Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!

279. The Real Multiverse! Shocked Thanos!

But the leader of the enemy seemed to be able to talk to him from a position of understanding his own situation.

But this way, he became more and more confused.

If you knew that too I might be right.

Why stop me?

Thanos looked at Gao Yang with puzzled eyes.

"Because the sacrifice is too great, half of the population of the universe, and most importantly, we are here.

Gao Yang immediately saw Thanos' doubtful eyes and answered his question.

"Even half the population is better than the whole population."

"But you are not a god. You are not qualified to choose randomly for them. And because you are too arrogant, how can you be sure that there is no one smarter and more powerful than him in this universe? Maybe someone smarter and more powerful can Think of a better solution than this.”

"But..." As soon as Gao Yang said these words, Thanos was immediately speechless.

He wanted to say that he had never seen such a person in all his time in the universe.

But when Gao Yang stood in front of him now.

He's not sure again, maybe this one is the one in front of him?

He was not sure, but the other party could understand what he was doing.

Other possibilities were also proposed, as well as the subordinates he had.

Strong enough to take down himself at will.

Combining various conditions, it is very likely that he is the kind of person he said.

"You just said that the most important thing is that you are here? Do you have a way to solve this problem?"

Thanos looked at Gao Yang with burning eyes.

"I don't need to solve this problem at all?"

"What do you mean?" Thanos wondered. Could it be that you saw that the universe was about to be destroyed, but you were indifferent?

Is this person just an overlord with ordinary ambitions?

He has seen many such people in the starry sky and killed many of them.

"It's very simple. Our universe is not within your universe. There are more universes outside your universe, and most of them are vast and sparsely populated. Do you think this means something?"

Gao Yang smiled.

Yes, for Thanos, there are almost no solutions to the problem.

With the addition of other universes, this unsolvable problem will be easily solved.

Even during this period, war may be inevitable.

But war has always existed.

If you want to gain a firm foothold, it depends on whether you are strong or not.

"What?! Are you from other universes!?" Thanos' face showed horror and shock when he heard this.

"are you sure?"

"Of course, there are people around me from other universes, and there are other universes that have strongholds like mine here. In some universes, there is even only one planet with civilization, and there is no civilization in the others." Gao Yang Answered in the affirmative.

It's other universes, not other planets.

The gap between the two is huge.

A new universe may completely solve this problem of rapid population expansion.

And what he is talking about is more universes, more starry skies like this.

"That's it, that's it! I understand, I understand!"

Thanos was suddenly relieved, and his whole person became a little lost.

I was wrong!!

How wrong!

And if only I could meet them earlier!

There is no need for him to sacrifice Gamora or so many subordinates.

To fight a meaningless battle.

It turns out that there is no need for him to solve all these tragedies.

The universe seems to have a solution.

One universe, one civilization!

How vast is the remaining territory?

There is no need for a war to break out at all. You can just choose what kind of planet you like to live on!

Even a little bit of it was learned by various civilizations in the universe.

The resources of this universe and the living planet will become cheap.

"I am not telling you this to tell you this, but our understanding of this universe is too superficial. In the future, whether it is to exchange technology or other things, contact with different civilizations in this universe is essential. You After traveling across the universe for so many years, I must have some understanding of most civilizations. To put it simply, we lack a guide."

Only then did Gao Yang reveal his true purpose.

Gao Yang's understanding of this universe.

Mainly among the top organizations and the heroic Avengers on Earth.

It is unknown to most civilizations.

But Thanos understands.

"I'm afraid I can't help you much with people like me." But at this moment, Thanos was already feeling discouraged.

There is a mentality of not wanting to do anything but just want to be miserable.

Gao Yang is particularly good at this.

"Did you see that thing in the sky just now?"

Gao Yang pointed at it with his finger.

"I think you should also want to be rescued. Do things for me. Even if you don't get the reward of resurrection in the future, as long as you have enough merit, I can give you a chance to be revived."

"Of course you may question whether this is true or not, but I can tell you that the brother Thor you killed earlier has been resurrected. You should be able to see it on the barrage. You may think there is some conspiracy, but now you can't He is a prisoner who is at the mercy of others, do you think it is necessary for us to join forces to deceive you?"

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