Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 884: Majestic rain

After experiencing this incident, the Blood Demon ancestors and Yan Mo Shi Meng Du deliberately distanced themselves from Chu Jingtian.

Even Yan Xingfan has a posture like avoiding the femme.

Obviously for everyone.

They came to find hidden treasures in the secret realm, and naturally they did not want to have extravagant branches.

But Chu Jingtian is pure and happy.

After beheading and killing Hua Yunfeng and Bai Longshi, he immediately felt that those eyes behind him who wanted to die to his death suddenly reduced a lot, and some of them simply became fear.

Obviously, they were all frightened by Chu Jingtian's actions just now.

"Boss, how do you go next?" Lu Jianli narrowed his eyes and looked at the sea.

"How else can I go, naturally I broke through." Chu Jingtian hummed coldly.

Hua Yunfeng was seriously injured, so it was difficult to walk in this area. And they are still at their peak. As long as they are prepared, this area of ​​the sea cannot stop them.

Thinking of this, Chu Jingtian already stepped out and swept forward.

"Let's go too!"

The Blood Demon ancestor and Yan Mo Shi Meng were still discussing how to cross the sea. When they saw Chu Jingtian had stepped into the sea, they looked at each other, refused to fall behind, and quickly followed.

Ye Qingchen and Yan Xingfan naturally refused to neglect, and quickly followed the three of them.


Soon after entering the sea, the originally calm sea suddenly seemed to boil. The majestic sea tumbling and rolling, mixed with the wind like a knife, swept continuously.

A killing intention of a golden iron horse immediately filled the air.

"looks like it's going to rain!"

Greedy Dragon narrowed his eyes and said.

I saw an overwhelming force over this area of ​​the sea that began to accumulate in the sky.

But in an instant, this Jin Ge iron horse's power was accumulated to the extreme. Then, the waves of the entire sea area tossed, and drops of black rainwater suddenly fell from the sky, crashing wildly towards the sea, and crashing towards the people preparing to cross the sea.

boom! boom! boom!

These black raindrops are incredibly fast. Every drop of rain contains the power of terror, as if coming directly through the void, and it has already reached the people in an instant.

Even if everyone had heard Bai Longshi said long ago, after making preparations, they were still almost unable to respond.


A soldier of the Seven Realms had not responded yet, and was hit by the rain.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The rain hit him, and a dull, loud sound broke out, even a crackling sound. Almost in a blink of an eye, his body was perforated and shot into a sieve.

Then, between the blood mist and falling into the sea, life and death are unknown.


"Hurry up and stop this rain!"

"The power of these rainwaters is simply ..."

Witnessing the power of this heavy rain, all the warriors who stepped into the sea could not help but change their colors, almost after a face-to-face bombardment of a Seven Realm Powerhouse.

The scared people did not dare to neglect, and they all summoned magic weapons or released shields to resist the bombardment of this rain.

Chu Jingtian even picked up a seal at the same time and released the shield of Zhenyuan to form a vacuum area, pushing the rain away.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The horrible rain shattered the shield.

Chu Jingtian only felt that the rain that fell was not rain, and every drop of rain seemed to be a mountain, and the void shivering. Those raindrops that fell on the sea were even more frantic.

Lu Jianli and Greedy Dragon also released the golden bowl and dragon ball to resist this heavy rain.

The Fire Demon Meng also released a flame shield, and nine dragon-like flames moved up and down around him, blasting those raindrops in public.

For everyone in the Fairy List, this rain is not a big threat, but it is not normal for ordinary Seven Realm warriors. The power of this rain is too horrible. Almost instantly, dozens of Seven Realm Warriors were bombarded in public.

Still others, although the magic weapon was summoned, it barely resisted the first wave of rain, but their magic weapon was also hit by this rain, and was cracked and thin.

As a last resort, these warriors can only hold each other, and three or four people form a small group to resist the rain together.


Having become accustomed to the bombardment of raindrops, Chu Jingtian swept away first, and went deeper into the sea again.


It seems that Chu Jingtian's unbridled anger has angered this area.

In the majestic clouds and rain, those black rains became more and more violent. It seemed that he couldn't stop Chu Jingtian's footsteps, and the light suddenly appeared in the clouds, as if there was lightning.

Immediately after, it was no longer a drop of black rain, but a silver storm. Even more terrible, there are electric snakes surging in those silver rainstorms ~ ~ It seems to be mixed with the power of lightning.

This silver rain was obviously a raindrop that Bailong had not mentioned before.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

The rain fell and hit the shield.

At the same time, the lightning power in the rain continued to release, tearing the shield.

But Chu Jingtian was totally disregarded, and his speed continued.

The original union of three or four people only resisted the warriors under the black rain. How could they withstand this power and double the silver raindrops more than doubled. In a burst of blasts, either the shield was broken or the magic weapon was broken.

At the same time that the magic weapon was broken, the body was shredded by the silver rain on the spot.

Looking at those torn warriors, Chu Jingtian frowned.

Although he knew for a long time that this mysterious space is a huge grinding disc, and countless people will fall into this space, but even seeing this scene with his own eyes, even Chu Chutian couldn't help moving.

"The treasures in this space are really not so easy to get!"

Chu Jingtian converged.

No time to feel.

Although this piece of silver rain is powerful, it still seems a little too inadequate for those who are really strong. The lower part of the Seven Realms was basically brushed down. At least those who can follow the large troops have the peak, perfection, and even the rank of the Seven Realms.

And Chu Jingtian also knows that in the next three days, there will be a steady stream of strong men coming in. These strong men include not only the two demons, the ancient relics, the demon clan, but also those in the holy realm.

"Be there before everyone!"

Chu Jingtian's eyes were closed, and he looked at the connection between heaven and earth, where the blue light shone.

There, it is the center of this mysterious area, and it is where the treasure is.

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