Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 1463: Missionary prefecture

The lights in the local government branch were full of lights, and everyone was in high spirits.

As the Emperor of the Emperor of the Earth Prefecture, Chu Chu Jingtian broke through the immortals and killed the demon. He even captured more than ten Tiangong strongmen in the tomb of the immortals. This is a quick thing for the land government.

他们 As their subordinates to Chu Jingtian, it is naturally glorious to have such seniors and superiors.

"Imperial, please come in!"

Anonymous eagerly said.

After entering the hall, Chu Jingtian found that more than thirty golden rachas were located in His Royal Highness. Obviously during this time, the branch replenished manpower from the outside.

Lu Jianli, Anonymous, Halberd, Hunting Knife, Song Weiyang and other old faces.

In addition, all the peripheral members of the entire division are gathered here.

"I wasn't in the branch at this time. I didn't expect you to run it so prosperously!" Chu Jingtian said first.

"Thanks to Song Luocha, during your absence, he presided over the overall situation and set the rules so that the branch has a healthy development." Anonymous quickly hurried.

"You did a good job!"

Chu Chu nodded in shock.

"This is what I should do!"

宋 This Song Weiyang was the first warrior to conquer when he first entered the Holy Realm. So far, it is only the middle of the Eight Realms. Although it is not as good as the unknown, it is definitely trustworthy in business management.

Regulate the connection between the local government branch, Chu government, Dragon Valley and the outside world. If it weren't for Song Weiyang, he would probably spend most of his time on branch chores.

"go with!"

Chu Chu shakes his right hand.

A whole body was bright red, flying out like a flame-forged sword, and fell in front of Song Weiyang.

This sword is called Chiyan Sword.

Xun Nai is the ninth-ranked top grade flying sword obtained by Chu Jingtian from the sword demon palace. After reaching the Immortal, these nine-tier weapons were unable to withstand his power at all. One blow and two blows were acceptable. If it was a big battle, maybe three moves would be broken.

And now he has Emperor Yuan Sword, these nine-tier Feijian remain with him, it is better to reward it.

"Thank you, Emperor!"

Song Weiyang was thrilled.

The ninth-ranked top grade flying sword is like a chicken rib to Chu Jingtian, but it is still scarce in the holy realm. How can he not like it?

"On reward for merit!"

Chu Chu shook his head slightly, then said lightly:

"Everyone has merit, so naturally I won't give rewards, everyone has a chance. If you want to reach the Nine Realms, you will enter the headquarters like me and become a core member of the local government!

"Thank you, Emperor Xie!"

Everyone bowed down.

The lower and upper levels of the ground government are not strictly strict, especially the core of the ground government. Most of them are also teachers and friends. It's like Chu Jingtian and Judge Cui, but the core members and peripheral members are always like a heaven and are difficult to cross.

Now that Chu Jingtian has approved, how can I not be excited?

Next, Chu Jingtian simply sat in the middle hall of the town and opened the avenue. He is now immortal, and just a word, it is better than everyone's hard meditation for three or five years.

Many of the golden Rakshasa who was present only felt fascinated, and every sentence of Chu Jingtian's cultivation experience contained the heaven and earth road, letting them clear the clouds and see the sky!

那些 The silver yak is worse. Every ten sentences can only understand one paradoxically, but I also feel that the words are extremely mysterious and very accessible.

As for the bronze and black iron grades, they just feel like they are blasting their heads. The avenue of heaven and earth contained in it almost burst their heads.

But Chu Jingtian didn't explain it, just let them understand. Forcing explanations is like pulling up seedlings, but it is not conducive to the growth of these people.

After waiting for many peripheral members to retreat, there were only thirty-two golden Rakshasa in the hall.

These are all Chu Jingtian's team members. Naturally, he must pay more attention to it. Everyone has given a work of the Great Emperor's true biography. Although it is not the core of the true story, it is also a 9th-level martial art.

Wudi Government does not have any restrictions on the methods of true transmission learned by core members, and it can be imparted at will. Like Chu Jingtian, it is not without. Of course, if these people dare to betray the local government, they will naturally be completely wiped from the world!

After waiting for everyone to retreat, only Lu Jianli remained in the hall.

不错 "Yes, you have actually reached the peak of the Eight Realms, and you are just around the corner!"

Chu Chu shook his head slightly.

Lu Jian is not like his own large local government branch. As a shopkeeper, after entering the holy realm, no one leads. By virtue of his own cultivation, he can reach such a realm, which is also very rare.

"Hey, fat man is still good!" Lu Jian was proud of his face.


Chu Chu was so shocked that he made a real decision.

The huge Zhenyuan was poured into Lu Jianli's body, and suddenly made Lu Jianli feel that his body was light, and his momentum gradually increased, and there were even more faint signs of breakthrough.

"Although you practice fast, the foundation is too weak. These are my long-term cultivation experience. I have compiled a copy for you. If you completely laugh at it, you can reach Master Nine Realms without hindrance. As for the people in the future Fairy Road, you can only rely on yourself! "

Chu Chu shocked and said lightly.


Lu Jianli heard the words, his complexion also faintly dignified.

When Chu Chu was shocked, he nodded with satisfaction.

"Also, this armor was obtained from my beheaded dragon turtle ~ ~ Although it is not an immortal, but after my refining, ordinary semi-immortals can hardly hurt you." Chu Jingtian shook his fingers, A light fell into Lu Jianli's body.

Lu Jianli quickly explored the past, and saw that it was a pair of black armor, with numerous runes engraved on it. It was just that the armor remained in his body, no matter how he moved it, there was no response.

"It's a turtle shell again! Boss, why the armor you gave me so far is made of a turtle shell? Also, how can I not command this armor?" Lu Jianli couldn't help crying and mournfully.

"This is to prevent you from becoming dependent on foreign objects." Chu Jingtian couldn't help sighing with this living treasure. "I engraved the seal on it. You can't use it at the moment. It only appears at a critical moment. Want If the arm instructs the use, give me a good practice and reach the master of nine realms as soon as possible! "

In recent days, the immortals entered the world, and no one can predict the next situation in the entire holy realm.

So Chu Jingtian made plans early.

Once he enemies with these people, he is naturally not afraid, but it does not mean that the people around him are not afraid. So he has to hurry up and let them improve as soon as possible.

It is precisely for this reason that Chu Jingtian did not take over his father from the ordinary world. For them, this holy realm is not so safe, not to mention the world outside the holy realm.

After Xun settled the affairs of the branch, Chu Jingtian was preparing to practice. After all, he had just reached the wonderland of human beings and needed to be consolidated.

But at this moment, Houtu came!

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