Saint Ancestor of All Demons

Chapter 7124: Original Demonic World

After the forbidden power entered Kunpeng's soul, it did not cause any corrosive damage to Kunpeng's soul.

Seeing this, Temuchi became excited.

The forbidden divine stone he gave was of a very high level. If a normal true immortal of heaven and earth absorbs such a forbidden power divine stone, even if it is a Hunyuan Golden Immortal, the soul will be corroded immediately after absorption, and the effect will appear.

But he clearly saw that there were no traces of corrosion after the forbidden power entered Xiang Chen's Kunpeng soul, and Xiang Chen's expression did not change.

"Successful. Sure enough, you are the one destined to save me. Haha, Mu Chen, how do you feel now?" Temuchi asked Xiang Chen with excitement on his face.

Xiang Chen answered truthfully: "I don't feel anything, it's just burning, and then there are no other feelings. Is this the power of taboo?"

Temuchixin was extremely patient at this moment and nodded: "Yes, this is the forbidden power, one of the most primitive, ancient and mysterious powers in the world."

Xiang Chen thought of the forbidden power of Hongmeng Old Sixth World, and that such power existed in the forbidden land.

But in Hongmeng Tianwu, he had never met or seen the forbidden power.

So Xiang Chen asked: "Why haven't I seen the forbidden power in the Hongmeng Tianwu world? How was the forbidden power born?"

Temuchixin smiled slightly when he heard the words and explained patiently: "It's normal that you haven't seen it in Hongmeng Tianwu. The forbidden power is only available to the Infinite God and the ten Hongmeng worlds."

"Although our Hongmeng Tianwu is also a Hongmeng world, we were born relatively late. We do not belong to the ten Hongmeng worlds. The ten Hongmeng worlds are one of the earliest Hongmeng worlds born in the world."

"You can understand it as the first batch of Hongmeng World Fruits born from the World Tree of Infinite Heaven!"

"I can't tell you the origin of the forbidden power, but the forbidden power is revered as the first divine power of the devil. It is also called the original devilish energy in the infinite sky."

"All the demonic monks in the world respect the forbidden power as the original demonic energy!"

"However, the forbidden power of the infinite God has been continuously purified and diluted by heaven and earth. It no longer has such terrifying destructive power of the soul, and has evolved into ordinary demonic energy!"

"Ordinary demonic energy is a power that demonic monks can absorb, but even if it is diluted countless times, absorbing too much will affect a person's character."

"So the paranoid, eccentric, murderous, or greedy characters of demonic monks are all caused by the influence of demonic energy diluted by the forbidden power."

"However, although the forbidden power of the infinite God has been diluted into Hongmeng Demonic Qi, many of the remaining crystals and ores of the forbidden power still exist, which is the forbidden sacred stone that I just crushed!"

"The forbidden power of the Infinite God has been diluted, but the power of the taboo still exists in the ten Hongmeng worlds. Perhaps it is because the Hongmeng world has not yet been able to decompose the diluted power of the taboo."

"So that's it -" Xiang Chen narrowed his eyes, remembering the forbidden power of the large number of forbidden places in the Hongmeng Lao Liu world.

The total area of ​​the Forbidden Land is almost as large as the habitable space of Hongmeng World, dividing the nine heavens and ten lands of Hongmeng Lao Liu.

Xiang Chen asked again: "Then why do seniors insist on cultivating the power of taboos? Practicing the power of taboos is so dangerous, has anyone succeeded in history?"

Temuchi nodded heartily: "Of course there is. To say that the person with the most powerful power of cultivating taboos in history is none other than Hongmeng Demon Ancestor!"

"Hongmeng Demon Ancestor?" When Xiang Chen heard this, a person immediately popped up in his mind. Could it be Dao Ancestor?

"That's right, the Hongmeng Demon Ancestor. He was born in the Hongmeng World, which ranks sixth among the ten Hongmeng Worlds. The forbidden power of that world is the strongest. It is also called the Original Demon Realm, Hongmeng Six Realms, etc. by the Infinite God!"

"In the distant tens of billions of years ago, Hongmeng Demon Ancestor became famous in the infinite heaven, almost on an equal footing with the founders of all major religions!"

"Later, a war broke out between the original demon world and the Infinite Heaven, which can be called a battle between immortals and demons. In that battle, countless immortals and demons perished. The Hongmeng Demon Ancestor was even faced with the siege of several major leaders. At the critical moment, he used the forbidden demon power. , he actually seriously injured several major leaders with one person!"

"But he himself was seriously injured and died. Later, the original demon world of Hongmeng Six Realms was sealed. Now it has been sealed for tens of billions of years. I am afraid that the world has collapsed and died now."

"It's sad to say that if Hongmeng Demon Ancestor had not died, he would have become the founder of all the demon monks in the infinite heaven and all the demonic ways. Perhaps today, the infinite heaven will have a supreme demon sect that is comparable to Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism!"

After hearing this, Xiang Chen's expression became weird and wonderful.

He is really the sixth Dao Ancestor!

The original demon world, the six realms of Hongmeng!

It turns out that I was born to be a devil. I said that I was so bad and a little perverted. It turned out that there was a reason. It is not my fault.

With this thought in Ergou's mind, he found more reasonable excuses for his morally corrupt behavior in the future.

"By the way, do you have anything else to ask? As long as I know, I will answer it for you, which can be considered as repayment for your help in saving my life." Temu Chixin asked Xiang Chen with a gentle smile.

If you didn't know that he was going to take away your body and soul, you would have thought that this guy was a kind senior.

Xiang Chen's face turned a little dark. He thought for a moment and then asked: "What do you plan to do after you seize my body? Lead the Beiyuan Empire to unify the world?"

Temuchi did not expect that Xiang Chen would ask this question, and then smiled and shook his head: "What's the point?"

"I have seen the vast heaven and earth of the Infinite Heaven, how could I be interested in the world structure of the lower world."

"And if I do this, there is a risk that I am still alive in front of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. The practice of forbidden power is clearly prohibited in the world of the Infinite Heaven, and practicing forbidden power will be regarded as evil!"

"After I take over your body, I will first adapt to and adjust your soul, so that my will and your soul are highly compatible, and then I will retreat to a higher realm and return to the Infinite Heaven!"

Xiang Chen was a little surprised by the other party's answer, but think about it, how could a shark that has seen the vast ocean be willing to return to a small pond to be the king.

"Senior, can you spare my life?" Xiang Chen asked again with a bit of pleading.

"No! But I won't let you down with your soul and talent."

"Then can you find me a soul and a body, so that I can take over the body with my mind? I will give my soul and body to you, I have no interest in practicing forbidden power."

Tiemu Chixin narrowed his eyes and looked at Xiang Chen. After a moment, he shook his head: "No, I have to devour your will to perfectly match your soul. If I can't devour your consciousness, your soul and my mind will not match."

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