Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 207: Suppress


As soon as the eyes of ‘Longzu’ were closed, a little anger appeared in the dark golden vertical eyes.

It has lived in the Japanese Empire for four hundred years, and no one has dared to be so rude to it.

"who are you?"

‘Longzu’ asked.

"Master Longzu, he is the enemy we are facing this time. This dragon enchanter is his beast." Emperor Dayri quickly said.

‘Longzu’ looked surprised, a look that was completely unexpected.

It does not live in the imperial palace, but the imperial mausoleum far outside. The reason why this time came, it was also informed by the master inside, that a strong enemy had entered the royal family. When it first came, it thought it was the silver dragon monster that was making trouble. But I didn't expect it to be such a humble teenager.

With his eyes narrowed, ‘Longzu’ chirped:

"Boy, you are brave. Depending on your own ingenuity, you dare to mess with the royal family. You dare not speak badly to me ... If you are now paying attention and begging for mercy, maybe I can consider leaving you a whole body ! "

Chu Jingtian laughed and laughed, "Do you really consider yourself as a" Dragon Ancestral "? You are just a little Teng snake, without the slightest blood of the Dragon clan, dare to call it Dragon Ancestral?"

"Master Chu, what is Teng Snake?" Guo Yiyi asked.

"But it's just a low-level monster! Don't look at it as fierce, it comes from the wind, but it has already exhausted its potential. If my silver mang successfully grows a second head, it will be enough to give it Shred easily! "Chu Jingtian slowly shook his head.

Millions of demons in the world.

Some demons are silent, but they are descendants of demons. There are demon clan imposing, but no roots and no pings. This ascendant snake is the most common demon in the fourth stage. It has the strength of today's treasure of the Japanese Empire for hundreds of years.

But after reaching this level, it can be considered as the end, there is no possibility of improvement. This guy actually called himself "Dragon Ancestral", which made people laugh away.

"court death!"

‘Longzu’ had anger in his eyes, and now it was a roar, and his wings fluttered suddenly. The billowing spirits swept into the wings, and at this moment it used the wings as a knife and the swords as a blade, suddenly a fan.


A fierce tearing sound came suddenly, and saw the huge blades transformed by the two demon's spirits crossing. Whether it was a golden carved jade dragon pillar or a gorgeous and luxurious decoration, they were all chopped down. Off.

Two monsters, headed straight for Chu!

"Oh, are you ashamed?"

Chu Jingtian smiled, and his right hand flicked. I saw that Wulian Buddhism Terrace slowly flew out, and a treasure light emanated like a tide. Just listening to the sound of "Dang", the demon blade actually burst out when it hit itself.


Yinmang also responded. The huge tail slammed the ground heavily. With this terrible power, it turned into a rush and shot directly towards the ‘Dragon Ancestor’!

"Get away!"

‘Longzu’ ’s eyes were full of anger, and its slender body was stretched straight, and at this moment stood up like a bamboo pole. I saw its mouth wide open and spit, a black poisonous mist swept directly out, and went straight to Yinmang swept away.

Seeing this, Yin Mang didn't dare to neglect and spit out green mansions.

Two hexes collided in mid-air, and it was like a confluence of water and fire, and a violent sound erupted. The black poisonous mist actually surpassed the green mansions in an instant, and the remaining momentum swept towards the silver mansions.

After all, Yinmang is also a fourth-order monster, not to mention the greedy dragon command. In mid-air, it suddenly operated the demon spirit, the body twisted to the extreme, again vacated and escaped the dark mist.


The black mist flickered against its tail, and a burst of crickets erupted. Everyone quickly looked at it, and saw that the beautiful tail of Yinmang had been corroded with a trace of fire, blood and flesh were visible, The wound also smelled like a scalp!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Japanese royal family could not help cheering.

It is indeed a dynasty with a foundation of 1,200 years, and it was still raising such a terrible monster in the imperial tomb. No matter it is Longzu or Tengshe, its strength is terrible. Almost as soon as I shot it, I suppressed the silver mang that so many people couldn't handle!

The Emperor Dairi laughed proudly:

"Chu Jingtian, your dead time has come! Come to our big Japanese dynasty, this is the stupidest decision you have ever made in this life. After killing Yinmang, it's your turn!"

During the talk, Yinmang has rushed up again and fought against ‘Longzu’.

With two beasts over ten meters in size, each battle was a terrible and careful earthquake. The outbreak of evil spirits is even more difficult to enter, wherever the battle is, it is a mess. However, gradually, "Longzu" still prevailed.

Its strength itself is above Yinmang. Even if Yinmang has been following Chu Jingtian for a while, its strength has been greatly improved, but this time is not enough to cross the gap of four hundred years!

"Master Chu, Yinmang is about to lose ... Aren't you going to fight?" Guo Yiyi watched several times to resist, but was still pulled by the dragon dragon's tail to Yinmang on the ground, and couldn't help screaming.

‘Longzu’ stabilized Yinmang by virtue of his size. Even more, its arrogance and strength are far stronger than Yinmang. At first, Yinmang was able to resist, but in the end, it could only be crushed and beaten. The beautiful silver scales were almost intact.


In the field, two huge figures rushed towards each other again with the eyes of everyone's fear.

Immediately after seeing the figure in the field, it was almost a touch. One of them flew out on the spot, crashing against the wall, and collapsing that half of the palace.

The one who was hit by the fly was really Yinmang!

Everyone hurriedly looked at it, and saw Yin Mang stuck to the corner, softened into a pool of mud, and couldn't get up after many struggles.

"It still seems that the cultivation time is too short!"

Chu Jingtian frowned slightly.

He sensed that Xeon power was brewing in Yinmang, apparently during this period of cultivation under Wanmoyuan. He didn't intend to do anything, and wanted to wait for Yinmang to erupt on his own, drawing out this power.

But this way, obviously there is no ability to trigger this force.

"After I kill it, it's your turn!"

‘Longzu’ Yu Guang swept Chu Jingtian and said coldly. Then it opened its mouth and spit, and a black poisonous mist that was dozens of times larger than the previous one directly sprayed out, like a flood, sprayed on Yinmang and Greedy Dragon.


Guo Yiyi could not help screaming.

Seeing this scene, everyone present was happy. Everyone has seen the prestige of the 'Dragon Ancestral' before, wherever the poisonous mist is, the grass is not full of mess.


Yin Mang howled, the scales exploded frantically, and hurried back toward the rear. However, the speed of its retreat is not as fast as the spread of poisonous mist, and it will be swept away by poisonous mist.

"Master Chu ..." Guo Yiyi couldn't help but exclaim.

However, her voice had just come to an end and she did not know when she was there, Chu Jingtian had already been there.

In the face of this poisonous mist that can corrode everything, Chu Jingtian was ready to block with his body.

"When did he get there?"

The Emperor Dairi exclaimed.

"Regardless of where he went, kill him together!" ‘Longzu’ roared, and the poisonous mist spit out, instead of converging at all, it became more rapid and amazing at this moment than before!

"Haha, you don't know how high the sky is until you die!"

Just listening to Chu Jingtian talking, suddenly stepping forward.


Liantai trembled suddenly, bursting out infinite treasure light. Under this light, even the sun and the moon seemed to be dim.

The horrifying poisonous mist that swept through the sky suddenly exploded when it touched this treasure. The dark fog that is enough to corrode everything is actually the quiet snow of Spring Snow, disappearing without a trace!

The reason why Liantai is called the Buddha's Gate is precisely because Zhigang Zhiyang, specializing in Yin Yinxie!

"Fo Liantai, why do you have such treasures?"

‘Longzu’ was stunned.

Looking at the lotus body that was already flying by, the discolored ‘Dragon Ancestor’ suddenly changed from a huge black body to a sudden black enchantment. This surging black demon spirit directly formed a ghost image of a snake that was hundreds of meters long, and then rushed savagely towards the Buddhaless Lotus Terrace!

Watching ‘Longzu’ is still struggling ~ ~ Chu Jingtian smiled slightly, pressing his right hand slowly downward. The lotus terrace that flew away suddenly became a masterpiece of treasure, and in a horrifying look turned into a circle of nearly tens of meters, rolling down like a hill!


A burst of sound sounded.

The huge shadow of the ascendant snake was smashed and crushed on the spot by the Buddhaless Lotus Terrace, and the bursting shadow turned into a huge cloud ring, rushing away in all directions.


Seeing this scene, where did the 'Dragon Ancestor' still have the previous arrogant attitude? It was suddenly startled, the scales all over the body were upright. At this moment, he fluttered his wings and fled towards the distance.

"But it's just a little Teng snake, so you dare to call yourself 'Dragon Ancestral'?" Chu Jingtian laughed and waved suddenly.

Suddenly, Fo Lintai was slammed under the infinite treasure light, and suddenly it was heavily pressed on the body of ‘Zulong’. This surging and powerful force has crushed it with almost no resistance.

In the depths of countless people's eyes and pupils, they were slammed to the ground directly from mid-air, and finally the ancestors of the 'Longzu' were pressed to the ground. Blood couldn't stop flowing from the gaps between the scales, and the wings that were enough to cover the sun were also broken by half!

At the same time, a ripple visible to the naked eye quickly swept out, and the force of terror rolled tumbling, as if swarmed by thousands of horses, and like the overwhelming overwhelming flood. The gigantic palace seemed to be crossing the wind, and was torn apart at this moment.

The scene was dead.

Everyone was stunned, dumbfounded.

What kind of weapon is this? It is so easy to suppress the ‘Dragon Ancestor’?

(End of this chapter)

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