Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 2040: Hell Black Dragon

"Sir, are you okay?"

After walking out of the Black Iron City, Ye Qingchen's body shuddered, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

In this scene, Kelly, who was immediately scared to follow her, could not help but shudder and asked quickly.

"No problem!"

Ye Qingchen slowly shook his head.

Before he left, he stared at the lich and used his mind, which naturally affected his own injury.

With his current injury, he is already unable to exert one percent of his peak strength. If you want to use that power, you will naturally have to pay a great price.

of course.

It is also worth it.

He didn't want to, he worked hard to kill the Hell Black Dragon, but turned out to be an ending for the other party to play with himself.

At that glance, it was just a warning.

He believed.

The other party will understand.

"Adult, is there any problem with your injury?"

Kelly looked at Chu Jingtian with a worried expression.

Chu Jingtian's weak and unbearable posture seemed to be dead at any time.

"You really want me to die?" Chu Jingtian slowly wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at the succubus in front of him with a smile. "Relax, even if I die, I can make you fly in the blink of an eye Oblivion! If you don't believe it, you can give it a try! "

The rotten ship also has three pounds of nails.

After all, it is also the existence of Megatron, even if it seems, Chu Jingtian is now in a rotten look.

If anyone dares to do harm to him now, the consequences must be quite serious.

"Dare not!"

Kelly couldn't help shaking.

At that moment, she did have a thought of escaping. After all, in her view, Chu Jingtian had such a dying body, and it was impossible to kill the dragon.

Even if the other party still has such a puppet like a demon, it is difficult to survive from the hands of Hell Black Dragon.


Chu Jingtian only said something like a bucket of ice water, pouring directly from her head, so that all her thoughts were at that moment, ash annihilated.

"Don't dare!" Chu Jingtian nodded. "Now, let's go to the **** black dragon!"


Kelly shuddered and lowered her head deeply.

After this beat, Kelly had no other ideas. Even in her heart, Chu Jingtian's danger level is even more terrifying than that **** black dragon!

After seeming to understand Chu Jingtian's horror, Kelly's last little thoughts and thoughts completely disappeared, and the whole person was completely involved in it, doing everything for Chu Jingtian.

Shortly after leaving the city, Kelly stopped a carriage directly from the roadside.

This is not an ordinary carriage, but a black scale on the whole body, like a unicorn. According to Kelly, this is called ‘Nightmare’ and is a mobility tool for people with the ability to choose.

The coachman was a half-orc, with a strong beast breath, like a combination of humans and beasts, which looked very strange. And such half-orcs are quite common in the abyss.

When he heard that Chu Jingtian was going to Xishan, his scared face was white and he shook his head quickly:

"Two adults, there is the site of Hell Black Dragon. Any presence in that area will become the food of Hell Black Dragon ... I am afraid that we will be discovered by Hell Black Dragon before we are near Xishan!

To this end, Kelly spent a lot of money before the half-orc driver agreed.

With a carriage ride, it is much faster than walking.

Along the way, the half-orc chauffeur has been chattering nonstop, mostly about the **** black dragon. According to him, this **** black dragon has been retreating to Xishan for five or six years, and there have been many people who went to suppress it.

But for a long time, there has been no return.

Chu Jingtian didn't matter, but Kelly kept asking.

The half-orc driver said in an exaggerated manner: "The **** black dragon is thousands of feet in size, flying to cover the sky and the sun, the mountainous area originally had many powerful existences. But since that **** black dragon After the emergence, many of the Warcraft in the mountain area were conquered by this **** black dragon. They often went to the existence of the Dragon Slaughter, and even before they entered the mountain, they were torn to pieces by those Warcraft. "

Speaking of here, the half-orc deliberately and unintentionally glanced at Chu Tian. In his view, this kid was like those novice nobles who wanted to become famous with Tulong.

"That **** black dragon is very strong?" Kelly froze on the spot.

"Yeah, if you look at this piece of land, it has been completely scorched. This is the trace left by the black dragon of the hell." The half-orc chauffeur drew dry smoke and motioned to look at the roadside.

Kelly looked away quickly.

Looking up, the area has become completely scorched earth, and there is no grass in the area, as if even in the air, it seems to be filled with a stench.

As a succubus, she reacted at once, what is this smell of smell?

That's the smell of corpses being burned to ashes!

In an instant, Kelly's complexion changed.

But Chu Jingtian didn't feel the slightest surprise at all. Although he didn't read the information provided by the lich, he also knew that this **** black dragon belongs to the level of a human being.

With that kind of existence, it is not surprising to release a large area of ​​spells.

"However, why is there no other powerful presence to deal with him?"

Chu Jingtian secretly darkened.

But thinking about it is normal.

Although this abyss plane has been completely smashed into countless small worlds, this does not affect some strong ones. For those powerful beings, they are all one-sided existences. Except for insolvable contradictions, there is rarely an endless situation.

As for the lich who gave him this task, the most important thing was to kill him with a knife.

Of course, not killing the black dragon ~ ~ but yourself.

after all.

From the other's point of view, this **** black dragon is enough for anyone who has conspiracy to put away all thoughts.

"Hope that lich, don't do anything that disappoints me!"

Chu Jingtian closed his eyes and sank all his mind into his body, leaving only a little thought to prevent accidents. His injury was too heavy and he had to fight back to recover his body.

Although the Black Armor will be powerful, it will take a lot of time to drive it. He does not want to deal with Su Hao, the black dragon of Hell. What unexpected happens!

When Kaili saw it, she closed her mouth and did not dare to disturb Chu Jingtian to recover.


This situation did not last long, and was interrupted by a burst of exclamation.

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