
On a small island in the New World, the Four Emperors Red Hair Pirates’ temporary stop.

Red-haired Shanks sat on a rock and whispered,"That guy Blackbeard Teach has finally started to act. We have to communicate with Whitebeard."

Rockstar, who had just joined the Red Hair Pirates, ran over in a panic with a newspaper and shouted,"Boss, something bad has happened. There have been huge changes in the Whitebeard Pirates."

Red-haired Shanks frowned instantly, sensing that something bad was going to happen. Now is a sensitive period.

Beckman gestured,"Rockstar, bring the newspaper over here.""

""Okay, Vice Captain." Rockstar panted and handed the newspaper to Vice Captain Beckman.

Beckman knew that everyone was anxious, so he read the contents of the newspaper in public.

As Beckman finished reading the contents of the newspaper, everyone present was shocked, even Red-Haired Shanks.

Lakiru said in a daze:"This news is so sudden! Whitebeard announced his retirement? ?"

""It's Marco who has become one of the new Four Emperors, on par with Shanks." Jesus responded jokingly.

However, Jesus was also shocked by Whitebeard's retirement announcement! After all, this is not a small matter. Such a big thing will definitely have an impact on the future situation of the sea.................................................

Red-haired Shanks scratched his hair with his fingers, and said in confusion:"Why did Whitebeard suddenly announce his retirement? There was absolutely no sign at all?"

"It's really strange. Could it be that Whitebeard was exhausted because of Blackbeard Teach's betrayal? ?"

Beckman took out a cigarette and lit it for himself, and slowly analyzed:"Whatever the reason is, Whitebeard announced his retirement."

"Now the most important thing is that Marco has taken the throne and become one of the new Four Emperors. Then there will definitely be people who challenge him. After all, without sufficient strength, one cannot sit firmly on the throne of the Four Emperors. Of course, Marco's strength is also obvious to all."

"In addition, the new captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Enelu, who has the ability of the Thunder Fruit, is quite unexpected."

"So, we just need to wait and see what happens. After all, Whitebeard just announced his retirement! He is still alive! If anything happens to his sons, he will not ignore it."

"It's true!!"Red-haired Shanks nodded in agreement and responded:"Regarding the matter of Blackbeard Teach, I still have to find Whitebeard and don't let Ace contact Blackbeard Teach."

"Boss, the current captain of the Whitebeard Pirates is Marco, so we should look for Marco instead of Whitebeard." Lime Jones responded with his opinion.

Red-haired Shanks instantly got a headache again and said,"Let Rockstar deliver the letter first!!"................................................

The Four Emperors BIGMOM Pirates are located in Wanoku, Cake Island.

Big Mom Charlotte Linlin smiled happily and said,"Mmmmmmm~~"

"Whitebeard, that old guy, is this not going to work? He retired and gave way to that kid Marco. Then, can your son Marco, Whitebeard, sit firmly on the throne of the Four Emperors? ?"

At the same time, in the heart of Big Aunt Charlotte Linling, it seemed as if a great enemy had been eliminated. After all, if a pirate wanted to become the Pirate King, he had to pass the test of Whitebeard.

Whitebeard was like a mountain, suppressing all the pirates. Now that Whitebeard announced his retirement, Big Aunt Charlotte Linling seemed to have a stone lifted from her heart. She felt a lot more relaxed.

However, when Big Aunt Charlotte Linling thought that she was already 66 years old, she couldn't help but frown. The old guy Whitebeard was only 6 years older than her!!

Now that Whitebeard thought he was old and retired, did that mean that she would be old soon?

She glanced at the sons and daughters around her.

The brothers and sisters of the Charlotte family didn't dare to speak at this moment, because their mother hadn't finished speaking.

Big Aunt Charlotte Linling smiled and said,"Well, well, well~~"

"You say, in the future, when I am old and retire like Whitebeard, who will inherit the BIGMOM Pirates? ?"................................................

Although Charlotte's brothers and sisters were stunned by their mother's question, they all looked at Katakuri, the top masterpiece of their Charlotte family.

Smooji took the initiative to stand up and said,"Mom, I think that in the future, Brother Katakuri will be able to lead our BIGMOM Pirates to move forward.""

"Because, brother Katakuri also possesses three colors of domineering, and his devil fruit ability has also awakened, and he has the potential to become one of the new four emperors."

Under normal circumstances, Smucky would not dare to say such things in front of her mother, but the current situation is rather special, and it was her mother who asked them personally.

And, this is the fact! Big Mom Charlotte Linlin was not angry because of her daughter Smucky's answer.

Because what her daughter Smucky said was indeed correct. Now in the entire BIGMOM Pirates, the only person who possesses domineering domineering is her second son Katakuri, except for herself.

Moreover, the second son Katakuri is indeed perfect in all aspects.

It was mainly Whitebeard's retirement move that touched Big Mom Charlotte Linlin a lot.

However, Big Mom Charlotte Linlin smiled and said,"Well, well, well~~"

"I'm not like that old fellow Whitebeard, who died at the age of seventy."

Katakuri kept his eyes closed and did not speak........................................

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