Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 357: Lake Heart Palace

When the angered serpent saw Chu Jingtian, the anger that erupted suddenly also stagnated at this moment.


After all, it is a sky demon, knowing that they are not invincible, and they will not die here with Chu Jingtian. Its body turned, like a mad dragon breaking through the waves, and fled towards the depths of the lake, regardless of the together.

Seeing this, Jin Chan quickly called out:

"Don't let it escape, there are still formations left by the owner in this lake!"

Chu Jingtian had originally planned to stop. Hearing Jin Chan's words, he could not help but frown, and waved his right hand, shouting loudly:

"Darkness, catch me!"


As soon as the words fell, I saw a black light burst out from the badge in front of Chu Jingtian, and a huge shadow rushed out of Chu Jingtian's arms. The raging storm blew the lake in front of him, and a black light flashed out like black lightning.

Jin Chan lifted his eyes and saw that the black shadow that flew out was actually a huge black underworld Tianpeng.

There are dozens of feet in the spread of the wings, like a dark cloud covering the sky and carrying a horrible demon wind, it is already a fast pursuit.


When the snake became visible, the three souls suddenly came out, and the seven souls ascended to heaven. The horror that had erupted to the extreme had skyrocketed by another three points, and flew towards the distance in spite of everything.

But no matter how fast it is, how can it be compared to Heiming Tianpeng. But between three fingers, Heiming Tianpeng had already flew over the snake, and grabbed it like a giant claw!


This giant claw is like a terrible prison, descended directly from the sky, passed through the body of the snake, and nailed it directly to the lake. The terrible force slammed the lake, and numerous waves swept through.

Seeing this scene, Jin Chan's secret tongue was scared, and his original plan to wait for Chu Jingtian to chase the snake was also cancelled.

I saw that Heiming Tianpeng's claws were closed, the snake turned up like a dead dog, and slowly flew back to Chu Jingtian's side.

"Say, what other formations are in this lake?"

Chu Jingtian asked.

"You let me go when I said it?" Hua Snake secretly glanced at Chu.

"You don't have the right to bargain with me!" Chu Jingtian flicked his fingers. "If you don't say it, I will kill you at most, take out your soul, and spend three days searching for memories, it's just a matter of trouble. "

"Of course, I won't kill you so easily!"

Chu Jingtian lost his eyes, Heiming Tianpeng suddenly closed his claws. A sharp demon's spirit quickly poured into the body of the snake, and this demon's spirit immediately filled the body of the snake.

Under the effect of two different demons, the screaming scream of Hua Hu who was in pain immediately.

"I promise you, I promise you, and I'll take you there." Hua Snake quickly complained.

Chu Jingtian nodded, and Heiming Tianpeng loosened his paw.

"Come here, don't even think about running away. If you run away again, I will kill you even!" Chu Jingtian glanced at Jin Chan. Jin Chan heard that his body trembled and he could only follow him honestly.

The so-called formation method is in the lake of this central island.

It is a small palace.

The entire palace was shrouded in eight pillars, and the rays of light on the pillars joined together, like a square mask covering the palace. Hua Snake leads the way and introduces:

"This palace is the warehouse where the master used to store some elixir and spiritual treasure. Most of them were stolen by me, and some were hidden inside the palace, but they are protected by matrix formations, and I can't get close! "

With the flick of the tail of the snake, the eight dragon pillars on the periphery of the palace were beaten with a regular attitude, and the light curtain trembled and quietly dissipated.

Chu Jingtian glanced at the snake and sneered:

"Your life has been leisurely and contentious. The owner of Lujiashan asked you to guard the warehouse, and you have all eaten up!"

When the snake heard the words, it couldn't help but tremble and looked at the shocking sky with a dread.

Chu Jingtian didn't speak.

Such things are common to him.

These days, the demon did not sign a contract with the master of Luojia Mountain, but he was surrendered by the other's great magical power, and he would secretly do something privately. After the master of Luojia Mountain fell, there was not much restraint on them. What would you like to do with them?

Sure enough, as he entered the palace, Chu Jingtian found a lot of rooms for elixir inside. It's just that these rooms are empty, obviously all eaten by the snake.

Seems to be afraid of Chu Jingtian's anger at himself, the snake quickly rushed to lead the way, saying:

"These spiritual herbs that I have eaten are not too high-end things. Inside the palace, there are three rooms. The three rooms are not allowed for me to enter."

"I don't see if you can get in? If you can get in, I'm afraid you'll eat all the things inside!" Chu Jingtian looked at the snake with a smile, and the snake shrank his head with a scared expression I don't know how to answer.

Chu Jingtian retracted his gaze, but he was quietly condensing.

In this case, Hua snake naturally dare not lie to him. Although most of the heavenly spirits and treasures in the palace were eaten up by snakes, as it says, if it is really some high-grade spiritual herbs, it may have reached the Six Realms.

‘I do n’t know what ’s in these last three rooms? ’

Between Shen Ning, Chu Jingtian was already in the final room.

Sure enough, as Huahua said before, the room was protected by the formation method. Although the doorway was open, there was a thin light curtain. Usually invisible, this light curtain will only appear when you want to go in.

Watching Chu Jingtian pushing the light curtain with his hand, Hua Snake quickly said:

"This array cannot be defeated by external forces. It can only be achieved by breaking the array. I have tried many times and I was blown back by the array."

"I still need you to teach?"

Chu Jingtian glanced at it, and then calmly retracted the divine thought.

Hua Snake was trained not to dare to say a word, but looked at Chu Jingtian in a daunting expression, but his eyes were full of ridicule and disdain.

‘I do n’t believe you can break through this circle and see how ugly you are. ’

But as soon as his thoughts arose, he saw Chu Jingtian's hands tying his seal and emitting dozens of rays of light. This light with a scattered attitude, and secretly corresponds to a law, disappeared after entering the light curtain.

In the unbelievable eyes of the Hua snake, the peaceful light curtain suddenly rippled like water droplets, and finally shone into a piece of light that quietly disappeared.

"This ..."

"This array method is called Red Fire Litian array. If you forcibly attack, you will burst into flames." Chu Jingtian said to the stunned serpent and the bewildered Jin Chan: "The two of you stay here, I go in Check it out! "

After that, he strode in.

To Chu's regret, however, there are only three or four empty platforms in this room, and there is still a breath of high-level Tianlingdibao remaining in it.

"It seems that the Tianlingdibao in this house has been taken away by the owner of Lujia Mountain."

"I don't know if there are two other houses ..."

He thought to himself, and began to break the formation of the second room.

However, the formation of this second room was tricky and difficult. Chu Jingtian took half a column of incense to unlock it, but the room was still empty.

Comes full of expectations, but the result is a bamboo basket fetching water, Chu Jingtian is already faintly unhappy.

"Maybe there will be in the third room!"

Seeing Chu Jingtian's somber face, Hua Snake was afraid that Chu Jingtian would be angry with himself, and quickly lowered his head and said, "The master usually puts the most precious things here ..."

"It's better, otherwise, I will draw your snake bone to make a sword!" Chu Jingtian quietly glanced at the snake.

The Hua snake trembled, and the body shrank into a ball, afraid to squeak.

It was Jin Chan's gloating expression on his face. Seeing this, the Hua snake stared at Jin Chan fiercely, while Jin Chan was relying on Chu to shock the sky, becoming more lawless.


When Chu Jingtian focused his attention on the last room, he found that the room's formation was obviously better than the previous two by three points, faintly feeling a killing.


When the divine thought explored, it was a faint feeling of rejection. The two forces collided out of thin air, agitating the space in front of Chu Jingtian, making the sight of looking past blurred.

Hua Snake and Jin Chan couldn't care less, and looked at it in confusion.

However, when Chu Jingtian was standing still, the whole divine thought was already dragged into it.


Unable to see the snake and Jin Chan, Chu Jingtian as a whole came to a mysterious universe, and countless stars are constantly spinning in a strange law!

And in the center of this piece of Hengyu, there is an illusion completely composed of golden light, staring at him angrily.

"Little thief, dare to break into my secret place and steal my magic weapon!"

He snarled, his hands waved suddenly, and the endless stars in Hengyu were pulled up by an inexplicable force, blasting towards Chu Jingtian with a crushing attitude.

"But it's just a remnant of God's thoughts, break it for me!"

Faced with such a might, Chu Jingtian didn't panic at all, but hummed. He knows that the magical thoughts of the master of Jiajia Mountain are attached to this formation, and it is precisely this spiritual thought that is dragged into the fantasy world created by the formation.


He took a step forward ~ ~ yin **** tossed up, and the condensed divine thought turned into a shocking sword blade.

Then, it suddenly slashed.


For a while, the tearing sound that can only be heard in Chu Jingtian sounded, and then saw the countless rushing stars were cut apart, and the infinitely huge Hengyu was also torn on the spot, exposing a huge gap.

And this gap is like a black hole, getting bigger and bigger, swallowing up the remaining stars and the entire piece of Hengyu.

When he opened his eyes again, Chu Jingtian was back in the palace again. At the same time, the matrix light curtain at the door flashed, and the light spot disappeared quietly.

Chu Jingtian's eyes recovered, his face paled.


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