Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 62: Shen Yuan

White Tiger Regiment, Chinese General Ledger.

Seven head coaches, more than a hundred head coaches, and even several headmasters and thousand headmasters have squeezed this place to no avail. But the crowded ledger was silent, and everyone stared at the three corpses of Chen Beiwang, Ye Zhichen, and Dong Chengwei.

If it weren't for the corpse in front of you, everyone couldn't believe that someone would dare to ignore the White Tigers and even slash the three head coaches!

"I think we should apologize to Mr. Chu! This matter is that we have done something wrong and received the due punishment. If we put down our posture and bow our heads, Mr. Chu will certainly not end with us!" The long head of the teacher sank.

"What a joke? It's always our white tiger team bullying others, how can it be others to bully us? Why don't we kill Mr. Chu, will any cat or dog step on our heads in the future?" One clan captain called.

"Who is going to kill him? How to kill him? Unless you lead the army to besiege him! Otherwise, you will be killed if you send as many people as you want," he said helplessly.


Everyone fell silent for a while.

What made them most desperate was that the Qinglong Regiment, the practitioners, and those casual practitioners all clearly stood behind each other when they were at the venue. If they dare to send soldiers under siege, I'm afraid that the army has not yet left the barracks, maybe they will shock the royal family!

"If you invite the head coach, can he deal with Mr. Chu?" Then a voice suddenly came from the crowd.

The crowd looked around, and it was Chu Wushuang who spoke, and saw him continue:

"The chief coach's strength is so great that he is far above us. Although Mr. Chu is a martial arts master, he is not invincible. If the chief coach is willing, even if Mr. Chu is strong, he will be beheaded within ten moves. level!"

Chief coach!

That is above all the heads, all the heads. All of them, the captain and the head coach, have all seen the existence of that great! If he can make a shot, he will definitely give out this bad breath for the White Tigers.

Suddenly everyone cheered up.

"But the head coach is already in a semi-retired posture. He stopped coming to the barracks three years ago. Can we please move them?" Some people couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"The chief coach is jealous and hateful. If he knew that our white tiger group was bullied by this, he would never stand idly by!" The light flickered in the eyes of a longman, and said categorically: "Let me wait with you, respectfully invite him out of the mountain!"


"Master Chu, the White Tigers have invited Yan Hezhi!"

Almost as soon as the White Tigers were dispatched, Wang Chong got the news and rushed to report.

After the First World War last night, Chu Jingtian did not return to the palace, but went directly to Zijin Pavilion. Those cultivators, the warriors wanted to ask him for directions, and they all took out the treasures they had treasured for many years, which caused Chu Jingtian's storage rings to be almost full.

If someone else gets so many celestial treasures, maybe how to deal with headaches. But Chu Jingtian laughed and accepted everything, but it was only one night that he refined all the heavenly spirits and treasures into the second-order 'Yangqi Dan'.

"Hisse, Yan Hezhi? Isn't that old thing dead?"

Luo Shengyu, watching Alchemy, could not help but take a breath.

"Who is Yan Hezhi?" Chu Jingtian opened the Dan furnace, and filled the jade with the Dan pattern into the jade, asking casually.

Wang Chong said quickly:

"He is the head coach of the White Tiger Corps! The strongest peak of the spirit, only one step into the realm of success. Outsiders say that he died five years ago, but in fact he took the initiative to withdraw from the White Tiger Corps to hide in the mountains!"

"What about his strength?" Chu Jingtian asked again.

"Strong! Three years ago, he defeated Ye Zhichen with only one move." Wang Chong smiled bitterly.

Luo Shengyu almost did not bite his tongue!

Yan Hezhi only needs one move to defeat Ye Zhichen. Isn't that proof that Yan Hezhi's strength is comparable to Chu's shocking sky?

And that was three years ago. After three years of hard work, isn't Yan Hezhi's strength even more terrifying!

Luo Shengyu and Wang Chong both looked at Chu Jingtian nervously, but who knew that the other party still took a disapproval gesture, but nodded casually:

"I know!"

"Master Chu, don't you have any worries? Then Yan Hezhi's hard work in the past three years, maybe his strength has reached his true integrity! Although you have both magical training and military training, it is still difficult to cover the gap!"

Wang Chong was suddenly anxious.

The enemy now, he couldn't figure out why he was so contented!

Chu Jingtian's double training with law and martial arts may still win Ye Zhichen, who is the pinnacle of Qi, but in any case, he cannot fight against Yan He, who may have achieved Qi.

The gap between the two sides is too big!

"Do you know what elixir is this?" Chu Jingtian pointed to Dan furnace.

"I don't know!" Wang Chong shook his head.

"This Dan is called 'Yangqi Dan'! It is made from Tianshan Snow Lotus, Seven Spirit Flowers, Cold Cultivars ... a total of thirty-two kinds of elixir. Its role is to enhance the Qi. This one is enough. Save a month of penance! "

Chu Jingtian smiled slightly and handed out one.

Wang Chong swallowed the elixir in doubt, but suddenly felt that a huge torrent rushed in his throat, wandered around the limbs, and finally gathered in Qihai Palace!

"This ... this is Yangqi Dan?"

Feeling the vitality of the surge in the body, Wang Chongmeng opened his eyes.

He only broke through the Qi period half a month ago. Qihai Palace only has a small Qi swirl, but this single elixir not only makes this Qi swirl swirl to the extreme, but even generates the first Two Aura Vortex!

This elixir almost doubled his strength!

"That's right! What about his three years of hard work, but it's just a matter of my elixir. What am I afraid of?" Chu Jingtian looked at Wang Chong with a smile. "I said long ago that if their White Tigers are not convinced, I will kill them until they are convinced!"

Wang Chong couldn't help setting off the rough seas.

When Chu Jingtian said this in the venue, everyone had heard it. Some people didn't take it seriously, only then did he know that the other party did have the capital to say such things.

"This is the‘ Ning Shen Dan ’I ’ve refined, which can enhance mana cultivation and is specially used by spiritualists!” Chu Jingtian poured out a pill that was as white as jade, and handed it to Luo Shengyu, who was full of eyes. Then laughed: "Let's go with me!"


"Go to Baibingge!" Chu Jingtian flipped with his right hand, and saw an extra black stone in his palm. "I don't know who gave the gift. It looks extraordinary, but in fact it is a rare caster material. I have always lacked a weapon at hand, and it is better to cast a sword with it today!"

"Master Chu, will you still cast?" Luo Shengyu couldn't help asking.

"What do you say?" Chu Jingtian smiled slightly.

Without a few means, how to do the Supreme Lord of the Immortals on the Avenue?

Wang Chong and Luo Shengyu looked at each other, it was difficult to hide their shock. Forge, alchemy, lineup, beast control, medicine ... they just want to know what the other party doesn't.

Since Chu Jingtian intends to cast a weapon, he will not cast those ordinary weapons. The first choice is naturally a sword!

After buying back a large amount of ore from Baibingge, Chu Jingtian began to retreat.

He smelted these ore with mana condensed real fire, and fused with caster material. In the past few days, he continued to temper with real fire, removing all the impurities in the metal one by one, and then continued to beat with the thought of God with the unique forging method of the Taoist Sect.

In addition to the retreat caster, Chu Jingtian went to the exchange meeting to deal with people and sharpen it.

It took three days to gather the sword body!

I saw a black sword with a whole body suspended in front of Chu Jingtian. The coldness of the blade shone, and the uniform cloud pattern continued to swim along the edge of the blade, giving people a sense of killing!

"Only by engraving the formation and runes, this flying sword will be fully formed! Now it can only be regarded as a semi-finished product!"

Although not yet completed.

But if this sword is circulated, I am afraid that it will cause the dynasty to shake, and countless forces will fight for it.

But when the runes were engraved, Chu Jingtian missed it for a long time.

"Because of the material, this flying sword can only engraved 108 runes. Among them, 36 are the basic runes of the flying sword. What should be the remaining 72?"

The higher the level of the instrument ~ ~ the greater the number of engraved runes. But if it exceeds a certain amount, the magic weapon will be damaged because it cannot bear the power of the runes!

Therefore, Chu Jingtian naturally had to find a way to choose the most powerful one among the limited number of runes.

"Rapha? Fire? Wind gust?"

"You might as well use it!"

After selecting the final rune, he spent another four days, using God's Thought as a sword, and continuously engraved the rune on the sword. A total of 108 runes were engraved on the little sword!

Thirty-six of them are the basic runes of Feijian, and the remaining seventy-two are ‘explosive’ words!

Once this array is driven, the flying sword itself will be burned, and the strongest birth attack will occur. Of course, after this blow, Feijian will also be completely broken and vanished.

Even Chu Jingtian, who is the owner of Feijian, will be seriously injured as well.

But of course, the power of this blow is absolutely extraordinary. Even the true master, he will die under this sword! However, the final word "explosive" will not be used until the last minute.

This is his strongest killer!

"Since then, this sword has been named 'Shen Yuan'!"

With a right hand pinching out a seal, Shen Yuanjian trembled, quickly shrank, and finally turned into a golden light that fell into the mud pill palace of Chu Jingtian's brows.

If he wants to kill the enemy in the future, he only needs to move his thoughts and Shen Yuanjian will fly out. Take the enemy first level thousands of miles away!


Just when Chu Jingtian was about to end the seven-day retreat, his head suddenly rose, as if something had to come out of his mind. Feeling this weird feeling, he first revealed a hint of surprise:

"Breaking through so soon?"

ps: Thanks to the two big brothers for their rewards ~

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