
After Kaido returned to Onigashima in Wano Country, the officers of the Beasts Pirates gathered together even without being called. After all, it was their Governor Kaido who went out to fight.

And they all saw the result, so they all came to discuss this matter, and also to analyze how to target the Whitebeard Pirates after the reform in the future.

Kaido sat in the main seat and drank big mouthfuls of wine, and the officers below did not take the initiative to break the silence.

In the end, Kaido took the initiative to break the silence and said,"Just ask whatever you want to ask."

As soon as Kaido finished speaking, Runti in the field asked,"Governor Kaido, why didn't you defeat that Marco, but let Marco use your reputation to greatly increase the bounty."

Runti asked this question, which was also the doubt in the hearts of most people in the Beasts Pirates. Only Flame Disaster Jin didn't care about this.

After Runti asked, most of them became cautious, because they were also worried about what to do if Governor Kaido got angry because of this sentence? ?

After all, Governor Kaido was a complete monster in front of them.

""Umm, um, um, um~~" Kaido responded to Runti's question with a smile without any influence, and replied with a smile:"I know what you are wondering now, why can't you even kill Marco, right? ?"

"To be honest, it's no problem to kill Marco, but it will take too long. I'm not interested in wasting so much time on the Whitebeard Pirates."................................................

Kaido picked up another wine gourd and continued to drink, and answered again:"That kid Marco, his strength is not enough, but his strong recovery ability is very exaggerated!!"

In Kaido's view, Marco's attack power can only break his defense! It can't cause fatal damage to him at all. With Kaido's own strong physique, that little injury doesn't need to be taken care of at all.

It's Marco's recovery ability after the awakening of the Phoenix Fruit ability that really makes Kaido feel numb. Anyway, Kaido also saw that if he wants to defeat Marco now, he can only consume his physical strength.

A high-powered attack can only make Marco consume more physical strength to recover! As for causing damage?

Anyway, after fighting with Marco, Marco didn't leave any injuries at all.

Flame Disaster Jin stood up and reminded:"I hope you don't question Mr. Kaido's strength. Mr. Kaido is now the strongest creature in the world."

Drought Disaster Jack said excitedly:"Brother Jin is right! Mr. Kaido is now the strongest creature in the world. Anyway, the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard, is offline."

The leaders of the Beasts Pirates present dared not to do so! Unless they didn't want to live.................................................

At the same time, a banquet was being held on the Whitebeard Pirates' ship, the Moby Dick. At this time, a news bird flying in the sky dropped several newspapers.

Diamond Joz smiled and said,"It must be Captain Marco's new bounty."

"Of course, this time Captain Marco has completely cleared his name and is able to fight against the Four Emperors Kaido." The captain of the 11th Division, Kingudo, also responded with a smile.

The few people who got the newspapers handed the newspapers to their fathers first. Even though their fathers are retired now, they still rank first in their hearts. It is also a first that can never be shaken.

Whitebeard took one of the copies and read it, and asked everyone to read the others.

The captain of the 16th Division, Izo, looked at the newspaper and read:"The new captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco, has firmly established himself as one of the Four Emperors. The bounty is 2.5 billion berries, and his father has officially retired."

"From more than 1.3 billion to 2.5 billion berries in one breath, he is worthy of being Captain Marco."The captain of the 7th Division, Lakeyo, responded with a smile and excitement.

Now everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates had a smile on their face.

The captain of the 16th Division, Izo, continued,"In addition, our new captain of the 1st Division, Enelu, has also been offered a bounty of 1 billion berries, officially reaching the 1 billion mark"

"Those who can receive a reward of 1 billion berries are all famous people in this sea."................................................

Enelu, who was eating an apple, looked dead in the eyes and said,"A bounty of 1 billion berries? That sounds pretty good."

Although Enelu looked dead in the eyes, he was quite satisfied with the bounty of 1 billion berries.

Marco shook his head helplessly and said,"Dad, you really gave me a very difficult task!"

"That's the trust that dad has in you, you have to do a good job! Marco, the bow."Vista on the side couldn't help but tease.

Indeed, normally Marco is not suitable to be the captain of such a large Whitebeard Pirates, mainly because of Marco's personality.

Staying in the position of the Four Emperors requires too much fighting.

Whitebeard, who was sitting leisurely sipping tea, smiled and said,"Hulala~~"

"Marco, Dad, I'm leaving the Whitebeard Pirates to you. I'm relieved, right?"

"Yes, Daddy."The Whitebeard Pirates responded in unison.

As for whether Marco is suitable to be the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Whitebeard doesn't care about that. He just wants to be able to retire and enjoy his old age.

When the time comes, he can just hide behind the scenes and guide Marco.

Anyway, now Whitebeard has changed to drinking wine and tasting tea, focusing on health preservation.......................................

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