Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 36: Who is the junior?

When he arrived at Yan's house, Yan Shiyong had already prepared a rich table. The wine glasses are staggered, but Chu Jingtian's heart is not here.

Because when he came to Qingyun Town, he also saw some guards.

How does the Guards exist?

They are not ordinary troops, nor are they dealing with unusual events. The capture of the martial arts soldiers, the cultivation of legal persons, and even the assassination of a king of a country will be fought by the guards.

‘How could this good-looking Guards appear in Qingyun Town? Is it because of beast tide? ’

Chu Jingtian secretly thought.

Seeing Chu Jingtian's absent-mindedness, Luo Shengyu knew what he cared about, so he didn't dare to neglect. He put the wine glass aside and said to Yan Shiyong, "Brother Yan, hurry up and call that person, we want to know what's going on in Wanju Mountain!"

The survivors who entered the mountain twice were soon led into the hall.

Chu Jingtian lifted his eyes and saw that the other party was a shabby old man with a scar on his left face spanning from his forehead to his chin. His eyes were alert and not unusual.

"His name is Wei Zhicheng. He is the drug collector of Wanjushan. He was the first to discover the red pearl and golden fruit. He entered the mountain several times and escaped by himself. Lord Luoge, what do you want to know? , You can just ask! "Yan Yong said.

As soon as Yan Yong's words fell, Chu Jingtian couldn't wait to ask:

"Where is the Red Pearl and Golden Fruit in Manjushan?"

"No big, no small!" At the banquet, someone frowned slightly. "Boss Yan, who is this kid? Why dare to intervene in this situation?"

"Should be the descendant of Lord Luo Ge ... I really don't understand the slightest etiquette!" Yan Yong flashed a little anger in his eyes.

Which of the generations at the banquet today is not the one who speaks loudly. Except for his current family in Qingyun Town, everyone is a Jianglong and a tiger. Ordinary juniors are not qualified to sit with them at all, but this kid is better, and he ignores a table of people.

When seeing such a young junior as Chu Jingtian asking himself, Wei Zhicheng was also a little surprised, but everyone did not object, he continued:

"I am a drug collector in Wanjushan. I picked medicine in the mountains when I was a kid. When I entered the mountain half a month ago, I was stared at by a tiger-type monster and broke into a valley under a panic."

"That valley is a place that has never appeared on the map. There are strange flowers everywhere. In a lake I found that red bead and golden fruit!"

"Because I was chased by the monster, I can only write down the position so that I can pick it next time."

Everyone nodded.

Most of the beast-collecting people in Wanjushan are like this. When they find the elixir when they are in danger, they often choose to give up and wait until the next time they enter the mountain to pick.

"Everyone knows the next thing. We then entered the Manjushan Mountain twice and ended up returning because of the beast tide. The last time I entered the mountain, it was overwhelmed by the whole army. Only I escaped by myself."

Wei Zhicheng re-explained the beast tide again. Although it has been a few days, he can't help shaking every time he thinks about that scene.

Even the others present couldn't help but be frightened.

Hundreds of monsters are pouring in like tides, and no one can stop this momentum.

"Brother Yan, have you all arranged?" Luo Shengyu asked quickly.

After hearing Luo Shengyu's inquiries, Yan Shiyong put his eyes out and nodded: "It's all arranged, I'll introduce it to you."


Seven or eight people stood up at the bar.

"This is the first master of cultivation in Qingyun Town. To achieve the enlightened master, Guo Tianwei!"

"This is a swordsman from Bai Yucheng. The inner strength is a complete warrior. Ma Dongxue!"

"This is the array mage I invited from the array mage association ..."

"This is an animal trainer ..."

After Yan Shiyong introduced them one by one, the seven or eight people gathered their fists together and greeted Luo Shengyu in a respectful manner:

"Have met Lord Luo!"

These people are Yan Shiyong's confidants.

Although the Yan family and Zijin Pavilion often cooperate, it is also limited to the elixir part. The Yan family is strong in Qingyun Town, and it would be a drop in the ocean if it was placed in the entire Dayan Dynasty.

If they can get in touch with Zijin Pavilion and even the Qin Family behind Zijin Pavilion, it would be a step for them.

"In addition to these people, I will personally lead the hundred of the most brave and fierce clan members of the Yan family to accompany you up the mountain." Yan Shiyong patted his chest and said, "We have so many people going up the mountain together, even if we encounter beast tide, There will be no fear at all! "

"But ..." Yan Shiyong said nothing.

Chu Jingtian frowned slightly, could not help but said, "But what?"

"I also invited a Neijing Grandmaster from Qiannan City. He encountered some small things on the road, which may be delayed for a while. We plan to wait until the other party arrives, and start together." Yan Shiyong said.

"When can the other party arrive?" Luo Shengyu asked quickly.

Yan Shiyong looked embarrassed and said, "I don't know yet, it may be here today, or it may be four or five days later. After all, the beast tide in the Wanju Mountain is fierce now. One more strong person has one more strength to protect himself. ! "

Luo Shengyu didn't dare to take charge and quickly looked at Chu Jingtian.

After all, even Yan Shiyong and other ground snakes mingling in Wanjushan are so careful, they have to be more cautious.

But Chu never thought about it, and said directly:

"There is only one master who is strong. There is not as much as he is, there is not a lot of him. There is no need to wait for him to start. In addition, so many people going up the mountain together are not very useful at all, but they will beasts. The tide draws in! "

"Yan Shiyong, as a beast snake of Wanjushan, don't you know this easy-to-understand truth?"

Yan Shiyong's brow lifted, his face showing a trace of shame and anger.

He did forget that some monsters have a very sensitive sense of smell. When there are too many people, they have a strong human flavor, but will attract the tide of animals.

But if this matter was pointed out by Luo Shengyu, he might not say anything, but now Chu Chutian told it to the public, his face would be a bit unstoppable.

In addition, at the banquet, Chu Jingtian's ‘no big, no small’ performance has made Yan Shiyong completely broke out!

"Boy, where did your elders intervene? When I was in Wanshoushan, you didn't know where. What qualifications do you have to teach me?" Yan Shiyong smashed the glass and said angrily:

"Don't you teach you how to talk to your elders?"

Chu Jingtian slowly raised his head, and said lightly: "Elder? In my eyes, you are just a ant, and you dare to call yourself an elder?"

As soon as he said this, not only Yan Shiyong's face changed, other people also became unhappy.

"You are too ignorant! We are discussing with the host to enter the Manju Mountain, and it is not up to you to decide."

Guo Tianwei, a full-fledged cultivator of beauties with white hair, shook his head while holding a white beard. "It's nothing to be proud of. You can sit with us and be your greatest glory."

"Look, my disciples are still standing there obediently. When are you talking like a nonsense person like you?"

He pointed with his right hand and landed not far away.

Sure enough, there were three or two young people who were about the same age as Chu Jingtian. They were all respectful and afraid to cross Leichi half a step.

"Did I say something wrong?" Chu Jingtian frowned, scorning.

"Huh, dare to pout! You are just the younger son of Lord Luo Ge. What qualifications are there to point the country and point at us?" Swordsman Ma Dongxue snorted coldly. "If you were my disciple, I would have swept you out of the house long ago, but why are you here to speak out?"

Luo Shengyu was almost stupid sitting beside.

He didn't know what was going on, and why everyone was suddenly angry and accused Chu Jingtian suddenly. Only then did he understand that these people regarded Chu Jingtian as his junior! Take Chu Jingtian as his disciple!

"You misunderstood ..."

Luo Shengyu stood up in tears and explained in a continuous voice.

He dreamed of becoming Chu Jingtian's official disciple, how could he be right?

"Master Luo Ge, please forgive me, this junior is so rude."

Luo Shengyu's words didn't fall, Yan Shiyong interrupted him with a sledge. "With your identity and status, going out with this junior will only make your face dull and shame you!"

"Yeah ~ ~ Master Luo Ge! He has been with you for so long, and he does n’t even understand the most basic truth about respecting the Master. If you learn something in the future, would n’t you have master apprentice starved to death? Guo Tianwei said.

Everyone blamed Chu Jingtian.

The juniors standing in the corner, watching this scene also secretly ecstatic.

"Well, I only think of something, it turned out to be a rude guy. If he is not with the Lord of the Court, he is not even qualified to go to the table!" Said a young man.

Another slightly older young man nodded and said, "Yeah, you and I should bother you. They are predecessors with a calm personality, and they hate this frivolous and rude people. I hope he goes through this lesson. After that, you won't commit it again! "

"Is there another time? It is estimated that the Lord Luo Ge will sweep him out of the house later! He really thought that after eating at the same table with the big men, can he really sit on an equal footing with them?" A young man laughed.

These teenagers are about the same age as Chu Jingtian.

Everyone is obviously their peers, but in the end, they can only stand side by side, but Chu Jingtian is leisurely sitting with these headed and faced generations, naturally secretly jealous.

Now when they see Chu being shocked, most of them are gloating.

Just when everyone was blaming them, just when the younger generation was proud, Chu Jingtian smiled a little, and said indifferently:

"Who told you that I am Luo Shengyu's junior? Who told you that I am Luo Shengyu's disciple?"

Eyelids lifted slightly, Chu Jingtian glanced across the crowd, and said lightly, "Luo Shengyu, come and tell them ..."

ps: There is one more at night. Ask for a recommendation ticket and collect it ... If I am three, it is equivalent to the other authors five. Can I ask for a reward?

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