Saint Ancestor of All Demons

Chapter 6215 Past and Present Life

The bombing lasted for a full day, and the entire Lizi County was reduced to rubble. Only some remote rural areas escaped.

One day of bombing almost wiped out the people in Lizi County. Nishikawa and others were killed in the bombing.

The abandoned factory that Xiang Chen chose was inconspicuous, and there were no people there. It was simply bombed, and after a ground-penetrating bomb was dropped, it suffered no other blows.

In the cabinet hall, Defense Minister Xiao Quan looked at the ruins of Lizi County captured by drones. He bowed and shed crocodile tears.

Yongheng Wushuang looked at this scene and sneered, "Taichu Junyi, you can't be alive now, right? Even if you are not dead, I think there are still a few people left in your army of soldier ants!"

He said to Minister Puppy, "Organize an elite force of 10,000 people, all equipped with heavy firepower. I want to go and check it myself to make sure that all the zerg are dead.

According to my observations, if the ant king can have so many soldier ants, there must be a queen ant who will reproduce for him. The ant king and queen are the top priority, and both of them must be completely annihilated! "

"Hi!" Defense Minister Xiao Quan quickly saluted and agreed.

In the abandoned factory, inside the air-raid shelter, Xiang Chen heard that the bombing outside had finally ended, and he breathed a sigh of relief, "Grandma, these dogs are so cruel. They don't even care about their own people. In order to kill me, they first used missiles to kill me." The ground, then dig into the ground and turn over the soil.

That is to say, they don't have mushroom bombs, otherwise they would probably just drop mushroom bombs. Fortunately, they didn't choose the air raid shelter under the military base as a breeding base. "

Ant Queen Xi munched on the food and sneered, "You have made people anxious, but what are you going to do next?"

Xiang Chen said, "Of course it's because of its insignificant growth. The materials and food we robbed in Lizi County are enough for the food needs of this batch of insect eggs to hatch."

When our army of 100,000 soldier ants hatches out, damn it, I will go directly to attack their Ministry of Defense headquarters and the Black Eagle Kingdom military base, completely eliminate their armed forces, and rule this country! "

Queen Ant Xi said, "Speaking of which, we haven't met other testers for a long time."

Xiang Chen said, "Do you know why I exposed my name in front of the live broadcast before? It was to attract the testers to kill me. By killing the testers, our cultivation will explode and strengthen."

In fact, there is also a trialist in the rich volcano area where we were active before. It is a dragon. I don’t know who reincarnated it. "

"Dragon——" Ant Queen Xi frowned, "In this plane, the threat of a creature evolving into a dragon is very great."

Xiang Chen smiled slightly, "You underestimate the power and potential of ants. If there are too many soldier ants, they can kill a dragon. I will keep that dragon first. When it becomes a real dragon, I will eat it in one bite." By then I will have the blood of a true dragon!"

"Actually, I can also refine the human bloodline now, but I don't want to evolve the human bloodline of the Haiyang people. It's too incomparable. If I have a chance, I have to find a Yanguo person to eat and evolve the human bloodline of Great Yan. "

Queen Ant Xi said, "I'm very surprised. You seem to have a hatred for the people in this country, and why do you know them so well?"

Xiang Chen grinned, "Do you want to know? It's my secret."

Ant Queen Xi said angrily, "Say it quickly!"

Xiang Chen pointed at his face, "Kiss me first, of course, not in this form.

, turn your head into a human and kiss me. "

Ant Queen Xi said angrily, "Go to hell, forget it if you don't tell me!"

Xiang Chen continued to confuse, "It's really a very important secret. Are you sure you don't want to hear it-"

"I don't - want to -" Ant Queen Xi's passion for gossip and curiosity as a woman were finally brought out by Ant Wang Chen.

"Get over here!" Queen Ant Xi scolded.

Ant King Chen flipped over, and Queen Ant Xi's head gradually turned into a human one, returning to her human appearance. However, the overall look was still scary. The Queen Ant's insect body stood against the human race Beautiful head.

She quickly kissed Xiang Chen on the face and quickly looked away.

"Oh, I don't feel it. Kiss me again, and kiss slowly." Xiang Chen said shamelessly.

"You-" Ant Queen Xi was furious, but she still kissed Xiang Chen again, this time much more slowly, pausing for a second or two.

But when she wanted to take her head back, Xiang Chen hugged her head directly and pressed his lips to hers.

Yang Xi's eyes widened. His first kiss as a human being was taken away by this guy like this?

After being stunned for a moment, she bit him hard. Xiang Chen screamed and quickly covered his mouth and backed away. His tongue was bitten by the woman and bled.

"You are a dog!" Xiang Chen cursed angrily.

Yang Xi said proudly, "Let you bully me——"

Unknowingly, she would inadvertently show off the attitude of a little daughter in front of Xiang Chen.

"Say it!"

"Well, the story goes like this. My father, Mu Feng, you know, is a scammer. Back then, I was killed by the Lord of Chaos, Six Desires. My body and soul were destroyed, but my consciousness escaped. As a result, he took my body Consciousness arranges various rebirths, and once I was reborn in a parallel time and space in this world, the world is exactly the same as here."

"And the people of this country have committed heinous crimes against the country where I was reborn. They burned, killed, looted, and plundered the country in my previous life. They massacred cities and exterminated people. They even dug out the fetuses in the bellies of pregnant women. Even if their bows were violent, they would kill us." Women, kill our children.

People from my previous country were used to do all kinds of inhumane research, so I have a lot of historical grievances against the people in this country. Do you understand? "

Ant Queen Xi was surprised after hearing this. This guy had been reborn in such a world before.

One day later, many transport planes came to the sky over Lizi County, which was in ruins, and many soldiers parachuted down.

Yong Yong Wushuang jumped directly from the plane without any parachute. In the shocked eyes of other soldiers, he stepped on a flying sword and fell through the air.

More than 10,000 soldiers parachuted into Lizi County. Yongheng Wushuang ordered, "Everyone, search separately in company units. Any living insects found will be destroyed immediately. If the ant king is found, report it to me immediately, and I will rush over to support!"


After receiving the order, these more than 10,000 people began to disperse everywhere in search of targets.

The abandoned factory where Xiang Chen and the others were located was not conspicuous at all on the outskirts of Lizi County, and it was not the main direction the search team was looking for.

Eternal Wushuang released his spiritual thoughts and searched everywhere, muttering to himself, "Taichu Jun Yi Xiangchen, I don't believe you will die so easily. It would be ridiculous if you died in such a humble and puny civilization."

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