No words all night until dawn.

When Chu Jingtian appeared, Yan Shiyong, Guo Tianwei, and Ma Dongxue were already fully armed waiting at the door. As soon as he came out, they all clenched their fists and said:

"Master Chu!"

"Ready?" Chu Jingtian naturally knew that Yan Shiyong was about to redeem his guilt, so he came out of this battle. But he didn't care. If he wanted to kill Yan Shiyong, he would have already started.

"Ready. There are only seven of us at Wanjushan this time!"

Yan Shiyong respectfully said.

There is such a double master in the presence of Chu Jingtian, as long as they do not encounter a large-scale beast wave, they will be able to cope. Therefore, including Chu Jingtian, Luo Shengyu and Wang Chong, only he and Guo Tianwei and Ma Dongxue.

Counting on a leading Wei Zhicheng, a total of seven people!

Qingyun Town is not far from Wanju Mountain.

When he left the house, he went straight into the mountain. Within half an hour, he had already stepped into the mountain. Countless giant trees stood in the scattered mountains. The leafy rocks are scattered in the mountain forest, and you can hear the roar of the beast from the mountain.

Wei Zhicheng stepped forward to lead the way. Although he was a big man, he was like a healthy ape in the forest, walking like a bird. Although Yan Shiyong and others have done a good job, they rarely enter the mountain, but they are not as good as each other.

Among the crowd, only Luo Shengyu was weak. Since he became a famous disciple of Chu Jingtian, although he started to practice, after all, cultivation is still shallow, and walking the rear is the most difficult.

Everyone is most worried about Chu Jingtian, for fear that he cannot keep up with the team, they deliberately slowed down.

But I didn't expect Chu Jingtian to have his hands on his back, a stance to play on the green, each step seemed extremely slow, but after walking out of the tens of meters away, it was the easiest person.

It was not until noon that everyone rested.

"Master Chu, please use tea!"

Although it is a deserted mountain, Yan Shiyong has thought carefully and has already brought a complete set of tea set. When everyone was resting, he had already made a pot of hot tea and handed it to Chu Jingtian.

"Why did the people of the Guards come to Wanju Mountain?" Chu Jingtian asked lightly.

When they came, they encountered two or three garrison guards and scrutinized them before they let them into the mountain.

Before entering Qingyun Town before being combined, Chu Jingtian saw a large number of the movement of the Guards, and Chu Jingtian asked for it.

"Master Chu, you don't know. The beast tide of Wanjushan is not a natural disaster, but!" Yan Shiyong glanced around carefully, and then whispered.

"What's going on?" Chu Jingtian suddenly became interested.

Everyone looked at it quickly.

You know, there are many reasons for the beast tide, but the most important one is that there are too many monsters in a certain area. The demon king in this area will expel some monsters. This is the origin of the beast tide. .

But such a large-scale beast tide was actually caused by humans, which is really terrifying.

"It is a defector of the Qiqi dynasty from the Xiqi Dynasty. He sneaked into the royal family and stole a magic weapon to control the herd! The Xiqi Dynasty went all the way to Mount Manju in order to hunt this person down."

"Our Dayan Dynasty learned of the existence of this matter, and wanted to seize that treasure, so the Guards were sent!"

"It's a pity that the man was too cunning and never showed up in the mountains. In addition, he possesses a treasure and can control the herd of herds. He has never caught each other!"

Yan Shiyong, as a ground snake in Qingyun Town, naturally learned some wind sounds, but the content is limited to this.

"Can you control the herd's magic weapon?" Chu Jingtian frowned.

"Master Chu, that's the treasure of the royal family, we can't **** it!" Seeing Chu Jingtian's curious look, Yan Shiyong was startled and persuaded.

Others were worried.

The treasure that the royal family wants, but it can't be touched. That's the big crime of beheading and hacking!

Chu Jingtian smiled lightly and didn't mind.

He has seen more of the treasures of the Order. Xiqi, Dayan, Yunwu ... But just a small remote country, what kind of treasures can be produced? Even if his hands were in front of him, he might not have to take a closer look.

All he wanted now was red beads and golden fruit.

If anyone dares to touch his red beads and golden fruits, even if it is the royal family, he will not be light.

After a short rest, everyone set off again.

It was not until sunset that everyone arrived at their destination.

"That's the lake!"

Everyone looked at the lake in front of the valley. On the lake, a lotus-like blooming elixir exuded with ripples like waves, which was very striking in the dark night. Not far from the lake, there was a giant behemoth hovering there, and a faint breathing sound came from the nose of that giant beast.

"Lion of the Flames!" Everyone couldn't help looking at the behemoth.

Chu Jingtian felt very normal, and there must be monster guards around any Tianlingdibao. This flaming lion king is only a first-order royal family. He once went in and out of countless famous mountain treasures, and even some of the heavenly spirit treasures have powerful seventh- and even eighth-order existence.

Even at his peak, he was very difficult to deal with scary monsters!

"Most of the monsters have no method of cultivation and can only rely on Tianling Dibao to enhance their strength. It seems that this lake has been regarded as his own territory." Chu Jingtian said lightly.

"Master Chu, this little animal is not worth your shot yet, let me deal with it!"

Wang Chong's eyes looked like electricity, as if hungry tigers were eating, and they swept directly towards the lake.

The long sword at the waist also came out of the sheath at this moment, and the crisp sound of the sword was rippling.


The sleeping flame lion Wang Meng woke up and killed Wang Chong directly.

A killing broke out immediately.

The monsters of the first-order royal family are, by common sense, enough to suppress the warriors of the Neijing Grandmaster, but this suppression is only limited to ordinary Neijing Grandmasters. Wang Chong learned the sword from the ‘solo lordship’, and reached a freely stance. How can the lion king be his rival?

But for a moment, the lion king of flames wailed and fell to the ground.

"Master Chu! The red pearl and golden fruit you want!"

When the Flame Lion King died, Yan Shiyong was already handing over the elixir.

Chu Jingtian couldn't hide his joy.

"With this 'Red Pearl Gold Fruit', I can refine Zhenqi Dan and turn the inner strength of my body into Zhenqi!"

Most people want to consolidate their inner strength, and have to go through years of cultivation, just like gathering sand into stones. And the strength level of Qi is far higher than the inner strength!

Even if it is a subtle indifference like hair, it also surpasses all the strength of an inner strength master. This is why Chu Jingtian has always wanted to break through to the period of true energy.

"Achieving the Master of Internal Strength is only a means of self-protection. But if it reaches the period of true energy, no matter what happens, I can take the initiative!"

"Sooner rather than later, I'd better start cooking alchemy here and make real Qi Dan!"

Everyone saw Chu Jingtian's preparation for alchemy, but it was hard to hide his shock. The alchemy of the average person, especially the advanced elixir, must be carefully promoted!

But Chu Jingtian is like cooking fried rice, just like he wants.

Within a short while, a furnace of Zhenqi Dan had been refined.

"Even if my inner strength is gathered by Swire's Qi qi, it is different from ordinary inner strength. A total of eleven Zhenqi Dans are enough to transform my inner strength into authentic energy!"

Commanding everyone to protect him, Chu Jingtian simply sat by the lake and started practicing.

"Is this going to impact the Qi period?"

The gas refiners present at the scene were already upset.

If it is said that the inner strength period is still a field that mortals can touch, then the true energy period has begun to shift towards 'Shangxian'. Reaching this level is already possible to fly with the sword. Is it possible for mortals to touch in the army?

How many people will be able to enter this situation barely throughout their lives, but more people are out of the Qi period, and have never seen it before they die!

"Can he succeed?" Yan Shiyong looked at Chu Jingtian like an ordinary meditation and couldn't help asking.

"I was fortunate enough to have seen a predecessor attack this situation. At that time, there were three infuriating powers helping each other, and two other infuriating powers were waiting. The impact of infuriating power is a matter of vitality If you accidentally smash the body meridians, you will lose it when you practice! "Wang Chongman said with a serious face.

He looked at Chu Jingtian and shook his head secretly:

"Master Chu is an extraordinary person. Since he dares to break through here, he must have his own grasp!"

As I said, there was a breeze in the calm lake, and the wind was flowing towards Chu Jingtian in a steady stream. And the infinite heaven and earth aura around it also turned into thousands of followers.

Chu Jingtian's body seemed to form a huge black hole, and was devouring madly and overbearing!

And the heaven and earth aura that has been swallowed into the body also converges in his Qi Haidan field under the influence of Taigu Qiqi Jue and Zhenqi Dan.

boom! boom! boom!

The huge inner strength merges into the sea of ​​gas, and after continuous compression ~ ~, a vortex of vitality is formed. At the same time, this vortex of qi is constantly increasing, and it has grown to the extreme almost instantaneously.

Almost at the same time it grew to the extreme, listening to the sound of ‘嘭’, the Aura Vortex was directly divided into two and turned into two!

It wasn't until the second vortex of qi emerged that the restless body calmed down.

"If it's a natural breakthrough, let's talk about raising the Qi vortex in Qihai Dantian for half a year, and then you can fight with others after it is stable. Not to mention the two Qi vortexes condensed at once!

"Of course, this is the role of Taigu Qiqi and Zhenqi Dan!"

At the same time, Chu Jingtian, who has been practicing, also opened his eyes sharply at this moment, and a horrific light burst out in his eyes.


Invisible coercion swept out like a tide.

Feeling this power that screamed like nine days ago, this power came so suddenly, everyone could not withstand this coercion and receded towards the rear.

Only Wang Chong could stand still, and Luo Shengyu was taken off the scene on the spot.

Looking at Chu Jingtian who was rising up slowly, feeling this shocking force, everyone could not help but shudder and worshiped.

"Congratulations to Master Chu for his breakthrough!"

Chu Jingtian nodded slightly, his face pale.

To others, the shocking Qi period is like walking around a ghost gate, but to Chu Jingtian it is as easy as eating and drinking.

"call out!"

At this moment, a whisper of sound was heard, the tranquility in front of the lake was broken, and a group of people came from the other side of the lake.

Everyone looked forward.

"This is the Black Dragon Army of Xiqi!" Yan Shiyong changed his face.

ps: Thank you guys? A reward, there is one more at night!

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