
As the battle continued, Kaido, the King of Beasts, was so angry that he had no temper left. No matter how he attacked Marco, he could quickly recover. Although

Marco could not cause much substantial damage to him, this war of attrition made Kaido, the King of Beasts, more and more upset.

Unless Marco's physical strength was completely exhausted, it seemed that it could not be achieved in a short time.

It would be better to fight with the old man with white beard than to fight with Marco. At least he could fight happily, and it would not be so frustrating to fight with Marco.

Anyway, Kaido, the King of Beasts, had a clear understanding of Marco's strength by now. There was not much point in continuing. If he wanted to defeat Marco, it would take at least four or five days to completely exhaust Marco's physical strength.

This was also the great physical improvement brought by Marco's Phoenix Fruit ability awakening, otherwise Marco would not be able to hold on for so long.

Kaido, the King of Beasts, was ready to make a final ruthless move. If he still could not completely defeat Marco, he would not continue to fight.

Blue Dragon Kaido flew to a higher altitude.

Marco, burning with blue flames, was recovering his consumed strength quickly. When he saw Kaido flying higher in the sky, he asked in confusion,"Why is Kaido flying so high?" The

Azure Dragon Kaido in the sky roared,"Brother Marco, if you can withstand this move, then this fight will end here!""................................................

"The last move?"After a moment of shock, Marco immediately mobilized all his strength. Since Kaido was going to launch the final attack, he must not be underestimated even if he had super recovery ability.

On the Whitebeard Pirates' Moby Dick, everyone's expression became serious.

At the same time, Kaido's aura was also rising, and the dragon opened its mouth and continuously sprayed flames around his body.

Because the flames also caused Kaido's body to expand several times in an instant.

"Fire Dragon Torch.

A huge fire dragon wrapped around Kaido's body, and anything touched by the flames melted instantly. The terrifying high temperature made the crew on the Moby Dick feel the heat.

"It's a horrible high temperature, but I'm not a pushover. Marco saw Kaido transform into a giant flaming dragon and was about to use the Phoenix awakening trick.

"Phoenix Nirvana."

Marco's body also swelled up rapidly. This was the true power of his Phoenix Fruit ability after awakening, but using this move also required a lot of physical strength.

Under normal circumstances, Marco would not use this move easily, but since Kaido of Beasts wanted to use the last move to decide the outcome, he naturally could not hold back. The

Phoenix of blue flame also swelled more than ten times.

Kaido of Beasts saw the changes in Marco's appearance and said with a smile:"Uh-oh-oh-oh~~"

"Marco, it seems that after the awakening of the Phoenix Fruit ability, you also gain powerful tricks!!"................................................

None of the Whitebeard Pirates had ever seen Marco in this state. The only person who had seen him was Whitebeard, who was drinking tea leisurely.

Whitebeard slowly put down his teacup and said,"Get ready to defend and keep your distance, so as not to be affected by the aftermath of the attack.""

""Yes, Dad." Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates responded in unison.

The Moby Dick kept moving away from it. The farther it was, the less affected it would be.

Morgans, who was broadcasting the live broadcast, did not dare to miss any details. This scene was definitely the most intense collision scene in recent years.

In the meeting room of Marine Headquarters Marinford.

Kizaru, with a wretched face, said in shock:"How terrible! Whether it is Kaido, the Beast, or Marco, they are about to use their real tricks! It really indirectly increased their popularity!!"

Akainu thought with cold eyes that in the future, when he becomes the Admiral of the Navy, all these people will be eliminated. The lazy Aokiji also looked serious and said:"Alara~~To be able to become one of the Four Emperors, his strength is indeed very strong."

Just talking about the strength shown by Kaido, the Beast, Aokiji did not dare to say that he would definitely beat Kaido, or that he would lose to Kaido, the Beast. After all, Kaido, the Beast, is a monster.................................................

Garp laughed and said,"Hahaha~ It was Marco who gave us a big surprise! The kid who used to follow behind Whitebeard now has such a strong strength!"

"Therefore, we must not let down our guard at any time."Vice Admiral Tsuru responded seriously with his chin supported by his crossed hands. Sengoku clenched his fists and said,"We have to find a way to suppress these pirates in the New World. Let them continue to expand. In the end, the pressure will still be on us."

At the same time!!

The Red Hair Pirates and the BIGMOM Pirates are all staring at the screen intently. Kaido and Marco are about to have the final clash.

The outcome of the battle between Kaido and Marco is very important to them.

Especially Marco, the new captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, whether he can sit firmly on the throne of the Four Emperors depends on the strength he shows........................................

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