Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 2 Chapter 420: 8 party cloud movement



As soon as Chu Jingtian's words fell, everyone outside the island was yelling in unison.

In their view, Chu Jingtian has already become one of his babies, let them easily knead. At this time, it is not courage to dare to kill them first, and then kill the guru, but a real fool!

Li Shanyu sighed and closed his eyes slowly. He can't do anything about it, and he is crushed down. Even if he is just like a praying mantis with a mantis arm blocking the car, it will be crushed and crushed.

But as a result, Chu Jingtian raised his hand and waved:

"Get up!"

Suddenly, deep in the eyes and eyes of everyone, there was only a tumultuous wave. The waves are so clear, as if the water of the Tianhe River, which was pouring down when Zhoushan fell, seems to be able to drown out all the sights!

"Oh my God, this is ..."

Looking at the frantic tumbling waves before them, countless people exclaimed.

This is the wave set by the divine mind!

If you use the technique to make waves, everyone can still accept it.

But you set off a sky-high wave directly with your divine thoughts, which is too scary. In particular, this tumbling wave, covering the sky, seems to exist in myths and legends.

Many people were frightened on the spot, their faces turned wild, and Cangjie fled. This wave is like Tianwei, completely beyond their imagination.

Li Shanyu's face changed suddenly. He clearly saw that under this rushing wave, no matter who it was, he was torn by the wild waves on the spot. Five-strength powerhouses such as Jiang Jindao and Lao Zhu can still barely resist. Under the Five Realms, all are ants, and they were beaten by a wave on the spot and crushed!

"Run away!"

In the face of this mighty tide, no one has completely lost the courage to resist.

The moment before they were scorching, but the next moment they could only flee.


Li Shanzhen was almost speechless.

He had thought about it, Chu was shocking and mighty, and joined Lu Jianli to fight them back.

He also thought that the Tigers would be difficult to fight against the wolves, even if Chu Jingtian is even stronger, in the face of these people have to choose to retreat temporarily.

He even thought about Chu Jingtian being captured on the spot under such a swaggering sweep.

But he never thought about it. Chu Jingtian just waved his hands, and these people who fought were defeated and fled.

"Want to leave?"

Seeing this scene, Chu Jingtian laughed.

Li Shanzhang heard the words and looked shocked.

I saw Chu Jingtian stepping forward suddenly, his breath suddenly increased to the limit. He had long hair, his robe was hunting without wind, and the tyrannical atmosphere tore the air around him.

Everyone on Thousand Island Lake was eclipsed, and their hearts could not help rising a sense of unprecedented crisis. Chu Jingtian has such a momentum even when he raises his hand. What if he gives it all out?


The **** knife broke a word from the gap between the teeth!

He is a powerful man who is successful in the Five Realms and is well versed in swordsmanship. He used to be able to easily split a hundred-meter-high giant wave in order to practice his sword skills. Although he split the previous wave, he was shocked.

The bones of both arms seemed to rattle at that moment, as if they were about to break apart, and even the tiger's mouth was torn, and blood was twitching.

"Too strong!"

Others were shocked.

At the previous moment, they were still taunting Chu Jingtian, ignorant of life and death. When facing so many people, they dare to speak hard. Until then, they felt Chu Jingtian's horror!

When they saw Chu Jingtian's intention to take another shot, they suddenly fell into the abyss.

Before they resisted Chu Jingtian's blow, they had exhausted their minds. At this moment, they had not slowed down, but they faced Chu Jingtian's fierce offensive. How did he resist it?

Huh! Huh! Huh!

It is not necessary to remind Jiang Jindao that those who have fulfilled the Five Realms at this moment have all their powers erupted. It was just for the attack, but for escape.

At this moment, all people are turning their power to the extreme, and desperately desperate.

What is power, strength, face, and reward?

These people no longer have the lofty aspirations to kill Beiliang Tianwang, they just want to survive!

However, Chu Jingtian looked pale and unmoved, and the moment he finished the spell, he grabbed his hands suddenly!


There was a sudden shock of the dragon and howling, and the tide that was about to dissipate turned up again and turned into a submerged dragon.

The dragon rushed out of the lake, carrying an endless stream of mighty dragons, like the legendary candle Jiuyin, swallowed all the fleeing warriors, and then hit one in the air in the incredible eyes of Li Shanyu. Turned, and returned to the Qiandao Lake, as if never appeared.

"Fat, eat meat!"

After doing all this, Chu Jingtian dispersed the technique, and his face was full of interest.

"Boss, you're all done? Why don't you keep two for me?" Lu Jianli couldn't help but yelled, but when he heard of eating meat, he quickly swallowed and laughed: "There is a kind of winning fish in Qiandao Lake. It ’s delicious and meaty, but it ’s too fast ... I ca n’t remember it! ”

"Why can't I eat less meat?" Greedy Dragon suddenly came to spirit.

"You earthworm rolled away ..." Lu Jianli cried.

Li Shanzhang stood still on the spot.

He didn't even know when Chu was shocked and Lu Jianli left. By the time God came back, the turbulent Qiandao Lake had already returned to peace. But this peaceful lake has almost frozen his soul:

I saw a corpse floating up and down on the sparkling lake. Some people can barely recognize their appearance, but many are completely torn apart by the tide. On the huge Qiandao Lake, it seemed to turn into a terrible Shura field.

There was a hunch in his heart.

In the face of Chu Jingtian this time, I am afraid that Hutan Cliff will never be as invincible as before, maybe it will still be stepped on by this boy!


The whole Qiandao Lake shook completely for a while.

This mighty, enraging first wave of troops was actually annihilated by the entire army in Qiandao Lake. A few of the Five Realms were successful, and there were more than one hundred Five Realms who were strong, and more than 2,000 Four Realms.

Some insiders revealed that these people were not killed in battle, but were unable to fight back, and were drowned by the big waves.

The shattered corpse was pushed to the shore along the tide, and this horrifying scene made all warriors who wanted to participate in the hunt scared.

If the scene of Chu Jingtian annihilating the Black Cliff Village warrior in the Taibai Mountain is not enough deep enough for the people in the martial arts circle, then this time is enough for everyone to remember.

Raising your hand and throwing your feet away, crushing thousands of beings, this method is beyond God's imagination.

In front of such a mighty powerhouse, who can not be afraid?

Many warriors realized that this hunt was not an easy task from the beginning. Although it is said that there will be brave husbands under the heavy reward, even in the face of such strong players, even the great reward has to be discouraged.

Tiger Beach Cliff, Assembly Hall!

When the news of the first battle of Qiandao Lake came, everyone was shocked.

"This kid can be so strong?"

Everyone stunned.

Everyone looked at the withered old man in the first place.

"Is the rumor true?" I saw the withered old man couldn't help moving.

Although the first batch of martial arts soldiers did not exist at the top of the martial arts circle, when they looked around, they were also a master of one hundred. Chu Jingtian can kill them, the old man is not surprised, what really shocked him is that Chu Jingtian means to kill these people!

"Raising his hands and turning into waves, waving waves, turning the river and the sea, turning the sun and the moon! He was able to raise his hands and kill his feet, killing so many powerful people, it was terrible, terrible!"

Everyone heard the words, their hearts were astonished.

Even the most powerful ancestors of the entire Hutan Cliff faced Chu Jingtian with a terrible and terrible idea. Do they really have no means to deal with Chu Jingtian?

"But how about this?"

Withered eyes flashed in the withered old man's eyes.

"This is just an appetizer! Chu Tianwang, the real highlight is still behind!"

"You used to kill Guo Hongfeng on Qiandao Lake. Although Guo Hongfeng is just a casual repair, his friends are all over the world ... How can these people give up?"

And the entire martial arts community is boiling.

When Hu Tanya declared war on Chu Jingtian, no one was optimistic about the magnificent Beiliang King.

It is really that the background of the Tiger Beach Cliff is too powerful, and it is a hidden clan that has accumulated for thousands of years. Even if Chu Jingtian is strong, he is only lonely. At most, one Lu Jianli is added.

Many people even pessimistically believe that when this first wave of troops strikes, Chu Jingtian will be crushed and crushed. But no one thought that he was acting on his own and repelled these people.

But even so, not many people think that Chu Jingtian can use this to tame Tiger Beach Cliff.


"I didn't expect so many people would dare to come!"

The small island that was already fragmented has sunk most of it.

Three days ago, after the news of the annihilation of thousands of powerful troops spread out, although many people were scared away, more and more people moved after Hutan Cliff doubled the reward.

With the island as the center, the waters of dozens of miles have been stained with blood. The accumulation of floating corpses cannot even disperse the tides of the lake.

"Some small crickets, it is estimated that Hutan Cliff raised the bounty!"

Chu Jingtian guessed.

These little sister-in-laws have no desire to even shoot ~ ~ All are dealt with by Lu Jianli. The repair of Lu Jianli has reached the Five Realms, and with the imperial dragon stick and tiger face brute force belt, the master can kill it.

And during this time, he searched in Qiandao Lake again and found a few good congenital spirit treasures, and actually raised the Wuxiang Bulian Terrace to the fifth-grade top grade.

"Jiang Jindao said that those masters of the Five Realms will arrive in three days, and it must be coming soon!"

Lu Jianli lifted his foot and threw a corpse off the island, and looked around in all sorts of chatter. Outside the island, there are many warriors who came to participate in the hunt, but looking at the sword like Lu Jianli, he was afraid to come forward.

Lu Jianli is so powerful, what about Chu Jingtian?

Just when these warriors wanted to retreat and couldn't bear to retreat, Chu Jingtian, who had always closed his eyes and raised his head, suddenly looked up, and his eyes were flourishing:

"You are finally here!"

(End of this chapter)


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