Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 2 Chapter 550: Battle 1

The second attack, the momentum and speed, faster and more violent than the previous one.

This kind of momentum even made the two warriors who were watching the positive and evil spirits feel an unstoppable fear at this moment, and their hearts frantically rose. Everyone looked in horror towards the sky.

"Can you stop it?"

The right martial arts, a heart in the chest and abdomen, almost mentioned the throat and eyes.

Even those who are reckless and righteous are extremely embarrassed.

Although, they have seen Chu Jingtian beheading the ghost emperor of the Six Realms. However, the power of the three together was only stronger than the runner-up king. Moreover, they are even more fierce than the runner!

"kill him!"

The opposite is true.

The martial art warriors cheered one by one.

Chu Jingtian's power is beyond everyone's imagination. They once thought that no one in the Youfeng Mountains was the opponent of this Mr. Chu.

It wasn't until the three great masters took out their hole cards that these Momon warriors were relieved.


This time, Chu Jingtian took the lead.

He turned his eyes and swept across the three, and finally fell on Boyi, who was already on his side. Boyi's eight-armed prestige, like the legendary eight-armed Luo Han, almost stepped into Chu Jingtian's side, and the eight arms were already beating upside down.

At this moment, it is equivalent to the four perfectionists who have perfected the six realms.

Such a mercury diarrhea, an impenetrable attack, even if a strong person in the same realm puts it here, it will be killed in an instant. But Chu Jingtian was unafraid and greeted directly.

The ancestral mystery of ancestors he practiced has made his physique reach an unthinkable level of ordinary people. Although he only has two arms, it is only faster than Bo Yi's speed!

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Under the shocking eyes of everyone, the fists of the two were already smashed together.

Chu Jingtian didn't make a shot, he shot as fast as possible, relying on a pair of arms, he pressed Boyi's eight arms down. All of a sudden, the sky was filled with the dancing marks of his dancing, as if he had become a thousand-handed Guanyin.

Boyi's storm failed, but was suppressed by Chu Jingtian's stormy attack. In the face of Chu Jingtian's counterattack, he fell into the wind on the spot and could barely parry him and fell into a passive beating situation.

The tremendous force attached to Chu Jingtian's fists and feet caused the numbness of Boyi's eight arms, blood overflowed madly, and the bones cracked.

"What the **** is going on?"

"Why is he so fast, and every punch contains so much energy?"

Boyi's heart trembled.

However, he hadn't waited for him to understand what was going on, and saw that Chu Jingtian's hands had already changed the previous attack, grabbing at him with heavy afterimages!

"not good!"

Boyi yelled violently and retreated toward the rear.

However, no matter how fast he is, how fast can he compare to the speed of Chu. Chu Jingtian's hands already caught his two arms, and he was pulling hard.


The sound of a torn limb suddenly sounded.

With splashing blood, both arms were torn apart.

"Chu Jingtian, I killed you!"

Boyi issued a scream of rage, with his six arms out, and grabbed Chu Chutian suddenly.

"Get away!"

Chu Jingtian threw away his two broken arms and blasted out with a punch in the volley. The huge blood brought a sound of landslide and tsunami.

The raging waves swept the sky, Chu Jingtian came first, and this fist greeted Bo Yi's attack.


The horror burst sounded loudly.

Boyi's remaining six arms burst apart on the spot, and the flesh broke wildly, leaving only sensible bones.


With a spit of blood, Boyi's entire person shot out like a shell, and even crashed!

There was silence all around.

Chu Jingtian and Boyi played against each other only between the electric light flint, many people did not even see the movement of the two. But in this electric light flint, Boyi was directly defeated!


Just as Chu Jingtian wanted to chase him down, a violent sound of wind breaking broke out suddenly. I saw nine **** blasts bursting out, it was like Kowloon fell from the sky, and chased wildly!


A series of nine violent explosions rang out.

The ground beneath Chu Jingtian's feet was already slumped by these nine swords, showing an abyss of hundreds of feet. Chu Jingtian was already spreading his arms, sliding backwards like a big bird.

"Want to escape?"

Seeing this scene, Bu Qianfan suddenly twitched and decided. I saw a piercing sword-sounding sound in the deep pit, followed by the **** glory, and I saw that the nine sword-mansions had already rushed to kill again.

Where the flying sword passed, the whole sky of the Meteor Immortal Tomb was illuminated with blood, as if a cloud of blood was towering.


Chu Jingtian sneered.

"Just right, let you try the Jiulong Feijian that I just conquered!"

Facing the blood sword that rushed, Chu Jingtian suddenly opened his mouth and drank.


This moment was like a lightning rush, and the nine cold Jianmangs were suddenly rushed and rushed out. The blood of the sky was torn at the moment and returned to a clear sky.

In an instant, the Jiulong Feijian was already bombarded with a nine-handed bloodsword sword.


A fierce collision sounded loudly.

The horrible sword air, transformed into a circular air wave, quickly spread out. Everywhere I went, whether it was hills or woods, everything I saw was torn apart on the spot, and it formed a bare ground!

"Dang!" "Dang!" "Dang! ..."

The harsh sounds were loud and clear, and then in the fierce collision, the nine-handed blood sword of Bu Qianfan was blasted out on the spot. The blood crystal sword, which was originally crystal clear and completely natural, was bombarded with spider web-like cracks.

Bu Qianfan was distressed to the extreme.

The nine-handed Feijian did not know how many strong men were beheaded, but was cracked here in Chu Jingtian. How much blood would it take to recover!

And Chu Jingtian's Jiulong Feijian turned sharply in mid-air, rushing towards Bu Qianfan and rushing away.


Bu Qianfan gritted his teeth and grabbed his right hand suddenly.

The blood sword rose up, the hilt clinging to each other, and clinging to each other, condensing into a round array. Even under his movement, he spun up quickly, forming a huge ring.

The monstrous sword spirit forms a shield, as if to stop Chu Jingtian's nine sword bombardment.

"Just because you want to stop me?"

Chu Jingtian sneered and caught the same.

The Jiulong Feijian suddenly gathered, and gathered end to end, forming a sword dragon with dozens of feet. When the sword was completed, the terrible sword energy broke through the void, tearing all nothingness.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

The horrible explosion sounded loudly. Under the bombardment of the Feijiong in Kowloon, the blood sword of Bu Qianfan burst on the spot, and a horrible blood burst out in the void.


These nine-handed blood swords were made from blood, and each one was connected to Bu Qianfan's heart and soul. Once broken, his heart was severely damaged on the spot. He sprayed a mist of blood and flew out on the spot!

Until the end, Sheng Yuanhao's ghost art was long overdue.

Bringing this deity, plus twelve ghost emperors, this moment is equivalent to thirteen powerful ghosts all shooting together. Ghosts, ghost fog, bone cages, and the army of corpses, without the slightest sign, were already the place where Chu Jingtian was shrouded in madness.




The terrible crackling sounded, one after another madness.

Such a horrific attack is enough to raz a mountain in the blink of an eye, let alone face the flesh and blood?

"Hum, is this kid dead?"

Seeing this scene, Sheng Yuanhao couldn't help sneering.

"Mr. Chu!"

Everyone shouted in horror.

The martial art warriors cheered in excitement.

However, just after this smile appeared on everyone's face, it suddenly stiffened. Seeing only that explosion, Chu Jingtian had leapt out of it with a huge golden mask!

"Little ghost, I dare not get the axe."

Chu Jingtian sighed violently, inhaled suddenly, and saw his chest and abdomen bulge high, like mana.


When this mana is working to the extreme, he opens his mouth to drink.

A white flash of lightning spit out from his mouth. This lightning tore the emptiness into the madness, tearing the ghostly art of the sky.


Sheng Yuanhao's face changed drastically.

Although his ghost art is fierce and piled up, it is not as condensing as the sky. Ghost art hit this layer of lightning, as if the rag encountered a sharp blade, it was torn open on the spot, and it blasted towards him unabated!

"Get up!"

Sheng Yuanhao drank with a deep voice.

Twelve ghost emperors lined up swiftly, and at each moment each ghost emperor erupted into a monstrous ghost, forming a wall of huge ghost fog.

"嘭!" "嘭!" "嘭!" "嘭 ..."

Like a needle thread, the ghost emperor exploded one by one. After the bombardment of seven, the power of lightning stopped quietly ~ ~ and after the lightning stopped, Sheng Yuanhao was already scared and could not speak.

Each of these twelve ghost emperors was bred by his painstaking efforts, and was actually killed by seven on the spot under the shock of Chu Jingtian. Even the residual soul has not been left. If it were replaced by itself, I am afraid that it would have been destroyed long ago.

And there was a dead silence all around, and everyone was staring at it all.

They thought that after the three lords showed their hole cards, they could kill Chu Jingtian. However, they never dreamed that Chu Jingtian would force himself to suppress the three of them, so that they would not be able to fight them.

Can such a presence overcome him?

When everyone looked at Chu Jingtian again, they saw Chu Jingtian smiling coldly:

"You shot so many times, it's my turn now?"

(End of this chapter)


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