Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 2 Chapter 710: Ten gods like

This black warrior is called Jing Wutian!

Low-key, little known in the magic gate. But his strength is no less than that of Cao Shaoqing and Feng Tianhao.

Most of those who use guns are sky-high.

But Jingwutian was extremely cold, and he stepped out, his hands shaking with a spear. Suddenly, a dark shadow burst out, and a lonely bombardment came, as if a poisonous snake was ready to go. A shot was a lethal killing.


Chu Jingtian smashed Cao Shaoqing with a fist and pointed at the slashed scabbard. He threw three thunder rays with a wave and smashed the bone spear that Feng Tianhao had thrown. Finally turned around, raised his fist and smashed behind him.


A crisp sound sounded and the dark shadow ready to stop was stopped.

Its huge strength even shook Jing Wutian's body and shivered backward.


There was a shock in Jing Wutian's eyes.

Although Cao Shaoqing and Feng Tianhao couldn't make contact with Chu Jingtian, after all, he had no personal experience, and he didn't know how strong the other party was. But this time, he immediately understood that the gap between the two sides was too big.

Chu Jingtian was one enemy and two, and still did not come up with all the repairs.

"I'll see how long you can hold on with the three of us!"

Jing Wutian had a bite, and his eyes flashed.


He had a spear in his hand, and his momentum changed dramatically.

Suddenly, he seemed to be transformed into a cold poisonous snake, and the spear in his hand was the fangs exposed by the poisonous snake!


Moving like a mountain, moving like a landslide.

Jing Wutian pointed a spear and swept across him. The violent anger circled around his body and formed a gigantic python, as if to swallow Chu Jingtian in one mouth!

"Any ants, get out!"

Chu Jingtian snorted coldly, grabbed with his right hand, grabbed the seven inches of the python lightly, flirted lightly, and flew Jing Wutian out.

Chu Jingtian originally wanted to hunt down Jing Wutian, Cao Shaoqing raised his hand and slashed again, blocking his way. Coupled with the endless tactics of Feng Tianhao, three people barely maintained the situation.

"My goodness!"

Cui Juan's eyes were about to stare out.

He only knew that Chu Jingtian was a madman in Zhanwutang, but he didn't know how strong the opponent was.

Feng Tianhao, Cao Shaoqing and Jing Wutian are three levels higher than those of Peng Ao and others. But in this case, Chu Jingtian has one enemy and three opponents, and still has the upper hand.

The three men's all-out attack on Chu Jingtian was just painless and itchy. But with a random blow, all three had to go all out to resist it.

The disciples in the distance were stunned.

The fear of the strong is the mind of all. Chu Jingtian made his debut with the hope of everyone. Especially when Chu Jingtian asked them to leave first, when he came to deal with these demons, many people even set off a sorrow and indignation in their hearts: Chu Jingtian wanted to sacrifice his life to save them!

Many disciples even vowed secretly when they left. If they can return to Zongmen alive this time, they must practice with concentration and revenge for Chu Jingtian and a few of the masters who entered the Taoist Church in the future!

But after seeing this scene, they just realized that they thought more.

Chu Jingtian actually suppressed this group of magic gate warriors.

"How strong is this guy! I can feel that he hasn't exerted all his strength so far."

In the demon, an old man with a sword said, shaking.

He is not inferior to Feng Tianhao or Cao Shaoqing's top powerhouse, but now when he looks at Chu Jingtian with an enemy of three, and is still an easy-going stance, his heart suddenly felt a hint of despair.

"Let's go!"

The last man with a fleshy face and a pretty body-like appearance said coldly: "If you don't kill Chu Jingtian, don't say you get the treasure of Qifeng Mountain, maybe we all have to plant here!"


As soon as the words fell, the pretty elephant man was already stepping out, shaking his hands into a fist. He was like a vented cannonball, hitting Chu Jingtian's place with a horrific howling sound.

This pretty elephant man is called Thunder, and it is even more like his name.

The crowd was not surprised yet, he had already rolled a pair of iron fists to hit Chu Jingtian in front of him.

However, in the face of Thunder's fist, Chu Jingtian actually did not hide or dodge, and took the fist with his chest.


It sounded like Hong Zhong Da Lu loudly.

The invisible energy swept wildly.


Thunder throbbed, and he just felt like he was hitting the unshakable Luojia Mountain. Instead of smashing the opponent, he was numb by the force.

"Haha, just because you want to attack me?"

Chu Jingtian laughed loudly. He didn't move under this punch, and immediately raised his hand to slap him in the past. Thunder was so dignified that he didn't dare to be indifferent. He quickly raised his hands and tried to stop the blow.


In the incredible eyes of everyone, Thunder under this slap, like a meteorite crashed to the ground, and collapsed the ground.


The old man with a sword was hesitant for three minutes before. After seeing Thunder being slapped down with a slap, there was still a little bit of hesitation, and the sword was already joined in the battle.


The fierce sword sounds rang suddenly, and when the sword gas swept through, the clouds on the horizon were smashed.


Seeing the old man holding a sword, Thunder thundered, his soles crashed, and the whole man burst out again.


Feng Tianhao, Cao Shaoqing and Jing Wutian looked at each other, and there was a flash of poison in their eyes, and they nodded together.

For a time, Chu Jingtian was directly caught in the situation of one enemy and five!

"You guys ..."

Cui Hu'an originally looked at all this with a smile, but he saw that these Momen warriors rushed up one after another, but they were united to deal with Chu Jingtian, and even he couldn't help it.

They want to intervene ~ ~ but they dare not.

Ordinary spells are not effective for strong players of this level, and mass-destructive spells are afraid of accidentally hurting them. They can only watch the battlefields chaotically.

Chu Jingtian faced all kinds of strange techniques and tricks, and various strange and cold martial arts.

"Are you five? Come together!"

Chu Jingtian laughed, his eyes skyrocketed.

He had previously warned that he had been guarding against these Momen warrior dogs jumping over the wall and chasing Su Qiong, so he did not dare to let go to fight. Now that they are killing them together, they can make Chu Jingtian worry-free.

At this moment, Chu Jingtian's silver hair fluttered, and his war-fighting was sky-high.

He is going to kill one of the five well-known strongmen with one enemy and five!

(End of this chapter)


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