Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 140: Hit again!

"... that's what happened"

Grandpa Bai forbeared Ye Lao's almost murderous eyes, and that was exactly what happened in the auction.

"That kid is really arrogant!"

"Ye Sanye saw a piece of black smelt black crystal mine, and he snatched it directly. He also refused to let this one ..."

"Do you still remember the appearance of the other party?" Ye Lao raised his brow and said lightly.

Father Bai quickly said: "Remember, remember! Even if he is turned into ashes, I know them. The opposite party is very good, not like the people of the Dongsheng dynasty. Ye Sanye mentioned Yefu, he didn't have any fear ..."

After speaking, Father Bai kept silent.

Although Ye Lao said nothing at this time, who knows that the whole imperial city will set off a **** storm next. With Yefu's personality, they will never tolerate others being so arrogant in front of themselves!

"I'm so ignorant. I dare to confront Ye family. I don't know this person in front of me, I can pinch you to death!" Said the old man secretly.

He had seen too many young talents, because he didn't know how to converge, and eventually caused a terrible disaster.

Not only is it difficult to protect themselves, but even the family behind it.

Others are trembling.

How majestic Yefu is, what ordinary people can imagine.

"That kid is too blind, and now he has finally caused a terrible disaster!" Many people whispered.

"Yeah, but this is to destroy Ye Sanye by heart. This is an endless resentment. The last offending Ye family was ten years ago, and the graves were already tall." Someone sighed. .

Ten years ago, there was a new Zhao family in the Dongsheng dynasty. For a time, they were in the limelight, and their status was close to Yefu.

However, the other person thought that Lao Tzu was the first in the world, and he didn't put anyone in his eyes. He was too arrogant and even humiliated Ye Fu in the face, eventually annoying Ye Lao, and the Zhao Family Fei died in one night!

"The other party is also a third-level practice, and there must be some strength behind it?" Someone suddenly remembered.

A young man of this age has a generous shot that directly hits Yefu. At the same time, the cultivation is also terrible, and there must be a large force behind it.

But as soon as his voice fell, someone sneered:

"Well, no matter how powerful the power is, can it still pass Yefu?"

Ye Lao, a strong man in the fourth realm, is just a force on the bright side. The Ye family spent many years in the Dongsheng dynasty, and they have a lot of connections. I don't know how many strong people and masters have a good relationship. Who will they fear?

"Father, you have to take revenge for me!"

Only then did Ye Changwei wake up from the coma, and the path was extremely weak.

Ye Changwei's injuries were more serious than Ye Zhengdong's father and son.

His bones were almost broken by 70%, and many injuries were specially avoided. The murderer didn't want to kill Ye Changwei at all, he just wanted to destroy him!

"Rest assured, I will undo the kid's head!" Ye Man flashed in Ye Lao's eyes.

Just then, a loud noise came from outside.

what happened?

Everyone looked forward.

I saw a young man in black walking slowly with his hands on his back, and beside him was a fat man with an innocent smile on his face. The visitor is not Chu Jingtian and Lu Jianli, but who else?

"He dare to come to Yefu?"

Everyone saw the two men coming and couldn't help but close their eyes.

"Is he going to make trouble with Yefu?" At this moment, everyone couldn't help but have an incredible idea.

"Master, the little **** who hurt me is right there!"

Ye Changwei saw Chu Jingtian and did not know where his strength came from, referring to Chu Jingtian who came slowly and yelled.

Ye Lao looked angrily towards the front. When he could see that the caller was really shocked, he suddenly looked stiff, and could not help showing a complex look in his eyes.

Ye Changwei seems to be reacting, and still screaming:

"What are you still doing! Hurry up and grab this little **** for me, don't kill him, interrupt me on both legs first, I'll let him know what it means to die!"

He said, staring at Chu Jingtian's body, Han Han said:

"Little hybrid, how dare you come to Yefu?"

"Is it guilty to plead guilty? Unfortunately, it's too late! You dare to hurt me, not only will I die for you, I will destroy your family! I will let you know the consequences of offending our Yefu!"

"This kid's brave is too fat! After the murder, he dare to come to Ye's house?" Someone murmured in the crowd.

"Maybe you know you've committed a crime, so come over and ask for sin. Huh, wasn't he arrogant at the time? He didn't take Ye's eyes at all? Now come to repay sin?" Someone hummed.

Everyone remembered that at the auction, Chu Jingtian didn't give Ye Changwei a slight look.

Even after the two sides had a big fight, he even said, ‘Killing is too cruel. This is not only a humiliation of Yefu, but also trampled Yefu under his feet and trampled with his feet!

Everyone can predict the consequences.

Ye Fu will definitely not give up on this matter. Once forgive the other party, the majesty of Ye Fu will definitely plummet in the future.

"I'll spare you a life, don't you know convergence?"

Chu Jingtian's eyelids lifted slightly, and the cold mang appeared in his gaze, almost at the same time, he swung his right hand.

The crowd had not responded yet. He waved a squalling wind and blasted directly on Ye Changwei.


There was a muffled sound.

In the incredible eyes of everyone, Ye Changwei was directly blown out of the fan by this slap, flew seven or eight meters, and fell heavily to the ground.


The whole hall was dead, everyone was stunned and looked at Chu Jingtian.

It's not terrible to hit people, but this kid hits Ye Ye San Ye, Ye Changwei! Not only did he hit, but he also disabled Ye Changwei, and even dared to shoot in front of the Ye family!


Everyone struggling to wake up from shock was almost an instant, taking a few steps back. Chu Jingtian's side, when even became a vacuum.

Only Chu Jingtian and Lu Jianli left there.

"It's over, it's over!"

Grandpa Bai has a pale face. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he couldn't believe it, and some people dared to teach Ye Changwei in front of Ye Lao.

He had already predicted that the repressed anger of Ye Lao would definitely sweep out like a volcanic eruption.

"Does this guy know what he is doing?" Someone looked at him with a look at the lunatic. "He was in Yefu, how dare he hurt someone in front of Ye Lao?"

This kind of thing, everyone just think about it, they feel scalp tingling.

But not only did someone do it today, but they did it so thoroughly!

Chu Jingtian was still bland. He looked at Ye Changwei, who also had an unbelievable face, and slowly said, "If someone dares to abuse me, I would have killed him long ago. In the presence of Ye Lao, I will leave you A life. "


"Do people look like this, or look at Ye Lao's face? If you don't look at face, wouldn't you have to wash the door with blood?" Grandpa Bai could not help but cried out.

"Yes!" Chu Jingtian glanced at each other and nodded slowly.

How honorable is the Supreme Lord, how can you tolerate it? You have to pay him for shame.

"Chu Jingtian, you are too fierce!"

Rao is irritated at this moment.

How long has the other party been to the Ye family? Has his two sons and a grandson been maimed?

Only now did he realize in his heart. The reason why the other party is willing to stay in Yefu is not because they want to wash away their past grudges, but to get a fair for his parents!

He did not expect that the shot was actually Chu shocking!

"I'm hot?"

Chu Jingtian raised a brow slightly and shook his head slightly:

"I only saw two favorite things in the auction. Ye Changwei himself did not have the ability to buy it, and he wanted to use the power of Yefu to threaten me!"

"I'm not threatened. He even wanted to intercept me and grab my kiln outside the auction. I didn't kill him, I already saw your face. If others dare to treat me like this, he is now dead. ! "

Everyone understands the truth.

But who dares to take such a heavy hand against Ye Changwei?

Who dares to be Ye Lao's face and dare to continue to teach Ye Changwei?

Even the royal family of the Dongsheng dynasty, wouldn't you dare to do this?

"I didn't intend to provoke him, but he ran into himself. Can't blame me?" Chu Jingtian smiled and said, "I'm not a soft persimmon that anyone can handle. He dares to attack me, and naturally I dare to. He shot! "

Speaking, Chu Jingtian looked up, looked at Ye Lao with a smile, and continued:

"Don't say Ye Changwei, even if you hit me, I will!"

Father Bai, all the people present, and even the descendants of Yefu, were calmed down by this scene.

At the time, Chu Jingtian said in the auction that others might be afraid of Yefu, but he was not afraid. Everyone just thought that the boy didn't know how much Yefu existed, or maybe he was just talking for a while.

But they never expected that the other side would say so in front of Ye Changwei, and see Ye Lao as well. This is so real, no Ye family is in your eyes!

"Father, this boy is almost nobody. He devalued us as Ye Fu, don't you get the shot?"

Ye Changwei couldn't help it anymore.

The degree of boldness of the other party has exceeded his imagination. It is almost impossible to pour out the hatred of his heart ~ ~, Chang Wei! Ye Lao said, "How do you let me do it?" He is the son of your five sister Ye Waner, and my grandson! "


Ye Changwei's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

He didn't expect that it was this evil star he encountered.

Ye Lao originally told Ding Ding Wan Wan not to provoke him. It's a pity that he still met in the end, and it was delivered by himself!

"Ye Lao's grandson?"

Mr. Bai's face was stiff, and he almost did not bite his tongue.

PS: Thank you for your commitment, 15387, second elder brother, book friend 3214, * seeing tired of everything *, Finish, 18257, breaking the wind, eight big guys for their reward.

(End of this chapter)

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