelled, and a sword slashed out.


Suddenly, there was only this golden light left between heaven and earth. The gods and goddesses in the sky were shattered on the spot under this sword, dissipating in the void like bubbles.

"Dare to blaspheme?"

The light of the statue's **** turned, and a loud roar erupted.

The original auspicious clouds, the palaces with flying cranes, and the unreachable Tiangong suddenly turned at this moment. For a moment, Chu Jingtian just felt like he had fallen into Jiuyou Hell.

The darkness was thick and sweeping around, and countless evil spirits continued to growl. At the moment, ‘Tiandi’, who was so towering and supernatural, became a ghost king with blue face and fangs.


He drank aloud.

Suddenly, countless evil spirits and ghosts rushed towards Chu Jingtian in a mighty blast.

"Carved worm tricks!"

Chu Jingtian frowned slightly.

He was also extremely cautious. After all, the attack on the mind is extremely dangerous, but who knows that the statue is tossed back and forth, these are the tricks. It is either heaven or hell.


Faced with this crazy surge of evil spirits, Chu Jingtian instantly condensed his thoughts to the extreme. Enormous divine thoughts converged and quickly condensed into a golden long sword.

A violent loud sound sounded, and the savage ghost bite was slain on the spot, and even this knife cut with the divine thought was directly cut into the space formed by the divine thought.

‘Hey! ’

Suddenly, this black hole, like the space of Jiuyou Hell, was cut open on the spot, and a huge crack was opened in the air.

Then, the whirlpool that has shrouded Chu Chutian quietly shattered.

When he opened his eyes again, Chu Jingtian had already returned to the island. The towering statue was still in front of him. Not only was the previous suction that was so attractive, even the statue itself was full of cracks.

"Haha, it's here!"

Chu Jingtian laughed and raised his hand.

Suddenly, a transparent group of light flew from the statue to the palm of his hand.

"God read!"

This group of transparent white lights is truly a group of highly concentrated godless thoughts.

"If you refine this group of divine thoughts, even if you can't reach the master of the double Qiqi Realm, you will be infinitely close!"

Chu Jingtian secretly condensed.

As soon as the next ban was lifted, Chu Jingtian swallowed the group of thoughts directly into his mouth.

Because it is not a substance, it disappears in the mouth.

At the same time, an eager feeling came out in my mind, which was a sign of a great increase in divinity. At the same time, an appeal similar to the previous statue of the gods was created on his body.

It's just that this attraction, compared to the goddess statue, does not know how many times it will be huge. Once ordinary people are attracted to the spirit, it will be difficult for them to escape.


Divine thoughts twitched.

In the world of divine thoughts that can't be seen by the naked eye, Chu Jingtian's divine thoughts are like a large net, spreading out in all directions. The big net formed by this divine thought is denser and larger than before.

Almost instantly, it was already covering the sea, the huge islands.


The Gorefiend ancestor seemed to sense something, and suddenly raised his head and looked toward the sky in doubt.

"what happened?"

Someone whispered.

"It seems like someone is peeping at me!" The bloodlord ancestor frowned slightly.

"You are on the list of immortals and monsters, and who dares to peep at you?" A magical warrior beside him smiled charmingly.


The Gorefiend ancestor heard his words, his brows stretched out.

"After I have wiped out the treasure in this secret territory, I will let the kid die without a burial place!"

Chu Jingtian appeared in his mind.


"So clear!"

Feeling the scene appearing in his mind, Chu Jingtian couldn't help moving his heart darkly.

If it is said that his previous thoughts were a large net, but as long as it is a net, there will be loopholes. But now after absorbing the group of Godless thoughts in the statue, the loopholes in the thoughts have been filled by themselves.

Everything in this area of ​​the sea was very clearly in his mind ~ ~ Right, you can just take the opportunity to see what is the treasure deep in the mystery! "

Returning from the enhanced surprise of divine thought, Chu Jingtian turned his eyes and put all his mind in the deepest position of the mystery. So far, everyone who has entered the mystery has not noticed the baby.

Chu Jingtian is not.

When he stepped into this secret realm, he set his sole goal there.


The highly condensed divine thought, swiftly moving towards the end of the sea in a gesture more swift than before. Although there are many strong practitioners who enter the secret territory, Chu Jingtian's thoughts are like the vast sky, with a condescending attitude.

Even if they were passing by, they could only be a little confused and didn't know what was going on.

Today, Chu Jingtian has reached the master of the two levels of the Seven Realms, coupled with the absorption of the previous thoughts of the Lord, the breadth of the thoughts, the cohesion, the scope, and the scope is simply shocking.

Soon, his divine thought had already passed through the seas.

At the end of the sea, it is a huge valley.


When Chu Jingtian's thoughts swept across the valley, Chu Jingtian couldn't help but be surprised.

The ghostly axe of this valley is like a huge valley formed by a meteorite falling down.

"Is it an alien star?"

Looking at this valley, Chu Jingtian could not help narrowing his eyes.

As his thoughts continued to spread forward, suddenly a powerful repulsion surged.


Chu Jingtian only felt that the thought was a hit. If he was severely hit, when he opened his eyes again, he suddenly returned to the island.

Think back to everything you saw before.

Chu Jingtian stood up suddenly.

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