Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 1603: Suppress


This mighty collision, like two stars, was severely bombarded together.

In an instant.

It was like the loud sound of the sky breaking, and it was already ringing loudly.

Collision between palms.

A vast hurricane, turning into a terrifying circular air wave, swept across all directions in an instant.

See you there.

Where the circular air wave passes, all existence is crushed. Huge rocks and towering trees were torn to pieces on the spot. And under this terrible storm, everyone in Tiangong was taken off fiercely.

On the side of the shepherd and the little tree demon, it was still protected by the back soil and King Chu Jiang, so that they could barely stay in place.

"How's it going?"

The Tiangong people couldn't help getting up, and they quickly looked forward.

Even the little tree monsters hiding behind the back soil were tiptoes, and their eyes looked forward without blinking.

See you there.

The area where the two sides fought has completely collapsed, forming a terrible pit.

Chu Jingtian and Si Mingxing Jun are still standing in place.


The little tree demon cheered.

after all.

They know that the people in the land government are friends.

Hou Tu and King Chu Jiang were also slightly relieved.

The Tiangong crowd was stunned and couldn't believe it.

of course.

The most unbelievable, of course, is Si Mingxingjun himself.

He didn't know how Duowen Tianwang died in Ye Qingchen's hands. It was taken for granted that the opponent was a neglect to lead to scorn. Wouldn't it be easy to kill each other if you shot yourself.

But several times of fighting, Ye Qingchen's strength has already made him feel trembling.

"I don't believe it, even a kid like you can't help it!"

Si Ming Xing Jun drank in a deep voice.

I saw his hands waving suddenly.


This moment.

Everyone present felt that the sky above them trembled suddenly, as if being squeezed tightly. As I saw, countless clouds gathered rapidly in an incredible posture, forming a giant palm of terror.

At the same time it was formed, it was crazy crushing down!

This gesture of arrogant fall was even more mighty and terrible than the previous offensive. From a distance, it looks like the sky is sinking. Any existence under this world will be completely submerged.

"it's not finished yet!"

After this palm was photographed, Si Mingxing Jun roared loudly.

I saw him glowing, his hair stood up like steel needles, and his bronzing robe danced without wind. Apparently at this moment, he had already cultivated himself to the extreme.


Then he saw him crushing down with one palm again. Compared with the previous giant palm, it was directly formed in mid-air, and slapped down towards Chu Jingtian again.

After that, he didn't stop at all and saw him clapping continuously. Each palm lifts as lightly as it contains infinite power, as if to destroy everything and crush everything!


If anyone sees this scene, he will tremble with fear and will never forget it!

See you there.

With the giant palms crushed by Si Mingxing Jun, the virtual space actually directly crushed hundreds of giant palms. Each of these hundreds of giant palms seemed to originate from the gods.

It seems that we should suppress everything and dare to resist our existence!


This infinite palm is not yet down.

Chu Jingtian felt that there was a terrible power, and there was no sign of it at all, and he raised to his body without any slight interval. At this moment, it seemed like an infinite mountain peak fell heavily on his shoulder.

"It's crackling ..."

Almost instantly.

The ground under his feet exploded because he couldn't withstand the horrible power. Each of the cracked traces is several kilometers long, like a horrible black dragon, constantly winding and spreading on the ground!


And at the same time.

Chu Jingtian's body was even more susceptible to the harsh sound of bearing this force.

"Get out of me!"

Faced with the endless giant palm that fell from the sky, Chu Jingtian issued a deep roar.


In this roar, he took a sudden step forward, and at the same time raised his hands, and in a moment he blasted away fiercely towards the sky above his head.

With each punch, the space he hit was trembling.

Even more.

Under his iron fist, the giant palm that was desperately crushed, seemed to be blocked by an inexplicable force, and was isolated in the air, and could never fall.


Seeing that his moves were actually intercepted by Chu Jingtian again, Si Mingxing's eyelids couldn't help jumping.

Until then.

He just realized that he was too underestimated.

The Emperor of the Underworld, it seems that he is not a junior to the land government who has gotten one or two adventures as he imagined, but a land government powerhouse who has grown to be comparable to himself.

"It's the sword demon in history, and its strength can't grow so fast! This kid is really a rare evil genius!"

Si Mingxing Jun sighed secretly, using a voice that only he could hear.

But soon.

As his eyes closed, his voice suddenly became cold:

"But a dead genius is not worthy of being called a genius!"


At this moment, the whole sky was shaking on the ground.

Under that vast and mighty power.


Even in the sky, two huge swirls appeared.

With the rapid rotation of the vortex, a pair of ridiculous eyes were revealed. These eyes are in the moment of appearance, Chu Jingtian seems to become the center of this world!

And at the same time.

The numerous huge palms that fell down, even when they fell, quickly merged to form a palm that is necessary for fiber pattern. It fell directly from the sky and hung down.

Face this palm.

Everyone couldn't help but look upheaval.

A strange feeling came up in my mind.

This palm ~ ~ is like a real **** shot!


Almost with this palm falling, Chu Jingtian's monstrous breath was actually crushed down by madness. I rushed into the sky from the beginning, but it was already half compressed in the blink of an eye.

Even in one breath, it is already a jealous hairspring, swaying like a candlelight, as if it would go out at any time.

"Dead to me!"

And at the same time.

Si Ming Xing Jun is even more glaring, accompanied by the murderous roar, the horrible giant palm fell suddenly.


In the eyes of the crowd or shock, or can't believe it, or surprise.

The palm with the thousands of giant palms as a whole already directly wrapped Chu Jingtian's body, and then under the crushing of this giant palm, the whole person was suppressed and there was no trace!

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