Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 2 Chapter 498: Sword in hand, I have it all!


Zhou Yatian drank a word, and the whole town of Wanya trembled, as if the thunder exploded and the sky broke apart.

I saw his right hand waving a sleeve robe, rolling up the raging flames, and falling like a dragon to explore the water, bringing out a hundred-meter-long flame pattern in the void, rolling down.

This long flame anger dragon stretched from the void to Chu Jingtian's place, crackling the surrounding air.

The distance of hundreds of meters is almost instantaneous, less than one finger. Such a terrible casting speed, reciprocating, is numb to the scalp.


There was a loud noise, and the flames raged.

The moment Chu Chutian landed in the rage, it was already the warrior who rolled up and flew up. And their previous location was already a terrible pit burned by the flames.

"Zhou Yatian, do you actually want to kill everyone?"

The people rescued by Chu Jingtian looked at their original positions and couldn't help scalp. If it wasn't for Chu Jingtian's shot, they would be burned to ashes in an instant.

"What about killing you?"

Zhou Yatian looked at Chu Jingtian, who was avoiding, and his heart was constantly surging.

"Zhou Yatian, you successfully angered me!"

Looking at Zhou Yatian in the void, Chu Jingtian's eyes were cold and magnificent.

"I haven't seen such a shameless guy. Since you want to do something, I will definitely be there for you. Today I will never let you out of Wanya Town alive!"


Chu Jingtian's words also exploded in Wanya Town.

Everyone was startled and couldn't believe it. Even Tan Yi's mouth widened in Chengdu. This is an endless rhythm!

A young man who had just arrived in Xianwu Realm actually said such a thing to a sectarian. This shocked countless people and admired Chu's courageous courage.

"Hahaha, is it up to you?"

Zhou Yatian first froze, then laughed wildly.

In his laughter, a sharp burst of empty air came from the void. While hearing this voice, all the people present could not help but hesitate to look up into the sky.

But when they saw the scene in the void, they couldn't help but take a breath.

"嗖!" "嗖!" "”! "

Light beamed, quickly rushing from the position of Youfeng Mountain. When the crowd discovered it, they came to the top of Wanya Town, but it was just a matter of time. Every glorious light is a six-state powerhouse.


"Master ... I heard the Chief Elder calling for help, what's going on?"

All these six powerful men are the elders of Qingfengzong.

It turned out that they all heard Song Hongkun's call for help and saw Zhou Yatian kill Zongmen. At this moment, they all chased out and came to Wanya Town.

"This kid killed Song Hongkun!" Zhou Yatian pointed at Chu Jingtian, "He also threatened that I couldn't leave Wanya Town alive!"

The elders all looked at each other for a moment, and then all looked at Chu Jingtian, and a burst of unscrupulous laughter broke out after a while.

"Don't dare to rely on this kid?"

"It's a yellow mouth child, I don't know the heights and heights!"

"Sovereign, let me kill you for speaking out!"

Many more people have fought for it, and want to deal with Chu shocking.

However, Zhou Yatian shook his head slowly. He looked down at Chu Jingtian from below, looking as if the Canglong was overlooking the ants:

"No need!"

"This junior dared to provoke me. Only by killing him with my own hands can I relieve my hatred!"

"Chu Jingtian, I will not bully you by virtue of many people. Today I will kill your banner, let Wanya Town, and let the entire Youfeng Mountain Range know the power of me.

He slowly stretched out his hands.

This very old-looking breeze monarch has unusually slender hands. Immediately afterwards, the crowd only saw his fingers spreading a dizzying afterimage, as if he was in control of the world between his hands.


Almost at the same time, the dragon roar in the void continued.

The flames tumbling up, in a shocking glance, turned into a surging flame dragon. These flame dragons, hundreds of feet in length, exude thick flames of flame. This angry dragon is more fierce than the previous rage.

There are hundreds of such fire dragons.

At the moment of formation, the fire dragon rushed out, and the whistling scrambled down. Suddenly it had crossed the void and bombarded Chu Jingtian's side.

Such a terrifying gesture made everyone shocked.

"Get up!"

In the face of this earth-shaking and violent dragon with a raging flame, Chu Jingtian didn't move.

He held up his right hand, and a black drop of water slowly suspended in his palm. This drop of black water is the purest water element formed by the condensed mana. Don't look at just one drop, but the water contained in it is comparable to five lakes and four seas. The water droplets were gently rippled, making a loud noise of waves.

Chu Jingtian flicked his fingers, and this black drop of water shot out ‘嗖’, rushing away fiercely toward the hundreds of fire dragons.


Compared with that towering fire dragon, this drop of black water is simply negligible. But this drop of black water burst into the fire dragon group and turned into a huge wave sweeping on the spot, which directly swallowed hundreds of fire dragons on the spot.

"Aren't you a gas refiner ?!"

Zhou Yatian's complexion changed slightly.

Previously, Chu Jingtianming clearly revealed the practice of refining Qi in the Six Realms, but now he has also shown the practice of practicing Six Realms. Is it true that this boy is a dual practice of Qi?


After all, Zhou Yatian is a well-known old man. Although shocked, he quickly stabilized his mind. He closed his hands and gathered in front of him, changing the spell quickly.

I saw that the fire dragon, which was about to be swallowed, gathered and condensed rapidly, but turned into one, turning into a fire dragon with a full length of seven hundred and twenty feet. The fire dragon huddled in the sky, making it almost impossible to see at a glance.


Chu Jingtian sneered and slowly extended his right hand.

I saw the waves tumbling, suddenly condensed, and turned into a black angry tiger. Then the angry tiger suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed forward, but in the eyes of countless people, he slammed away toward the fire dragon fiercely.


This terrible collision made the whole Wanya town tremble. The terrible mana waves swept through the sky and destroyed the huge buildings in Wanya Town on the spot.

Terrible winds, like a typhoon, swept the ground out of traces of radioactivity. The warriors who watched the battle all around were even taken off by this hurricane.

At the moment when the water tiger and the fire dragon died together, only Chu Jingtian and Zhou Yatian were left on the entire battlefield!


"Are you a double six?"

In the void, Zhou Yatian's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe looking at Chu Jingtian.

Being able to cultivate to the Six Realms as a teenager has exceeded everyone's imagination.

Not to mention, it is a double six realm!

And hearing Zhou Yatian's words, countless people present could not help but jump. Everyone widened their eyes and looked forward unbelievably. Tan Yicheng took a breath of air, but felt that his scalp was numb.


At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on Chu Jingtian's body.

In the face of shock or doubt or disbelief, Chu Jingtian smiled lightly:

"Wrong, I'm triple six!"


As soon as the words fell, he raised his fist and stepped on his right foot.

A horrible loud sound rang out.

Suddenly, the ground at Chu Jingtian's feet suddenly collapsed. This huge collapse was a huge footprint. With this stepping power, Chu Jingtian's entire body shot out like a sharp arrow, with a shocking breaking sound, and rushed to Zhou Yatian's body in a sudden.

"not good!"

Zhou Yatian closed his eyes.

Chu Jingtian's speed is too fast and has exceeded his reaction. At this moment, it is too late to try to cast another block, and he can only run a spell to protect.

I saw his hands reunited, and his whole body was full of fire.

As the seal of France changed, he murmured in his mouth, with an old and simple taste.


In the twinkling of Chu Jingtian's fist, an unreachable sound of Fengming suddenly sounded. I saw Zhou Yatian's flames tumbling around, and in the eyes of everyone's shock, turned into a phoenix with spread wings. This noble phoenix suddenly opened its wings, and a huge false image wrapped Zhou Yatian's body in layers.


Chu Jingtian's fist slammed onto Phoenix.

A horrible spurt of Mars spurted out violently, and the huge Fengying trembled madly. In the end, it did not break, but still resisted this punch. However, it can be seen that Zhou Yatian's complexion trembled, and he was old at this moment.

Until this time, Chu Jingtian didn't understand why Zhou Yatian had an old appearance that did not match the Six Realm Powerful. It turned out to be a forced use of advanced techniques. When some advanced spells are cast, it is not the mana that is consumed, but the vitality of the caster.


Zhou Yatian stretched his hands out ~ ~ The huge phoenix immediately spread its wings.

"It's really years old and terrible. Only one person can push me to this extent. That is the 30-year-old Mo Men San Xiu Wu Ji. He claims to be the undead Lord. Seven days and seven nights, Changle Peak in the Youfeng Mountains was razed to the ground. I killed him and became the ruler of the Qingfeng Sect. "

"And you, the second!"

Zhou Yatian seems to be a phoenix, suspended in the void.


As soon as the words fell, Zhou Yatian's eyes widened. The phoenix behind him again issued a crisp sound of phoenix, forming a shocking picture of the phoenix day by day in the eyes of everyone.

And the tumultuous fire phoenix, with a magnificent and shocking killer, turned suddenly in the air, dived down madly, and threw himself into Chu!

(End of this chapter)


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