Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 45: Drug store

The most terrifying nature is the Black Dragon Army.

Countless people stared at Chu Jingtian with shocking eyes.


Shocked, more eyes of the Black Dragon Army fell on a one-eyed man.

This one-eyed man is Qi Tianqiu, the captain of the Black Dragon Army!

At this moment, he was also shocked: "Where is this genius from? When did the Great Yan Dynasty emerge from such characters? Could it be that he was the 9th prince?"

"No matter who he is, he must not be allowed to leave alive. Dayan has such a presence, I'm afraid it will change!"

At such a young age, he already has the means to kill the true Qiqiang. If he is allowed to grow up, will he have a heavenly cultivation in the future?

Thinking of this, Qi Tianqiu clenched his long sword tightly, already rushing out of the army of armies, pointing at Chu Jingtian!

"Boy, leave the beast horns, and self-defeate, I can spare you!"


In the voice, a dazzling Jianmang burst out suddenly, like a rushing and violent wave toward Chu Jingtian.

This sword Qi Tianqiu did not retain the slightest reservation, he was confident that he suddenly shot, coupled with Chu Jingtian's unpreparedness, even if he could not kill each other, it was enough to seriously hurt the other.

"not good!"

Seeing Qi Tianqiu's sword, the color of the guards present was lost.

"What a sinister black dragon!"

It was Bai Xun, who could not help but grit his teeth.

Qi Tianqiu took advantage of Chu Jingtian to slay Zhang Xuan, and when he was dismayed, he suddenly shot. Even if you are a reincarnation, you can't resist the shocking sword of the other party!

"Master Chu, be careful ..."

Luo Shengyu couldn't help shouting.

Wang Chong changed his face and pulled his sword for help, but it was too late and he could only watch Qi Tianqiu rush to Yang Mucheng.

"Don't you dare to let me self-defeate?"

Chu Jingtian sneered, pointing his right hand like a sword and pointing forward. He took a three-inch sword with his fingertips and chopped forward.

"Haha, do you really think you have the power of a dragon elephant and a body that can be refined? How dare you dare to hit me?" Qi Tianqiu laughed.

You know, he is a strong man who is really energetic, and three vortexes of energetic energy are condensed in his body. The other person looks at the breath, although there is a period of true qi, but there is still some distance from him.

Under such a contest, he is obviously in an absolute advantage!


A sound of sword slamming through, the sword qi, like the surging and mighty waves, was actually cut off directly under these three inches of sword.

If you say, Qi Tianqiu's sword looks like the Yellow River is surging. Then Chu Jingtian's sword is like a galaxy coming from above Jiuxiao, which is unstoppable!


In Qi Tianqiu's shocking eyes, this unstoppable sword fell off swiftly. Among the shock of countless people, the aggressively killed Black Dragon Army captain was cut open by Chu Jingtian with a sword To the feet!

In the blood splatter, Qi Tianqiu's body fell heavily to the ground.

Suddenly, the Black Dragon Army exploded!

"Dead! Master Wanfu is dead?"

"One move, just one move?"

"How is this possible? Master Wan Xiuwei, but better than that boy! How could he die in his hands?"

No one expected that the ending of this sword of life and death turned out to be like this?

A young man who obviously entered the period of infuriating, but saw a powerful infuriated man who killed him positively!

But they didn't know that although Chu Jingtian had just entered the period of true energy, his true energy was gathered by Swire's Qi-breathing tactics. The degree of condensing is far stronger than Qi Tianqiu!


After beheading Qi Tianqiu, Chu Jingtian took a deep breath and drank suddenly, the ancient Long language blurted out.

The beasts around him screamed, rushing towards the Black Dragon Army desperately. The captain died, the beast tide attacked, and the fighting spirit of the Black Dragon Army almost disintegrated on the spot.

In the wailing cry of the crying father and mother, the Black Dragon Army lost its helmet and abandoned its armor, like a fallen tree puppet, and had disappeared in no time.

But Chu Jingtian was holding the horn of the beast, slowly walking back under the shocking eyes.

"Shizi, Master Chu ..."

Bai Xun, who had returned to God, suppressed the shock in his heart, almost thanklessly said:

"I used to be blind-eyed and offended you a lot. Please forgive me!"

Drive away the golden-winged demon penguin, kill the beautiful tiger with bright eyes, Zhang Xuan, who steals the treasure, and kill the tenor Qi Tianqiu with a sword. Any one of them can be done by anyone.

But now, it is easily completed by Chu Jingtian.

When he remembered that he had to drive Chu Jingtian down the mountain before, he couldn't wait to give him two slaps.

Hong Mingguang also secretly looked at Chu Jingtian.

He had previously asked Chu Jingtian to help, but he was thinking of an extra strong person who would have more strength against the Black Dragon Army. But he never expected that just Chu Jingtian alone would have done something that more than 10,000 people had never done with the Guards!

Luo Shengyu and Wang Chong are even more proud.

Before worshipping Chu Jingtian as a teacher, they were somewhat ashamed. After all, their status and status are all good. How can they submit to a hairy kid?

But now, with Chu Jingtian's strength showing, they only have pride in their hearts!

Not to mention those ordinary guards.

In the hearts of these people, they simply do not believe that there will be a legend that there will be ‘the top of the army’. They are the strongest in the Qi period, and they are not afraid!

But now Chu Jingtian drunk the Black Dragon Army with just one person, and achieved something that even they could not do. How shocking can be imagined?

"Forgive me? How do you forgive me?"

Chu Jingtian played with the beast horn in his hand and looked at Bai Xun with a smile.

This horn is really, as he imagined, made from the horns of the monster, but unfortunately the workmanship is too rough, and it can only barely control some second-order monsters. If it is refined through his hands, it is the third-order demon king who will surrender under this beast horn!

"Master Chu ..."

Being stared at Chu Jingtian like this, Leng Khan flowed down directly from Bai Xun's brain. When he didn't know how to respond, Chu Jingtian said lightly:

"I came to Wanjushan this time. Although I got the red bead and golden fruit, I still lack mysterious grass. Can you get it for me?"

"Ok, Ok!"

Bai Xun quickly took a token from her arms and carefully handed it to Chu Jingtian.

"The Guards have their own medicine depot! With our identity token, we can collect some elixir in the medicine depot every month. I have been stationed in Wanjushan this month, and I have not had time to receive ..."

Chu Jingtian took the token and glanced casually.

This token looks like gold and stone, and starts quite heavy. It is made of rare gold iron wood. Of course, only the captain can wear such tokens, and the tokens of the captain of the thousand, centurion, and even the captain of the ten are arbitrary.

Putting the token away, Chu Jingtian was in a good mood.

The Private Medicine Depot of the Guards is not comparable to Yao Wangge and Qin Jianeng. The elixir that can be put into the warehouse is not ordinary, Xuanyincao is already invincible. The private medicine depot of the Imperial Guard must be advanced, only the royal elixir.

In that kind of place, only the princes of the sun and the sun can enter the princess.

"Since you are so sensible, I will stop here today. I won't take too much into the medicine storehouse. I will only take one xuanyincao alchemy. As for the tokens, I will put them in the Qinglong regiment. You can pick them up at that time.

"This horn, you put it away!"

Chu Jingtian threw it away and threw the beast horn to Bai Xun.

"Although I was frightened by the Black Dragon Army, their captain died in my hands, and the beast horns were taken away, and it will inevitably make a comeback. If they were taken away by the Black Dragon Army, I ca n’t help you anymore. It's up! "

Bai Xun is like a trained student, making troubles like garlic.

Looking at Bai Xun before and after Christine, Chu Jingtian waved his hand, which led people down the Wanju Mountain.

"Master Chu, that is the horn that can command the herd, so you simply gave Bai Xun?" Until leaving the barracks, Guo Tianwei and others just returned from the shock.

"What kind of character is Master Chu? He drank the birds and drove away all the beasts. Have you ever seen him borrow the power of the magic weapon? Those magic weapons are not allowed to enter the eye of the magic weapon of Master Chu!" Luo Shengyu reprimanded.

The magical tools that even the two dynasties had to grab their heads were not in the eye of the earth? If someone else said it, they would not believe it and would just laugh at your cowhide.

But when Shan Shan battled, they clearly saw Chu Jingtian's great show, but they didn't dare to believe ~ ~ Chu Jingtian gave a glance at Guo Tianwei, Wang Chonghe and Wei Zhicheng said:

"I have three Zhenqi left. After you have taken it, you can easily break through the Qi period!"

Seeing Chu Jingtian's hands shining with the strange grain of elixir, the three heard a shock and hurried to worship.

"Thank you, Master Chu for giving Dan, I'll wait for you to go to the soup and make a lot of trouble!"

How many people have reached the Master of Internal Strength, but stuck in this realm for a lifetime without breaking through. With this elixir, they can reach the true Qi period without any obstacles, which means that Chu Jingtian gave them a second life without any problem exaggeration!

"Master Chu, what about me?"

Luo Shengyu looked at Chu Jingtian eagerly.

Another practitioner, Ma Dongxue, is also looking forward.

"When I get Xuan Yin Cao, I will make Tong Xuan Dan and give it to you!"

Chu Jingtian smiled slightly.

When these people faced the Black Dragon Army before, they stood firm behind them, Chu Jingtian will not forget.

Coupled with his rebirth, many things had to start from scratch. If these people develop into their own confidants, they will save him a lot of trouble in the future.

"Thank you Master Chu!"

Luo Shengyu and Ma Dongxue were in a hurry and thanked them.

You know, when they first went up the mountain, they were only coerced by Chu Jingtian's strength and had to follow the same one.

But after entering Wanjushan, they just led the way from the beginning to the end, and they got such benefits. They wished that this kind of thing happened a few times more. At this time, Ma Dongxue, Wei Zhicheng, Guo Tianwei and others couldn't help but think of Yan Shiyong, who was frightened when he faced Zhou Hailong:

"If he knows, we got these elixir from Master Chu, I'm afraid he will regret it!"

ps: Only two more tonight ...

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