Shanks, the captain of the Red Hair Pirates, one of the Four Emperors, stared at the newspaper in his hand with a gloomy face. On it was printed the news that the Navy would publicly execute Ace. He thought to himself that if this happened, both sides would definitely try their best to start a fierce battle, and this was what he was most worried about.

It seems that this war is inevitable. Shanks slowly put down the newspaper and sighed.

He turned around and glanced at the crew behind him, with a look of determination in his eyes.

Friends, we must be fully prepared. This incident is likely to change the pattern of the entire world.

The crew nodded one after another, expressing their willingness to follow Shanks to the death and meet the upcoming huge challenges together.

Shanks thought for a while and made a decision immediately-to discuss the subsequent response strategies with his companions.

Red Hair Shanks said solemnly: Brothers, I am eager to prevent the outbreak of this war, because the evil consequences it brings are immeasurable.

Shanks, the navy is determined, and now everything depends on it.���What actions will the Whitebeard Pirates take? Vice Captain Beckman responded calmly.


On the majestic and imposing Moby Dick ship of the Whitebeard Pirates, every crew member was furious and indignant at this moment. The reason for this situation was that they saw the unacceptable news in the newspaper - the Navy was going to publicly execute their beloved Captain of the Second Division, Ace!

We must not sit idly by and watch Ace being treated so cruelly by the Navy! If they are allowed to openly execute Ace, then our Whitebeard Pirates will lose face! Captain Atmos of the Thirteenth Division roared angrily, and his voice echoed throughout the ship like thunder.

Captain Rakyo of the Seventh Division was so angry that he trembled all over, gritting his teeth and said: It's all because of that hateful traitor Blackbeard! If it weren't for him, how could Ace fall into the hands of the Navy? Now the Navy is obviously trying to use Ace to attack us.

At this time, the first swordsman in the Whitebeard Pirates, Captain of the Fifth Division, Vista, calmly put forward his own opinion: The key issue now is how to rescue Ace. We must work out a feasible plan as soon as possible.

Captain Blenheim of the Ninth Division nodded repeatedly, agreeing: Yes, that's what I mean. We are the powerful Whitebeard Pirates, and we will definitely find a way to rescue Ace! His eyes were firm and full of determination.

The other crew members echoed him, and their emotions became more and more excited. Everyone began to discuss heatedly, expressing their opinions and trying every possible way to save Ace. Some people proposed to directly launch a decisive battle with the navy; others thought that a sophisticated sneak attack should be secretly planned...

In the noise, Captain Marco silently watched the group of brothers in front of him who were full of blood. He knew in his heart that this rescue operation was not only related to the life and death of Ace, but also to the honor and dignity of the entire Whitebeard Pirates. No matter how difficult and dangerous the road ahead was, they must move forward bravely and protect their partners at all costs.

Marco stood up with a serious expression. He shouted in a loud and firm voice:"Everyone, please be quiet! Ace, we must rescue him at all costs! Because we are the Whitebeard Pirates! Since Dad entrusted the position of captain to me, I must be responsible for every member to the end!"

At this moment, a shout came:"Dad is back from fishing!" It turned out to be the signal from the captain of the 15th Division, Fossa. He pointed to the distance and saw a small boat slowly approaching. Whitebeard was sitting on it steadily. When Whitebeard boarded the boat, everyone shouted in unison:"Dad!" The sound resounded through the sky, as if it could shake the entire ocean. Whitebeard

's face was as gloomy as water, and he responded lightly:"I already know about the matter." As a time traveler, he knew the plot of the original work very well, so in the face of such a situation, he was not as angry as others, but was unusually calm.

Everyone held their breath and waited for the legendary figure - their beloved dad to give orders. Whitebeard said directly without any hesitation:"This battle must be fought, and we must not only fight, but also win! I firmly believe that with your strength, you will be able to return victorious!"

"Dad is so right! In this battle, we must not only defeat the navy, but also successfully rescue Ace!"Diamond Joz, the captain of the third division, roared indignantly, with anger and determination flashing in his eyes.

Marco noticed that Whitebeard's expression was very calm, without showing any anger or tension.

He secretly guessed what the legendary figure was thinking at the moment, and couldn't help asking: Dad, you must have thought of a countermeasure, right? As soon as the voice fell, the members of the entire Whitebeard Pirates all turned their eyes to their beloved leader, Whitebeard.

Everyone's eyes were full of expectations and trust, and they seemed to firmly believe that this extremely powerful pirate leader would be able to lead them through the crisis at hand.

Facing the gaze of everyone, Whitebeard nodded slightly to express his affirmation. Then, he said in a calm and firm voice: Marco, now you are the captain of this ship. In the future, you don't have to ask me about everything. You must learn to make your own decisions. Since the navy dares to declare war on us, we will fight back without hesitation! Tooth for tooth, let them know that we are white The Whitebeard Pirates are not to be trifled with!

In fact, Whitebeard does have a detailed plan for the upcoming battle, but he does not intend to discuss these strategies publicly in public.

Because at this moment, he is in retirement, and as time goes by, the system capabilities he possesses will become more and more powerful-which means that as long as he remains retired, his strength will continue to improve.

If you directly intervene in the strategic decision-making of the Whitebeard Pirates at this time, wouldn't it be equivalent to giving up the benefits of continuing to enjoy this power growth?

Whitebeard cast a meaningful look at Marco, and the latter instantly understood the deep meaning. As a son who has followed his father for many years, Marco naturally knows Whitebeard's style and habits very well.

After getting the hint, Marco immediately shouted loudly: Brothers! Listen to the order! Quickly mobilize all our pirate groups and prepare for battle! His voice was as loud as thunder, spreading throughout the battlefield, inspiring the fighting spirit of every member of the Whitebeard Pirates....................................

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