Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 1674: The situation turned dark

Say it in detail?

Naturally, Su Ping knew what his ancestors were most concerned about. He avoided those miscellaneous chores at the moment, and directly selected the six-tooth white elephant and Chu Jingtian's strength to focus on.


After speaking, the ancestors of the Su family suddenly became gloomy.

"You mean, even if you shot with all your strength, you couldn't suppress Chu Jingtian? Instead, they were slapped on the ground by the other party?" Su family ancestor asked Shen Sheng.

"My ancestor, my sentence is true, and I dare not shirk at all." Su Ping said honestly, "In the face of Chu Jingtian, I have used at least 70% to 80% of my strength. I originally thought that winning the other party was It's a breeze, but who would have thought it would happen! "

There was a hint of resentment in Su Ping's eyes.

Although the heart is extremely unwilling.

But he was photographed on the ground by Chu Jingtian, which is an unchangeable fact. This means that Chu Jingtian already has the strength to fight against Dixian. Moreover, coupled with Su Ping's previous description, Chu Jingtian obviously did not exhaust his full strength, and there is still a lot of power.

I'm afraid the right strength is even more!

Think of it here.

Su Ping could not help shaking.

Chu Jingtian's self-cultivation is only complete with human immortals, and he already has the strength to fight against earth immortals. How terrifying it would be if he reached the level of the master of the gods and even the gods of the earth.

This made him dare not imagine.

"I know!"

The ancestors of the Su family nodded in the same way, and his face was also quite unsightly.

To know.

Those ancestors from other families have stayed in Su's house for a while, which caused him a headache.

Therefore, for a while, he also thought about whether to start directly and kill Chu Jingtian when the thunder was too late, then let those ancestors die without proof.

But who can think that Chu Jingtian's strength has actually reached such a degree, and it has completely cut off his thoughts of doing things.

"I didn't expect that this boy's strength had actually grown to such a terrible level ..." Su ancestor Su sighed. "It seems that in a short period of time, there is no way to do this boy.

According to conservative estimates.

Although Chu Jingtian's cultivation has not yet reached the level of earth immortal, he already has an cultivation that is comparable to earth immortal. Once repaired to a certain level, it is not easy to deal with it.

What's more, this is the case where the opponent's strength is not fully demonstrated.

Once you continue to work, the next momentum will inevitably be more fierce than in the previous spiritual medicine garden. At that time, it will not be so easy to hide the ancestors inside the family again.

Once they know what is happening inside the family, they will desperately want to take a share.

"Old man, what shall we do next?"

Su Ping secretly raised his head and glanced at the ancestor with a somber complexion and Shen Ning's silence.

"There is no way but to continue to wait!" The ancestor of the Su family sighed.

The meat at the mouth is under your eyelids, but you can't eat it in one bite. This kind of feeling naturally makes you feel a terrible headache. But now he has nothing to do but to hold back.


In addition, the only good news that remains is of course the six-tooth white elephant.

The ancestor of the Su family hurriedly looked at Su Ping and said, "Are you sure, the white tooth elephant has eaten the whole spiritual medicine garden?"

of course.

This issue is also of great concern to the ancestors of the Su family.

The strength of a beast-controlling animal is undoubtedly how much it can eat. While Liuya White Elephant can eat the entire spiritual medicine garden, it is natural to see how powerful the potential of Liuya White Elephant.

"Good!" Su Ping also knew that this question was just as important as Chu Jingtian's strength. "Apart from me, many people present have used illusions to confirm the scene at the time. They did see that the six-tooth white elephant had eaten the entire spiritual medicine garden."

At this point, Su Ping naturally would not lie.

Even more, he could not wait to describe the Six-Tooth White Elephant even more powerful.

after all.

That's the ancestor's mount. The stronger the potential, the higher the ancestor's improvement.

"It seems that I made the right choice!" The ancestor of the Su family heard that and nodded. "If you grow the Six-tooth White Elephant, your future strength will be absolutely terrible. Even without the dry branch in Chu Jingtian's hands, with this Six-tooth White Elephant, I can beat other families in the future!"

Like their existence at this level, ordinary people can no longer get involved, even if they play, it is a hindrance.

But if there is one more means and one more backhand, the natural strength will increase a lot.

"Congratulations to the ancestors!" Su Ping sighed with relief when he saw the ancestral expression on his face, obviously the ancestor did not blame himself. He blinked his eyes, and said, "My ancestor, I didn't expect that this six-tooth white elephant could actually eat the entire spiritual medicine garden, does this not mean that it can even reach the realm of heaven?"


Hearing Su Ping's words, he shook his head with a sneer and shook his head: "It's not as simple as Tianxian, it will be better than Tianxian in the future!"


These words ~ ~ can be considered a complete shock to Su Ping.

To know.

For their level of existence.

Being able to reach Dixian is already the highest level they can reach. As for Tianxian, it is even more elusive.

But now, I actually heard the ancestors say that these six-tooth white elephants can surpass the existence of the heavenly immortals, then it is really terrifying.

To know.

In the sacred realm, there have been so many powerful demons with the strength reaching Tianxian.

But no matter who it is, it's ancient and modern, suppressing the existence of a world.


They Su family, it is possible to give birth to this existence.

If it is really possible to grow that six-tooth white elephant to the level of ancient times, then their Su family may be able to suppress the Holy World directly. Let there be only one voice in the entire holy realm.

That's the voice of their Su family!

"Old man, shall we then take back the six-tooth white elephant from Lu Jianli's hand immediately?" Su Ping asked quickly.

This is an extraordinary existence!

After learning about the potential of the Six-tooth White Elephant, he didn't want to let Lu Jian away control the Six-tooth White Elephant for a moment, and he could not wait to get it back.

"Don't worry first!" Su ancestor narrowed his eyes, "Let the Six-tooth White Elephant stay with him for a while, and when he starts to Xiang Jingtian, he will take it all back!"


Su Ping heard, suddenly looked up, a surprise in his eyes.

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