Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 81: The domineering body showed great power!

Liu Tianyi has been in the wild forest for three years, and has accumulated infinite blood in his hands. With his experience and vision far beyond his peers, it can be seen that Liu Tianyi has only a little martial arts knowledge.

Don't talk about him, even ordinary soldiers of the White Tigers can kill him.

‘Lu Jianli, since you dare to take the lead for Chu Jingtianqiang, you have the consciousness of being cleaned up, and no one can save you! The 9th prince originally wanted Chu Chutian to kill the chicken and tamarin, since you dare to hit the muzzle, then I will take you first! ’

Thinking of this, Liu Tianyi's face gradually cooled down.

"Yi Moqing, Chu Jingtian is as timid as a mouse, and actually let Lu Jianli take the lead in his place. But this does not mean that he can escape this calamity! After Liu Tianyi cleans up Lu Jianli, he will teach him!"

There is a female companion whispered.

Ren Yun lengheng:

"This Lu Jianli and Chu Jingtian are all the same, just a lesson."

俆 Mo Qing bowed her head and said nothing.

Only she knows that Chu Chutian, which everyone can't see, is Mr. Chu who is worshipped by everyone!

She looked at Chu Jingtian secretly and whispered:

‘Chu Jingtian, I admit that you are really powerful, but what about Lu Jianli? Isn't he your brother, do you just watch him die? Liu Tianyi's strength is not bad! ’

Under the watchful eyes of everyone ...


Just as Liu Tianyi was standing still, Liu Tianyi's eyes flashed coldly. Suddenly, the huge vitality erupted suddenly in his body. He slammed on the whole person like a humanoid beast and shot directly at Lu Jian away go with.

This Liu Tianyi was so fierce that he shot without a word. When almost everyone hadn't responded yet, he was already in front of Lu Jianli!

"Ha ha!"

Yang Mucheng laughed secretly.

Liu Tianyi followed him for three years in the wild and ancient forest to fight with the barbarian tribes, and his strength has already reached the point of being angry. He seems to have seen the scene where Lu Jian fell to the ground and mourned!

"Can you stop it?"

The violent impact of Liu Tianyi and the sweeping murderousness that swept it all made the people present unable to help himself. If you are at that position where Lu Jian is away, I'm afraid I can only evade the edge.

But even if you avoid this trick?

I am afraid that Liu Tianyi's general attack like mercury will be the next thing to do!

In the eyes of everyone's worry, I saw Lu Jianli raised his right hand and hit Liu Tianyi's face directly. This slap is trivial, just like driving away mosquitoes and flies.

"I don't know if I live or die! How dare you resist?"

Liu Tianyi sneered, and even refused to resist, directly raised his muscles and punched Liu Tianyi's chest in shock. His punch was faster, fiercer, and stronger, just like the arrow off the string, and the bursting shell hit the sword in Lu Jianli's chest.


When this punch hit Lu Jianli's chest, Liu Tianyi was completely shocked. He only felt that his fist seemed to explode on a human-shaped copper block, and the powerful reaction force even shook his right fist!

"How could it be, why is this guy so strong?"

However, there was no time for Liu Tianyi to be shocked, and Lu Jianli's slap followed.


A crisp voice sounded, and this slap was drawn directly on Liu Tianyi's face. In the eyes of countless people who couldn't believe it, Liu Tian's image was like a rag doll was directly pumped out, scoring dozens of meters and crashing into the wall.

The entire wall was knocked down, revealing a human cave. Even if Liu Tianyi was an energetic warrior, he was beaten with blood by this slap.

"You can't even beat me, and still want to do something with boss Chu?"

Lu Jianli grinned, and rushed forward to lift his foot to step on.

He is the body of a hegemon, how powerful this foot is. Even if a copper mine would be stepped on by him, how could Liu Tianyi bear it? With only a click, the right knee was crushed directly.


Yang Mucheng couldn't help it anymore, and slammed the table angrily.

Liu Tianyi is the heir to King Hanjiang and his confidant. Now that his kneecap has been broken, even if he recovers, his strength will drop, which is equivalent to breaking his left and right hands!

The middle-aged man in the crowd had already printed his hands almost at the same time that Yang Mucheng opened his mouth, throwing out a two-foot-long wind blade. This wind blade condenses to the extreme, bringing a sharp whistling, wherever it goes, whether it is a table, chairs, benches, or porch potted plants are all cut in half.

"Be careful!"

The whole banquet was in chaos and everyone was in panic.

This is to kill Lu Jianli in one hit!

There were also one or two cultivators among the nobles and nobles present who wanted to stop the wind blade. But the inconspicuous middle-aged man had at least Tongxuan Peak's cultivation behavior, and the wind blade he had thrown away was no one could intercept it, and it was just after Lu Jian left.


Ren Yun covered her eyes and was afraid to look.

However, everyone imagined that the situation where Lu Jian was chopped by the wind blade did not appear. The wind blade 'Dang' was chopped on his back, as if it was slicing on a rock, but it burst himself Come on.

And Lu Jianli didn't even return his head, and stepped on Liu Tianyi's left leg again.

The same crisp 'click' sounded.

Liu Tianyi, who was crying and crying desperately, suddenly seemed to be a **** who had pinched his neck, his voice stopped abruptly, and he passed out on the spot.


The whole banquet was dead.

From Liu Tianyi's being slapped away by a slap, to his legs being broken, it happened in an instant. But at this moment, no one had thought of it, and no one could think that Lu Jianli was so powerful!

"When did Lu Fatty become so powerful?"

"The wind blade exploded on him, and it even exploded. Is he okay?"

"Slap Liu Tianyi with a slap and ignore the magical powers of Tong Xuanqiang. Does he have a diamond body?"

Looking at the faint Liu Tianyi, watching the unscathed Lu Jianli, everyone in the room opened their mouths wide, and then the sound of shock, scream and exclamation swept open.

Previously, they thought that Lu Jianli challenged each other, which was a self-death, but now they have witnessed the scene of Lu Jianli's great power.

In the presence, only Chu Jingtian was drinking tea leisurely, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

"I finally understand why you are so relieved that Lu Jian has left, but you are Mr. Chu!" Only then did Mo Qing respond and couldn't help smiling.

Wang Chong was just his named disciple, and after only a few pointers, he became the head of the Qinglong regiment. Lu Jian's strength is bound to be inseparable from him.

It is amazing to be able to turn an unskillless uncle into a hordes of martial arts in just a few days!

"It's too hard for Lu Jian to shoot from you, right? You completely abolished him!"

Yang Mucheng almost didn't bite his teeth.

Today's Liu Tianyi, even if he heals his injuries, will be considered half-futile in the future. How can he not be angry?

"When Liu Tianyi did something to me, didn't he also want to abolish me? The practitioner who had attacked me just now wanted to kill me!" Lu Jianli slowly turned around.

He glanced at the middle-aged man and grinned.

"The fat man hates most people attacking me behind his back!"

The middle-aged man, named Zhao Feng, is a strong man in Tongxuan Peak and a follower of Yang Mucheng. From this time he was able to attend a banquet with Yang Mucheng, we can see his ranking in Yang Mucheng's heart.

And by virtue of his previous release of the wind blade, so many people did not stop him to learn that this Zhao Feng has extraordinary strength.

But now that Lu Jian laughed so much, Zhao Feng only felt creepy, and an overwhelming sense of crisis came directly to his heart.


He took a step back, sang aloud in his mouth, his hands were already printed in front of him like a flower. There was a violent wind in the banquet hall. Numerous worlds and spirits came together. A crowd of dragons whistled suddenly in the ears of everyone, followed by a wind dragon completely formed by the wind.

After forming, it is towards the position where Lu Jian away, and lightning strikes away!

"Wind Dragon Curse!"

"This spell is a second-order top grade!"

While everyone was exclaiming, Lu Jianli burst out at the same time. Facing the formed dragon, he directly chose the most rude method and hit it on the spot!

In the incredible eyes of countless people ~ ~ Feng Long burst open on Lu Jianli's body, exuding a knife-like wind, and blasted out a trace of sharpness around him.

In this wind, Lu Jian stretched out his big hand and buckled directly on Zhao Feng's head.

"Dare to shoot at Fat Man, let me die!"

With a chill, Lu Jian shook his five-finger mammoth, crushing Zhao Feng's head like a watermelon on the spot.

"Physical resistance to spells! This is Henglian Master!"

Behind Yang Mucheng, an old man trembled and almost moaned / groaned.

This old man is called Ji Yuanhao, and he is also a refining warrior, and his strength reaches the peak of refining. It is because he thinks that it is inadequate, and in the face of Zhao Feng's wind dragon curse, he can only avoid the sharp edge and dare not confront it.

But now Lu Jianli contends with the Wind Dragon Curse without injury, and instantly kills a Tongxuan strongman, which is a shock to him.

"Master Heng Lian!"

Yang Mucheng looked at Lu Jianli, his face was completely cold. He thought that the other party was just like Chu Jingtian, who was just an unskillful uncle, but now the other party's strength is beyond his imagination.

"Does anyone dare to compete with me again?"

Lu Jianli grinned sneer.

The warriors behind the Prince of the Nine immediately lowered their heads and did not dare to see him again. The scene just now has told them how terrible the strength of a Henglian master is.

If you hit it with all your strength, you may not hurt the other person, but you will hurt yourself. The other party punched you, you can't even defend it. How to fight?


Heng Lian master they naturally dare not fight, a second-order animal trainer can still bully them.

Immediately, some people set their eyes on Chu Jingtian.

ps: Thank you, big brother Yun Chen

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