Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!

223. Gao Yang Decided To Take Action! You Have Magical Powers, And So Do I!

Hear the words of the Fallen Queen.

Feng and others have temporarily put all thoughts behind them!

The fallen angel clan has been trying to suppress their clan for too long!

Angel Treasure House is the future of the entire ethnic group!

Never mind what the hell is going on with the angel treasure trove owned by the fallen queen?!

At least the treasure house in your hands cannot be taken by surprise!

Even if he dies, he must ensure that the treasure trove will be passed on to another angel!

This way the fire of their clan will not be extinguished!

Clang Clang Clang!!

Just the moment the words fell!!

The two sides immediately started a bloody fight!

A terrifying sword blade collided in the air!!

Splashing out a series of terrifying slashes and energy shock waves!

Although both sides look very similar, they both have wings and have stunning looks!

But when it comes to attacking, no one is merciful!

Both sides want to kill each other!

But Feng and the Fallen Queen did not take action!

Instead, they look at each other from afar and are wary of each other!

"If it was you just now, with the help of the Angel's Treasure House, I might not be completely sure of taking you down, but it's different now! You have it, I have it too, and 010 based on your personalities, I think, you At that time, I probably want to use the Great Teleportation to move the planet and people together!"

The fallen queen looked at Feng with a smile!!

As he spoke, he raised his hand and a golden wheel of light fell on the entire planet!!

At the same time, the surrounding space is also blessed by mysterious power!

Become extremely strong!

When Feng saw this, his face immediately sank, and he knew about the Angel Treasure House!

Every step you take is also part of the other party's calculations!

Maybe the only way left is to take a last chance!!

What if the fallen angels really have another angel treasure trove!

That is before she takes full control of and becomes familiar with this treasure house!

This is your only chance!

"Holy Blessing!!"

Feng's hands condensed two golden swords at the same time!

During the collision, golden ripples spread all around!

The strength of Fei and others has actually improved to a great level!!

Because the angel treasure house is close at hand!!

They (cdcf) can fully share the powerful power!

This time, Fei's strength has been raised to a super level combat power!

And he is the best in super class combat power!!

This scene shocked everyone watching the video!

[Sengoku: Isn’t this power just doubled several times!!? The angel before was not so powerful! 】

[Red hair: It should be related to that angel treasure house! 】

[Buggy: Hey, this is too outrageous, if every one of those angels can leapfrog and fight, then that’s okay!?]

[Long: Maybe this is why they are so famous in another world! 】

【Bonney: That fallen queen looks so handsome!!】

【Hancock: We are all our own people from now on, is it necessary to be so cruel?!】

[Morgans: This is a dispute between civilized ethnic groups. Logically speaking, it cannot be resolved easily! I don’t know how Gao Yang will deal with it later! 】

[Im: This becomes a super class combat power? It’s too easy! 】

Even as the ruler of the pirate world, Im feels that the world is changing too fast!

From top level combat power to super level combat power, this has always been a big hurdle!

I didn’t expect that the group of angels could cross over so easily!

Gao Yang was also a little surprised!

[Rayleigh: It's a pity that there are too few of them, and the fallen angel family is even more powerful!!]

[Jabba: That fallen queen must be some kind of god!!]

Everyone agrees with this statement!

An existence that leads this group and can always compete with the Queen of Angels!

The judgment that it is a god-level life form is very reasonable!

Boss Bai, Dai Mao and others all looked at Gao Yang!

"After all, you are a god, and this is the first time you have met your true form. The necessary summons is still necessary! Moreover, your strength has also improved a lot, and many of you have been promoted to a higher level... Then give it a try !”

Gao Yang thought for three seconds and then made a decision

"Divine Sacrifice!!" Feng himself also blessed himself with divine power!

This is one of the trump cards of Angel Treasury!

Moreover, it is the divine power of many queens. This kind of power is enough for her to compete with god-level powerhouses in a short time!

This is the foundation of the angel family!!

She doesn't stand idly by anymore!

Because Fei and others can't hold it for long!

Even if the strength is improved, it will be difficult to deal with these elite fallen angels!!

The two swords slashed together, and where the swords struck, black cracks were cut in the space!

Multiple black holes appeared beneath his feet, and he was in front of the fallen queen in an instant!

The Fallen Queen spread her wings, and the shadows of black wings shot across the sky!

Boom boom boom!! The moment the two came into contact, thousands of explosive shock waves bloomed in the void!

More terrifying than the collision and explosion of nuclear bombs!

"Your sister!!" The fallen queen swore, and then slapped her!!

The terrifying clutches cover the sky and the sun, surrounded by black energy mist!!

The size is more than a thousand miles, like swatting a mosquito towards the front!!

"Ultimate Flame!!"

With a sharp sword movement, the holy flame, hotter than the sun, turned into a beam of light and soared into the sky!

Directly broke through the giant palm!!

"With the help of other people's divine power, you can actually destroy my attack! Sure enough, the Angel's Treasure House is the biggest treasure in the universe, hahaha, I'll give it a try too!!"

The Fallen Queen said with a smile!

Then the same number of Taoist gods blessed me!

She rubbed her hands together, and an arrow mixed with multiple divine powers was taking shape!!

While it is being formed, the surrounding light, magnetism, and space are all distorted!

Feng’s expression changed!!.

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