Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 2095: The most dangerous place


Once this idea came to mind, it could no longer be eliminated.

this moment.

Everyone couldn't help but shine.


They looked at each other for a while.

"No wonder!"

"Is this the case?"

"No wonder, no matter how we look, we haven't been able to find Yuan Ran and Chu Jingtian..."

"Perhaps, after leaving the Black Iron City, they didn't go to other positions at all, but stayed in that plane!"

Out of normal speculation.

In everyone's opinion.

Chu Jingtian and Abyss made such a big noise in the Black Iron City that it is inevitably impossible to stay where they are, maybe they have already left there for other abyss planes, and even have escaped from the abyss.

But now it seems.

They may have expected it wrong.

Maybe Chu Jingtian and Yuan Ran did not leave at all, but stayed in that plane all the time.

"There is a great possibility!"

"Across the abyss, most of the abyss planes have our eyes and ears..."

"In those spaces, we haven't heard of their appearance! Now it seems that they are likely to stay there all the time! Maybe there is a temple dedicated to Yuan Ran for shelter! "

The more analysis.

Everyone's eyes are getting brighter.


They discovered what they had overlooked all along.

"If there is nothing wrong, Chu Jingtian should be there!"

"Let's go quickly..."

"Catch out the other party before he recovers!"

Almost at the same time.

Many of the giants present were already eager to begin to appear.

"What are you waiting for?"

"While the other party's injury has not fully recovered, hurry and grab him out!"


There was hardly any hesitation.

The hot-tempered giant was already dancing tentacles all over his body.

See you.

His tentacle was quickly entangled in mid-air, turning into a long knife-like appearance, and at the same time, suddenly slashing down.


A harsh voice resounded loudly.

See you.

The space in front was actually cut open, revealing a huge passage.


He jumped directly into the channel, and the whole person disappeared in place.

And the other giants, without any hesitation, quickly stepped into the channel and drilled straight in.

I just felt a world spinning.

When you open your eyes again.

The twelve giants present had already appeared again above the Black Iron City.

at this time.

More than half a month has passed since the last battle.


The entire Dark Iron City has been rebuilt in ruins, but no one who has seen that scene that day can forget the battle scene that day. The giant who is one of the reincarnation organizations who control the plane of the abyss was actually killed by a young man in public.

This battle has already become the talk of everyone after dinner.

Many people came to hear the news and wanted to observe the battle that day.


More people are in doubt as to whether that war actually exists.

"how is this possible?"

"That's Yuan Yan!"

"One of the thirteen giants of the reincarnation organization!"

"Yes, Yuan Ran's strength, in the reincarnation organization, although it is not the strongest, nor is it comparable to the average person, how could someone kill him?"

"Yeah, that's an exaggeration!"

"From start to finish, the young man didn't even make a shot, just relying on a few black armor generals to burn down the abyss? How could there be such a powerful black armor generals? It was blown up, Can it be recovered?"

No matter how the people who witnessed the war at the beginning, how to paint a picture.

But there are always many people who don’t believe it.

After all, they didn't even see it with their own eyes, and they couldn't imagine how dangerous and frightening that battle was!

"Look, I can't tell!"

"If the giant of the reincarnation organization is killed, the reincarnation organization is definitely not going to give up. Then why haven't you seen the other people in the reincarnation organization?"

Many questioners raised this point.

And this is also doubtful in the minds of many people.

They also had some doubts in their hearts.

It stands to reason.

They have all heard of the murderous names of reincarnation organizations.

For them.

The reincarnation organization has suffered such a big loss, and even a giant has fallen. It is impossible for the reincarnation organization to just ignore it.


These days have passed, and I have not seen other giants in reincarnation organizations.

"Isn't that the giant of the reincarnation organization?"

Hear other people asking.

Even on that day, the people who witnessed that war personally began to doubt.


Just as more and more people began to think so.

I saw it suddenly.

The sky above the Black Iron City was suddenly torn open on the spot by a violent force. Suddenly, a huge channel appeared, and everyone had not yet reacted. UU reading followed An aura of terror has already emerged violently from it like a tide.


When this breath emerged, it was already like a tide, pouring out, and rushing out quickly, all over the Black Iron City.

"This breath is..."

"What is going on?"

"Could there be a strong man again?"

Feeling this breath, everyone on the scene couldn't help changing colors, and their eyes widened.

I saw it.

Throughout the Black Iron City, countless figures, like the tide, are constantly rushing out from all directions, rushing out rapidly, rushing out of the disease, and looking towards the sky.

In the horror of countless people.

Above the sky.

At that moment, the flat space seemed to be torn apart by a force of terror. And the force of terror was already revealed from that huge crack.

But anyone who saw this crack and felt this horror could not help but look horrified.

"What is this..."

"Could it be?"

"Wouldn't it be..."

"Are they going to show up?"

See this scene.

All the people present seemed to think of something, but their expressions could not help changing drastically.

Before waiting for everyone to recover from the shock, it was immediately seen that a huge phantom came directly out of that void. That Herang was a huge, indescribable figure, shrouded in darkness, and the whole body was more like a countless tentacle. The tumbling tentacle was like a flame!

Seeing this figure, everyone in the entire Iron City could not help but suddenly lose their voice at this moment.

"Black Touch King!"

The reincarnation organization is finally here!

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