Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 1975: Styx

In the endless light, another world gradually emerged.

This is a world full of clouds. The entire void seems to have no light at all, giving people a feeling of complete cessation of vitality, but what makes Chu Jingtian interested is that he has a long-lost familiarity with this world.

"This is where?"

Chu asked at random.

"This is the world of Styx!" The ferry monk shrugged his shoulders and said, "You have fought these existences before, and those things come from this world of Styx!"

"Originally from here!"

Chu nodded involuntarily, looked at the world carefully.

Crystal light emerged, slowly showing the appearance of the whole world.

This is a gloomy world.

Overlooked from the sky, the most attractive are the three huge rivers.

Do not!

Calling it a river seems a bit exaggerated. They look more like three ancestor dragons meandering on this Stygian land. Even if there is no sound in the crystal, Chu Jingtian can feel it. That came from the horror shock brought by Stygian roar.

Is actually giving people a feeling of extreme palpitations.

"Sect Master, let's look at the next world again!" Watching Chu Jingtian gazing at the Stygian intently, ferrying the monk's heart and sinking in a secret passage, the other party obviously became interested in the Stygian River.

As he spoke, he picked up a spar in his hand and injected his own power. When he saw the flash of light, another huge light slowly bloomed.

This is a world composed entirely of frost. The whole world reveals an uncontrollable chill. Even through the picture, it seems to be able to spread, and the blood that makes the whole body seems to be solidified. feel.

"This is a world of ice that is completely opposite to the world of fire. There are many magical creatures here, and Tiangong's sphere of influence here is relatively large ..."

But the voice did not fall.

Was already interrupted by Chu Jingtian.

Chu shook his hand carelessly, and asked the ferry monk in front of him: "I want to know, how is the power of the Tiangong in the Styx ..."

The ferry monk opened his mouth, but in Chu Jingtian's eyes, he finally sighed helplessly and answered truthfully: "It's quite huge ..."

"What about our capital?" Chu Jingtian continued to ask.

"Almost suppressed, there is no room for survival!"

"Okay, this is it!"

Didn't expect that as soon as the voice fell, Chu Jingtian clapped his hands and said, "I'm going to Styx ..."

"Sect Master, I advise you to think about it!" Seeing Chu Jingtian actually made up her mind, the ferry monk's face sank all at once, and quickly stood up to block the road: "This Styx is not just casually Where I can go! "


Asked Chu.

"Ah, you do not know!" The ferry monk sighed and explained: "Although this area is called the Styx, it does not mean that there are no creatures in them. On the contrary, there are very powerful Creatures! The most terrifying of them are the three leaders of Styx! They are the powerful beings that dominate the entire Styx world! "

"What about the power of the palace here that day?" Chu Jingtian asked again.


The ferry monk opened his mouth and did n’t know how to talk about it, but when he saw Chu Jingtian ’s attitude was so firm, he could only sigh. To tell the truth, “Tiangong has reached a cooperation agreement with the Three Commanders of Styx It is a stronghold of Tiangong. Although there are not many people in Tiangong, the existence of Styx is enough! "

"Okay! I'll go to Styx next!"

Chu Jingtian directly patted the road.

"Don't you think about it?" The ferry monk was very dissatisfied with Chu Jingtian's brain-hot behavior: "The Styx and his party are extremely dangerous, almost nine deaths."

"But for us, isn't the Styx threat even greater?"

Chu Jingtian asked back.

He also learned.

This time, the reason why the Tiangong was able to hold the dungeons and give them a considerable impact was due to the existence of the Styx.

"Or shall I send some people to follow you?"

"No!" Chu Jingtian directly interrupted the ferry monk's next words, "I went to Styx this time, naturally, the fewer people know the better, even if I encountered Tiangong, I can hide in time. If there are more people If it does, it will cause the goal to be too large and will be discovered by the other party! At the same time, I do n’t want to let other people accompany me to take risks together because of my behavior! "


After being silent for a moment, the ferry monk nodded after all and got up and said to Chu Jingtian: "Come with me! Long ago, Tiangong launched an attack on our camp in Styx, destroying many of our teleportation arrays. , But there are one or two more hidden teleportation arrays. They did not find out that you can pass this teleportation array! "

"This can be there!"

Chu was shocked and heard the words, his eyes lit up.

even though.

The strength reaches his level, UU reading www.uukanshu. It is not as dangerous as before to pass through the void chaos, but no one knows what will happen in the void chaos, and the movement caused by the appearance of the void in another world is also quite huge, which will inevitably cause Some alertness from the other party.

If there is a teleportation array, it will naturally be much simpler.

"This is some of our information about the Stygian River, you first get familiar with it!" The ferry monk took out a jade pupil jade from his hand and handed it to Chu Jingtian: "Knowing yourself and knowing each other, you can win every battle. If you are in danger, don't use Stay strong in the Styx and come back! "

"I know!"

Chu Jingtian turned out to be Yu Tongjian, Shen Nian poured into it, and a huge message had swept through.

If you change to other people, I am afraid that you will be shocked by the huge information on the spot and become an idiot, but for Chu Jingtian, you can completely digest all the information in just a few interest.

In this information, in addition to revealing some biological information in the Styx, it also records some secrets of the prefecture and the Tiangong.

"This is it!"

Not long.

The two stopped in front of a teleportation array.

Nine huge Panlong pillars surround the center, and a gray breath continuously emerges from the center of the circle, apparently from the Stygian on the other side of the circle.

This gray breath reveals a powerful kind of death. If a common creature touches a little, it will immediately be swallowed by it and become a corpse.

"This is it ..."

Chu squinted his eyes.

This is exactly the breath carried by those Stygian creatures he has been in contact with.

Took a deep breath, Chu Jingtian was already walking up.

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