Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!

298. The Irritable Queen Faces The Gods! If You Don’T Accept It, Do It!

Heaven is another dimension located above many worlds.

Gods from various mythological systems can be found everywhere here.

Djinn gods, water gods, fire gods, real angels, etc.

The number of people is not particularly large, but it is not small either, because many gods have descendants.

In the heavenly realm, these descendants can basically grow to the level of gods.

It stands to reason that gods have long lifespans and do not have to be busy with mortal life.

In theory, they should be free, happy, and blessed.

But in fact, the relationship between gods and gods is very indifferent.

Many people bump into each other head-on and have known each other for many years, but they don't even say hello.

There wasn't even much communication along the way, and many gods seemed to be in their own camp, so the atmosphere was not good.

It wasn't until the passage to the World Stage lit up that many gods cast curious glances.

430In this day and age, there are not many gods that can still reach the human world.

Because the gods have long looked down on any human beings, it is naturally impossible for them to descend to earth to have any communication with them or to show any miracles.

Even if there are occasional people who come down to earth, it is usually not to communicate with any human beings.

"It's Valkyrie."

"She seems to actually have some humans with her."

"She is serious. Not long after the meeting of the gods, she went to find these humans. They are still living people, not heroic spirits. Do you really think humans have the power to compete with us?"

"It's a big joke."

"Maybe it's a joke, maybe it's because I'm bored. After all, there hasn't been any war in the heavens in the past thousand years. The warlike god of war may also be lonely."

"Even if we are looking for them, we should be looking for some slightly famous humans. And we have found so many of them at once. Is it just to make the Heavenly Father and God King feel disgusted?"

"Huh? Is that a fallen angel?"

"That's not right, there is no divine power fluctuation in my body."

"Hmph, do you really think that any race is qualified to grow wings? Now I am sure that this is definitely a deliberate attempt by Brynhildr to disgust us. She may not even think that humans can win.

An angel with white wings was slightly dissatisfied.

Because at this moment, he was indeed disgusted.

What's the point of bringing this demi-human who looks almost the same as them to the heaven?

Although those two women are very stunning in appearance, among the angels, there are probably not many angels who can compare with them.

But he still looked down on these demi-humans from the bottom of his heart.

After all, they angels are extremely noble.

"Is this the heaven?" Gao Yang looked around and felt many powerful auras at once.

His eyes immediately condensed slightly. It is indeed a place where gods live, even if it looks very bright to passers-by.

Sure enough, it is indeed necessary to go there by yourself.

If other people come and encounter some ancient god, they may be able to see through everything.

By that time, many things will become very passive.

"They don't seem to welcome us." Aizen smiled lightly.

He could see the emotion contained in those eyes at a glance.

This made Aizen a little disappointed. Why do these gods seem so superficial?

It didn't give him a sense of inscrutability, and although he had some strength.

But it doesn't seem to be a threat.

But this is normal, after all, these are just passers-by.

I just don’t know what the strength of those beings who control the gods are?

"When will the war between humans and gods begin?"

The Fallen Queen also felt the gazes of these gods, which were not friendly or even disdainful.

Such a look made her feel very unhappy.

Are you kidding? You think you are that bastard Huang.

Dare you look at yourself with this look? The fallen queen's violent temper suddenly surged up.

If Gao Yang hadn't been here, she would have taught these guys how to be gods right now. How dare she look down on this king? It's unreasonable.

The Fallen Queen is not loud.

But those present were all gods. Even the weakest gods heard the voice of the fallen queen at this moment.

In an instant, countless eyes fell on Gao Yang and others.

These mortals are actually looking forward to this battle between humans and gods?!

This is outright contempt for their gods.

There are even gods who are famous for their bad tempers, and they immediately want to teach this mortal who speaks arrogantly.

Gao Yang did not stop the Fallen Queen because he didn't like the looks in the eyes of those gods just now.

And since you are here, as a mortal, it is expected that you will receive hostility from the gods.

After all, they might be going to war on behalf of humanity.

"You seem to have a lot of opinions on this king. If you are not convinced, just come up and let me weigh your abilities!"

The fallen queen saw that Gao Yang did not speak to stop her.

I immediately let go completely.

In her dictionary, life is actually very simple, just do it if you don’t accept it!

No matter if he is a human, a demon, or a god!

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