Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 2 Chapter 446: With my order, exile Chu to the sky!

Although Chu Jingtian left the Daguangming Zen Temple, many people in the martial arts community remained in the Zen Temple.

Especially the Dharma Temple in the Great Guangming Temple.

The Dharma House is an independent space established by the Buddhist monks, and it is a place for retreats for some monks. After these people have been promoted to practice, they often leave their own feelings in the Dharma courtyard.

Of course, the larger the sect, the more monks, the more insights the Dharma Temple left.

Although the Daguangming Temple is only a small gate, it once had some insights from the monks of the Six Realms. These sentiments are an opportunity for martial arts circles that cannot be met. If they can understand the truth, they can find a way to enter the Six Realms.

Suddenly, the warriors of the Dharma Temple, who were absorbing the feelings, suddenly felt something, and suddenly raised their heads.

I saw only one figure and did not know when I came outside the Dharma courtyard.

"This is Mo's ancestor?"

When everyone saw the face of the visitors, they couldn't help feeling a little confused. Even if the other person's appearance has not changed at all, they all have the feeling of being indistinguishable, as if they were a different person.

"Did he already reach Six Realms?"

At this time, many people's hearts trembled, and they already had a hunch.

"Not that Chu Jingtian is like this?"

Mo Wentian carried his hands and looked around the entire Dharma House.


As soon as he said this, the atmosphere in the Dharma courtyard suddenly suppressed, and everyone felt the illusion of a dark cloud. Even if he stood there, it gave people an endless sense of depression.

Some people think of the rumors that Qing Chaobo was preparing to exile Chu to the sky some time ago.

"This is really coming!"

"Chu Jingtian doesn't leave the martial arts world, I'm afraid he will be completely removed!"

"Mo Wentian hasn't shown up. It looks like this is a breakthrough in the Six Realms before he came to the door. This is inevitable!"

Everyone was terrified.

In fact, anyone who has contacted Chu Jingtian knows that Chu Jingtian is a bit more arrogant, but he does not offend, he does not offend. On the contrary, his many bold actions also made everyone feel good about him.

For example, if the Dharma Court was not Chu Jingtian's shot, they would not be able to break the ban at all.

But now that Mo Wentian is so aggressive, this is a gesture of not letting Chu Jingtian out of the martial arts world.

"Chu Jingtian left Daguangming Zen Temple three days ago!"

Someone whispered in Dharma House.

"Oh, he's not in Daguangming Temple or Taibai Mountain. Where did he go?" Mo Wen raised his brow and glanced over the Dharma House again. Suddenly he saw the two and could not help but shine.

Everyone was surprised, and quickly followed the sight of Mo Wentian, but Mo Wentian looked at Nie Qianshou and Xu Guanglong.


At this moment, a lot of people spread out in a fright.

Nie Qianshou and Xu Guanglong were pale, but still stood there.

Some people sneered at the sight:

‘Hey, you were so dazzled by the sky, but now it ’s time to return! Don't ask me this is to kill the two of you, kill the chickens and monkeys! ’

In martial arts circles, Xu Guanglong and Nie Qianshou and Chu Jingtian walked closest, so Tiegan Mountain and Yinyang Valley also received a lot of favors. The most intuitive thing is Lujiashan and his party, which made their families faintly squeeze into the forefront, making many people jealous.

Now seeing them in trouble, it is naturally full of glee and joy.

"Where did Chu Jingtian go?" Mo asked Tian Dandan.

"do not know……"

Nie Qianshou just wanted to speak, Xu Guanglong on the other side quickly grabbed him, lowered his eyebrows and said: "Elder Mo, Chu Jingtian's character is obvious to all, we don't know whether he will stay or not, I don't know if you want him whats the matter?"

Mo Wentian laughed aloud: "Chu Jingtian's stay in the martial arts world has affected the order of the martial arts world. I came to exile him ..."

Everyone heard the words, could not help but close their eyes.

Although they had long guessed the origin of Mo Wentian, when he really spoke, it still shocked everyone.

"Chu Jingtian is a disaster for the martial arts world, heeds his life, and destroys the tiger beach cliffs. The martial arts world has tolerated him. I do n’t know my proposal. How many people agree?" Mo Wentian smiled coldly, his eyes glanced at everyone.

There was silence in the Dharma courtyard.

Nie Qian's temper broke, and he had a sandy character in his eyes. He couldn't help sneering when he heard this:

"What Chu Jingtian does, as long as the eyesight can see who is responsible for the crime. Hu Tan Ya is wrong, and he repeatedly finds killers to deal with him ... Besides Hu Tan Ya, I have not heard how many forces have suffered For the persecution of Chu Jingtian, why should you exile Chu Jingtian in your own words? "

"So, do you disagree?" Mo Wentian sneered.

"Yes!" Nie Qianshou proudly said.

Mo Wenya heard the words, a sneer appeared on his face, he waved his right hand, raised his palm and hit.

At this moment, everyone just felt that the air in the Dharma courtyard seemed to be evacuated forcibly, making them unable to stop breathing. The terrible sense of oppression increased by several times at this moment!


I saw a wave of terror rising up like the vast clouds. This violent power, like a giant spirit god's hand, is fierce and unstoppable!


Nie Qianshou was lifted by the long hair blown by the wind, and almost stood unstable.

With horror in his eyes, he clenched the sledgehammer in his hand and rose to the palm of his hand.


There was a loud sound, everyone felt as if they were deaf, and there were no other sounds in their ears. The violent air wave swept away on the spot, everyone blowing up, the magnificent Dharma House was instantly collapsed by this air wave ...

Under the torrent, Nie Qianshou broke his arms and spit out blood. The whole person shot like a kite with a broken line on the spot.

"not good!"

When Xu Guanglong saw this, his pupils closed.

At this moment, he didn't care that he was not Mo Wentian's opponent, and his hands quickly squeezed. Everyone only saw his hands dancing, the palms of his hands turned into heaven and earth, and the innumerable runes swarmed like a cricket.

The yang of the sky and the yin of the earth converged at this moment, turning into a black and white fish, condensing into a huge yin and yang picture.

This is not the same as the Taiji Crushing Array used by Linyi Jiachen of Liangyi at the beginning.

"The world is infinite, the world is moving!"

Xu Guanglong turned his hands and the Taiji figure quickly gathered.

But Mo Wentian saw this, just sneer:

"Just because you want to block me?"


The seemingly indestructible figure of Taiji was smashed under the slap of this palm.


Xu Guanglong spurted a blood spit, and the whole man flew out, crashing into a broken Zen courtyard, shuddering the entire Great Guangming Temple.

On the ruins, Mo Wentian proudly lost his hand:

"Exile to Chu by my orders! I don't know who else is against it?"

There were no sounds of snoring.

Nie Qianshou and Xu Guanglong were masters of the Five Realms. They broke out with all their strength and couldn't resist Mo Wentian's easy hit. If that palm fell on them, I am afraid they would have no bones.

"That's right, Chu Jingtian is deadly and wanton, and I agree to expel him from martial arts!"

Luo Yisheng, the ancestor of Liangyi Lin, proudly said.

Everyone heard the words and quickly looked.

This look, but could not help but tremble in my heart.

Although Luo Yuesheng didn't reach the Six Realms, he was only one step away from that realm. He belonged to the existence of the Six Realms at any time.

"I agree!"

Yao Qingdong's ancestor Wei Qinghan first said.

Everyone shivered.

His eyes were full of fear, and the ancestor of Yaoshen Cave was only one step away from Liujing.

Someone in the quiet crowd sighed and said:

"I'm in favor of driving Chu Jingtian out of martial arts!"

Suddenly, everyone was like waking up, shouting in horror:

"I agree!" "I agree!" "I agree!" ...

That gesture, as if afraid to take a step slower, will suffer the end with Nie Qianshou and Xu Guanglong.

Watching this gesture of surrender by everyone, Mo Wentian looked at the two hated eyes in the ruins and said lightly:

"I don't care if you really don't know Chu Jingtian's whereabouts, but the martial arts world has no place for him since then. If he leaves this time and never returns, that's fine. If he dares to come back, when ! "

Mo Wentian raised his foot.


The entire Great Guangming Buddhist Temple trembled suddenly, the earth ripped apart, and numerous cracks spread rapidly. At this instant, all the ancestors of the martial arts bowed their heads, and no one dared to face the sky.


Mo Wentian exiles Chu Jingtian!

This news, with the emergence of Mo Wentian, swept across the martial arts madly at a hurricane-like speed. Of course, at the same time, the news was also Mo Wentian's cultivation.

"Six Realms! How many years did the entire martial arts world come out of a Six Realm? Now there is one in Qingchaobo!"

Countless people are scared.

"Yeah, not only the Qingchaobo, the two ancestors of Yaoshendong and Liangyilin have only one step to reach the Six Realms. Now these three companies have joined forces to sweep the entire martial arts world to exile Chu Jingtian, I am afraid never again No one dares stand on the side of Chu Jingtian! "

"This time Yinyang Valley and Tiegan Mountain are standing on the side of Chu Jingtian ~ ~ Xu Guanglong and Nie Qianshou have been beaten, who dare to speak out?"

Everyone was astonished.

Look at him from Zhu Lou, watch his banquet guests, watch him collapse!

The entire martial arts world almost watched Chu Jingtian rise step by step, step by step to the top, and be banished step by step. Everyone knows that the era set off by Chu Jingtian in the martial arts world has not yet had time to begin, and it has ended.

As time passed by day to day, Chu Jingtian still had not appeared, and everyone's expectations became even slimmer.

"Maybe, Chu Jingtian already knew that Mo Wentian had reached the Six Realms, and never dared to show up again!"

"Yeah, since then, there has been no Beiliang Tianwang in the martial arts world!"

As the martial arts circles speculated endlessly, Chu Jingtian's cultivation had come to an end.

(End of this chapter)


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