Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!

40. The Civilization Bred By The Treasure Tree Adam! The Strongest Fighting Nation In The World! !

Kingdom Resource List NO.2——Elbaf!

The time is unknown.

On the vast expanse of land.

A towering giant tree went straight into the sky.

The scattered branches and leaves covered an extremely vast land!

A giant living on the island came here by chance.

After the news spread, a group of people quickly gathered.

They live under giant trees to avoid attacks from other giant empty birds and beasts on the island.

The island is primitive in style, and ironware and other objects are relatively rare.

But the branches that fell from the giant tree, made of wooden weapons!

It has the hardness of steel and the flexibility of trees.

With weapons, the living space of the giants has been greatly improved.

Giant trees shade most threats from the sky!

They can cultivate good fields under the shade of trees, and keep livestock in...

There is a relatively stable security environment.

As time goes by, there are more and more giants under the giant tree!

From a few people at the beginning, to a tribe of dozens of people, to a village of hundreds of people, to a town of thousands of people...

Then to a large-scale country!

In the end, the kingdom was so big that it radiated to many places other than the giant tree!

And a giant who grew up in a cruel natural environment!

Most are warlike by nature!

And each of them has a very powerful fighting talent!

Wars break out, nations are built, destroyed, and rebuilt...

So repeated, I don't know how many times reincarnation has been staged!

But no matter how brutal the war was, how many people died!

How many times have countries been laid in ruins!

This precious tree is still standing!

As long as the treasure tree does not fall, the country will be destroyed!

The broken giant.

Will soon be reunited under this precious tree

Form a new country, a new civilization...

In just under a minute of video.

The world has seen the ups and downs of giant civilization!

【 Kid: Is this the history of Elbaf? 】

[Apu: It's unimaginable that a big tree gave birth to a civilization! 】

[Franky: I have heard the legend of this big tree, the precious tree Adam! The world's number one tree! A piece of branch that occasionally appears on the black market can be fired for a sky-high price of hundreds of millions of Baileys! 】

[Roger: The Oro Jackson was also built with precious trees. 】

[Loan usury king: This is just one of the values ​​of the treasure tree. The naturally flowing juice of the treasure tree is the best cosmetic in the world! The paper made of its bark is not bad for thousands of years, and the leaves are also useful for health and healing...]

[Sengoku: Countless forces all over the world have industries around Baoshu! 】

【Capone Bege: No matter how resistant the tree is, if it is really developed by people like this, it should have withered long ago, right? 】

【Stussy: Ignorant brat, if it is the same as an ordinary tree, can a treasure tree still be called a treasure tree? Baoshu's self-recovery ability is far beyond ordinary people's imagination!

And if you want to get a place under the treasure tree, you have to see if your fists are hard enough! Can you beat the giant family! 】

[Ochoku: Injury to the root of the treasure tree is to start a war with the entire giant family! But there are always greedy and short-sighted people! In fact, cutting off the branches of precious trees is a very dangerous act, and many people die every year because of this, that's why the branches of precious trees in the black market are so expensive! 】

[Aokiji: For hundreds of years, the war around the treasure tree has never stopped! Elbaf is known as the strongest fighting nation, not only because they are giants, and not only because of the cruel natural environment, but also related to outsiders! 】

[Garp: Great resources are always accompanied by chaos! Elbaf is no exception! 】

[Jin Xing: There is no way to do this. Even if it is a precious tree, resources are limited, and only those who are capable deserve it! 】

[Hairdin (giant): Huh, we never invited any of you to our country! 】

[Long: There are enough resources in the sea, but most of them are occupied by a very small number of people. What our revolutionary army has to do is to redistribute these resources reasonably! 】

[Garp: Shut up! ! Don't talk nonsense! 】

[Venus: The Four Emperors and other great pirates are making trouble in Elbaf, our World government has an obligation to uphold justice! 】

[Golden Lion: Shit! Double standard dog! Before Wanokuni said that it is not a member country, it is not easy to interfere, and Elbaf is also a non-member country, why do you need to maintain justice now? 】

[Rocks: The World government really knows how to be shameless! 】

【Luo: But can Elbaf be ranked second in the world just by relying on the treasure tree? 】

Luo feels that the treasure tree is important enough.

But I feel that there is only one resource.

Is it a bit monotonous? Can it surpass Wanokuni?


[Sengoku: Elbaf has three major resources, one is the treasure tree, the other is the race itself, and the third is the product of white lead! 】

It has been clearly reflected in the Baoshu video.

It can protect a civilization and continue to pass on!

It can also support many collateral forces!

Whitebeard, Kaido, Redhead, Ochoku, Marine...

These forces all have their own industries related to treasure trees in Elbaf.

As for the other two resources, the major forces also participated in it.

【Luo: White lead? 】

Luo's face was not very good-looking.

It reminded him of some bad past!

Although the names are different, from the word lead!

Resource types are very similar!

No one answered Luo's little question!

The video continues to play.

The giant family itself is aggressive, and this year the war broke out!

But outsiders stepped in.

It was Kong, the Marine Marshal at the time.

"We can help you win the opposing tribe! But in the future, your tribe will need to send people to join the Marine every year, and everyone will fight for justice together!"

Marshal Kong made this suggestion because he valued the natural fighting talent of the giants.

"We giants don't need the help of outsiders!"

The giant chief of the tribe refused at first.

Although Kong is trying to convince the leader of this giant family.

But it still failed!

But Kong didn't leave, but planned to continue talking with the giant.

And things have indeed ushered in a turning point!

In a battle of giants!

Another giant family actually cooperates with a powerful pirate group!

The giant tribe that Marshal Kong was trying to persuade was hit hard!

Although the Pirates are powerful, their overall strength is still a bit behind that of the Giants.

But the pirates did everything they could to gain an advantage in the war!

In the end, this giant tribe had no choice but to agree to Marine Marshal Kong's request!

Marine Marshal Soya took Sengoku, Garp, Zephyr and other strong men at that time to repel the powerful enemies for Elbaf!

And spread their righteous thoughts on the land of the giants!

So there is almost no shortage of giant generals in the Marine headquarters!

Moreover, the giant sent to Marine by the giant family is not bad!

Basically can serve as Vice Admiral! !

[Hawkins: The giant family is really powerful! Let many big pirates and Marine headquarters compete with each other! 】

【Moria: How did I smell a conspiracy? 】

[Loan usury king: Elbaf is the most powerful country in the world! ! Excellent strength is a matter of course! 】

[Artoria: The most powerful country in the world? 】

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