Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 1177: Unexpected guest

After arranging things for Difu, Chu Jingtian went to Dragon Valley.

The power of the greedy dragon has soared, centering on Tianya Mountain, and constantly advancing towards the surroundings. Due to their strength, the monster dragons around them could not resist at all.

At the same time, the reputation of the greedy dragon has also grown, attracting many demon dragons to come and take refuge.

After all, for the monster dragon, they may each occupy an area, or a mountain, or a lake ... In this area, there are also a lot of heavenly treasures.

But very few monster dragons know how to cultivate these celestial treasures, so after picking the celestial treasures of a mountain peak, they will exchange for another area. It is because of this reason that the monster dragons are mutually Often there is competition for the site.

But now that the greedy dragon has emerged, all the heavenly spirit treasures are gathered together, and then these heavenly spirit treasures are refined into elixir through the hands of Sun Qingshan.

In this way, all resources can be firmly held in their hands. Coupled with the part that Chu Jingtian provided to the greedy dragon, the number of these spiritual treasures reached a horrible amount. After each battle, the elixir will be distributed to the participating dragons, which will greatly stimulate the enthusiasm of the dragons.

After Chu Jingtian came to Dragon Valley, he did not expect that Greedy Dragon could come up with such a model.

"Boss, what do you think of me?" Greedy Dragon was also quite satisfied, and his face was full of expressions waiting for praise.

"It's okay, but there are many disadvantages." Chu Jingtian looked at the greedy dragon and began to beat.


"Good!" Chu Jingtian nodded and said, "You are a predatory development. When you attack the next hill, you will have all the resources at that hill in your hands. In addition to these resources, you also have a lot of trust. The monster dragons here, and some defeated monster dragons. "

"Uh ... Boss, is this a problem?" Greed was puzzled.

Looking at the greedy dragon that was puzzled, Chu Jingtian shook his head. Of course, there was something wrong with his heart, and it was still very big.

"I'll explain it to you, and you will understand." Chu was shocked, and then he said: "If you take this approach, your strength will grow to a fairly strong level in a short time, but in fact the hidden dangers are It's quite huge. "

"All your Tianling Dibao comes from plundering. If you continue to make ends meet, or experience defeat, but the reward for work must continue, making Tianya Mountain less and less Tianling Dibao ... by the time, Because of uneven distribution. "

"Maybe nothing will happen in a short time, but over time, there will inevitably be dissatisfaction with each other."

Greedy Dragon was proud and proud, but after hearing Chu Jingtian's words, he couldn't help but change his face: "What should I do?"

"It's very simple!" Chu Jingtian Shen Ning moments, then said: "First divide all the demon dragons into two parts, one is Doudou, and all of them are composed of brave and demon dragons, dedicated to the outside world. The remaining part For logistics, this hall is composed of some low-quality monster dragons, which can stay in Tianya Mountain. "

"Of course, this is only the most preliminary. In order to avoid the situation that I have said that I ca n’t make a long-term attack, or that I ca n’t make ends meet, I can let some demon dragons who are proficient in planting and cultivation plant the Tianling Dibao obtained. To ensure the number of heavenly and earthly treasures. "

In fact, what Chu Jingtian said was not a very subtle development method, it was just a set of development strategies for the human family and the family.

Don't underestimate these simple routines, this is a set of solutions that have been deduced and improved for thousands of years. Putting the right people in the right place, coupled with the continuous supply of resources, makes the family continue to grow.

Of course, there are many more if you categorize it further down.

In addition to the combat department and the living department, a special lecture hall can be established. Gather those demon dragons who are long and old and unable to participate in the battle, sum up their cultivation experience, and then pass on to those later demon dragons.

For example, some monster dragons that are good at treasure hunting can be formed into a team to search for some rare minerals in Dragon Valley. For the monster dragon, these deposits are not very useful, but they are indispensable for the warrior society.

For another example, you can collect some unused Tianling Dibao in Dragon Valley and sell it to some warriors who need this type, so you can buy some Tianling Dibao you need.

In this way, Tianya Mountain is not limited to a small area of ​​Dragon Valley, but can be integrated into the entire holy realm.

Of course, for the time being, this is not yet possible. It can even be said that it cannot be done at all.

Tianyashan's current strength is still too weak, especially for those holy families ~ ~ Once known to the outside world, Tianyashan has actually produced such a strict society and gathered so many heavenly lands Bao, I'm afraid it will cause unnecessary trouble.

After thinking about it, Chu Jingtian said: "What does Tianya Mountain need, you can make a list for me ... and what I need, I will make a list for you."

For the time being, it is natural that fertilizer and water do not flow outsiders' fields.

If the local government branch can reach an interchange with Tianya Mountain and appear as a transit station, the time required for the local government branch to grow will be greatly reduced.

"This is easy to say ..."

Greedy Dragon is an acute child. Since Chu Jingtian is here, just discuss it, call Sun Qingshan, and immediately list all the inventory, and at the same time list some of the lacking Tianlingdibao and materials, and also list .

Chu Jingtian also chose some land government can use, as for those that are not used, he plans to bring back to the Holy Realm to find a suitable buyer, in exchange for a batch of Tianlingdibao of equal value.

"There are too many Tianlingdibaos. I have to find a suitable and stable trading partner. Otherwise, I am afraid that I cannot keep these things in my own strength."

After leaving the Valley of the Dragon, Chu Jingtian secretly condensed.

Of course, it is not impossible to do business as a local government, but there will be too many risks, especially it will be easily noticed by Tiangong. So after thinking about it, he still intends to do it with other families as the first shouting figure on the holy list.

However, if the forces behind him are not exposed, he is now like a little fish compared with those of the Holy Family. If the other party is greedy, it is easy to swallow him.

While he was thinking about how to open the situation, Song Weiyang brought news that Su Yuanming wanted to see him.

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