The meaning of Ulquiora’s words.

It’s a little appreciation for these lucky ones.

Although they did not send the strong to deliberately intercept.

Put everything to the present.

But escorts were arranged in every area along the way!

People who can walk here.

Either the strength is strong, or the means are good!

Then there’s luck!

At this moment, everyone’s eyes are also focused on this.

Because Gao Yang is on the balcony.

The sky is clearly illuminated.

Many people’s breathing is frozen at this moment!

Even those who are fighting in the Dragon Kingdom.

At this moment, I am also distracted to pay attention to the situation of the sky screen!

Someone actually killed the Dragon King Palace in such a short time

But think about it, the Dragon Kingdom has a top powerhouse.

But how can it be compared with so many forces!

The top powerhouses currently fighting against the Dragon Kingdom, except for Cross Saint, who withdrew.

And Kaido, Auntie, Kiberson, Yellow Ape, Wang Zhi, Silver Axe, Big Hand Undertaker…

There are also a few secretly lurking, silently estimated to be several.

Some kingdom armies may also have one or two top powerhouses lurking.

The total number of strong people is about ten.

Each has its own forces and subordinates.

Each of them is the hero of the Megatron Sea!

Although they also compete with each other and have calculations!

But after all, the Dragon Kingdom bore the brunt and was under the greatest pressure!

Three top powerhouses, really can’t change the overall situation…

[Redhead: The king of the Dragon Kingdom did not flee, but was waiting for their arrival? 】

[Loan shark king: The undertaker has also arrived, it seems that he was not targeted by the strong man of the Dragon Country! ] 】

[Sanji: How is there a feeling in the story of the brave that the brave gathered their partners and finally came to the Demon King after many hardships? 】

[Bonnie: Hey, how do you talk! Lord Gao Yang is a victim, not a demon king! 】

[Whitebeard: Shouldn’t it really be won by Kaido or the undertaker!] 】

[John: I just saw the golden lion invading from the air, where did the people go? Why didn’t I see it! 】

[Morguns: I didn’t notice! Just now, the clouds in the sky rolled over, and even the moonlight was covered for a while! 】

[Venus: Warring States Karp, where have you all been? Gao Yang must not be allowed to fall into anyone’s hands! 】

The five old stars are also anxious at this moment!

Im on the Void Throne also supported his head with one hand.

Quietly looking at the canopy, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the handlebars.

What is calculated!

[Warring States: We have arrived in the East China Sea and are rushing with all our might, and we are expected to arrive in the Dragon Kingdom in thirty minutes! ] 】

Sengoku is also in a hurry!

I originally thought that the military list came out of nowhere.

Coupled with the gathering of forces from all sides, it should create a situation in which no one dares to act rashly!

Unexpectedly, Kaido took a desperate move!

Not only did he seize the timing well, but he also formed an alliance with his aunt

It even caught the instigation of the five old stars and inspired several forces to launch an invasion!!

Really gave him a chance to come to Gao Yang!

Maybe I underestimated Aunt Kaido before!

[Ember: Big Brother Kaido will become the new king of this world! ] 】

[Bucky: The king of the Dragon Kingdom does not escape? Could it be that the person who has always been inseparable next to him is also a top powerhouse? 】

[Stussy: You guys, do you really see monster-level powerhouses as cabbage on the side of the road? 】

[Wang Zhi: Mad! Auntie also rushed over, it’s over, we not only became stand-ins, but also part-time workers!! Silver axe, you bastard don’t go, I can’t withstand this guy’s attack! I could die! 】

[Silver Axe: Who made you so hesitant, I fought hard to get out of the attack range one by one, I won’t let Gao Yang fall into the hands of others, that’s mine!!] 】

[Wang Zhi: You remembered it for me! ] 】

The alliance is always fragile in this sea!

“Aren’t you going back? Your king is gone! I can’t take you, and I won’t have a chance to rob people, how about stopping here? ”

The yellow ape raised his hands helplessly.

This feeling of working for Kaido is really bad!

But no way, it wouldn’t have been like this.

Blame Figalandu for having to be the first bird!

It’s just that I didn’t expect that there were three top powerhouses in the Dragon Empire!

In fact, not only him, but also everyone did not expect it.

“I don’t believe in your navy, besides… I should have said that I am the captain of the second escort team, although in our dragon country, some team numbers are chosen by themselves, and have nothing to do with strength, but one and two are precisely ranked according to strength, so you don’t have to worry about it! A smile of faint words

No one paid attention at the moment, their attention was all on Gao Yang!

Only his opponent really heard it!

When the yellow ape heard this, his pupils contracted suddenly!

Stirring waves in my heart!!

This one can suppress its own existence in hard power!

It turned out to be the strongest monster-level powerhouse in the Dragon Kingdom!

And someone better than him?!

Even Grim Jow, in the opinion of the yellow ape!

At most, it is a level with a smile.

The yellow ape can always fight without being too injured.

It is the yellow ape who runs at the forefront all year round!

The experience is much richer than that of Cross Saint!

The second is to develop the flash ability to a very high level!

Can Zhou Xuan fight!

However, if there is no external force.

Keep fighting, the yellow ape feels that his probability of winning is only about 30%!

And the other party has seventy percent.

But now he smiled and said that there were people who were stronger than him.

In other words, there is an existence in the Dragon Kingdom that can absolutely win the emperor level!

How can this not make the yellow ape frightened!

Because as far as he knows, there is currently no powerhouse of this level in the world!

Even if it is a whitebeard, he does not dare to say when he fights against the general.

Can absolutely take them down!!

The yellow ape wanted to ask.

But let’s not say whether the other party will say it, even if it is said!

Do you really believe it yourself?

I haven’t seen this kind of thing with my own eyes!

How can you believe it!!

The yellow ape turned all means into defense.

Divide more energy to pay attention to the canopy!

[Stussy: Auntie has arrived, Kaido is also there, the undertaker seems to be injured not lightly, but he also has the power of a battle, and the other few are also strong people second only to Kaido and others on the sea! ]

Ten thousand steps back said, even if the personal guard beside Gao Yang was a top powerhouse, it wouldn’t help! 】

[Perospero: Mom, take down the king of the Dragon Kingdom, these monsters and mecha are really annoying! ] 】

[Fuzför: Let the Dragon Kingdom become the base camp of the new Hundred Beast Pirates! ] 】

As soon as Kaido arrived, he looked around and confirmed that there was no danger.

I also sensed the breath of Aunt on the road.

So I didn’t start immediately, and I wanted to be the most stable!

But others couldn’t help it!

The four people led by the undertaker shot directly at Gao Yang!

They had also just arrived, but Kaido came.

There will be no time to think!

But at the moment they moved.

A pillar of light diffused with starlight came from afar!!

It’s the sword of the Oath of Victory!

Its power is amazing!

The undertaker and the others were unexpected, and were directly swept out by this pillar of light!

Someone directly evaporated!!

[Hawkeye: It’s that blonde female swordsman, such a terrifying slash!!] Not weaker than me! It turned out to be a top powerhouse again!! 】

[Redhead: I’m numb!!] 】

[Luo: I’m not surprised why! I even think this is the Dragon Country!! 】

[Bonnie: Wow!! The Dragon Kingdom really has a fourth top powerhouse!! 】

[Hawkins: I dare to guess!!] Five!! That guy who is all pale is definitely not simple! 】

[Warring States: When can the top powerhouse be discussed so easily! ] And casually add one or two! 】

Sengoku feels like the world has completely changed!

Subverts the previous perception!

Five top powerhouses will appear in one kingdom!

What a weird, perverse existence that is!

No, no… Even if it’s four now!

The head is also a little down, and I can’t react.

[Karp: You young imps!!] If it’s five, do you know what that means? One dragon country of them is comparable to the entire naval headquarters! 】

[Venus: Five top powerhouses! ] Five ah! 】

Like Kidd, the reason why Hawkins can discuss one more and two more top powerhouses so easily.

It’s because they don’t know the gold content yet!

But anyone who knows the top powerhouse will never guess so casually to add one more top powerhouse to a kingdom!

You know, a top powerhouse, placed on the sea, is enough to make countless kingdoms fearful!

If you’re not feeling good, it’s easy to destroy a kingdom!

But judging by the current situation!

It seems that the Dragon Kingdom may really have five top powerhouses!

Because of a guy who is by the king’s side and inseparable!

Usually not too weak!

Artoria swept in like a fierce wind!

She would rather give up her current opponent!

I don’t want to see any accidents from Gao Yang!

After all, there are many enemies!

Kiberson looked at the bleeding sword wound on his chest.

It’s really a top powerhouse!!

Still so young, but the real combat experience is not much at all!

Even when fighting with it, feel a king wind that opens and closes! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This should be a strong man who once held a high position!

It’s a terrifying woman…

Kiberson looked at the sky again!

At this moment, there was hesitation in his heart!

Is it in or out?

The Dragon Kingdom has four top powerhouses, and you can even guess up to five top powerhouses!

That Grimmjow may have recovered!

This bone of the Dragon Kingdom is a little hard!

After struggling repeatedly, Kiberson took a few steps back…

He then intends to evacuate the Dragon Kingdom.

Just when I just retreated to the forest.

“Dragon Kingdom is not a place where you can come and go whenever you want, Kiberson, warehouse shop owner! We are old colleagues, old wrongdoers… `~…”

Wearing a hat and a diminutive Umit, he appeared on his way back!

“Umit! I don’t plan to continue to strike at the Dragon Kingdom, and I know your strength very well… Why are you trying to stop me too? ”

Kiberson said coldly.

“What do you know? You know, what you want, but what I’m willing to give you to know! Forgot to tell you that in addition to being the Minister of Commerce of the Dragon Kingdom, I am also the captain of the Eighth Guard! ”

“What?!” Now hear the captain of these two!

Kiberson’s eyes widened, and he subconsciously thought of a smile and Grim Jow!

They are also all captains…

Artoria came to Gao Yang’s side.

“Don’t worry too much.” It’s not necessary, though!

But Gao Yang’s heart is still very warm.

After all, who doesn’t like to be cared for.

“I arranged it.” Artoria said lightly.

The implication is that someone has taken over the job at hand!

The overall task is not affected.

Kaido and Aunt frowned!

The undertaker also returned, and the injuries were a little more severe.

But he seemed to enjoy it.

The others only came back with a strong man of the imperial deputy level!

The other two were killed by that blow!

The attacks of monster-level powerhouses are not so easy to hide and catch!

Aunt Kaido converges and glances at the undertaker!

Just wanted to make a move, but Gao Yang spoke.

“Won’t the One in heaven come down?”

The scene was silent for a while!

Kaido is also sluggish, and someone has arrived secretly?!

Auntie’s face sank

She can’t feel it!

She’s not particularly good at seeing and smelling!

When she was asleep, someone touched her, and sometimes she didn’t know!

Again the strong people who are good at concealment?

How did the king of the Dragon Kingdom perceive it?

Or is it just bluffing?

Or does that pale-skinned guy next to him have any special abilities?

Aunt Kaido doesn’t know!

The dragon in the clouds, frowning slightly, he was discovered?

Do you have special abilities?

But even so, the dragon still did not appear.

After all…… The other party may be deceiving him!

“Do it!!” Kaido only hesitated for a second.

So he continued to do it, after all, it doesn’t matter if anyone is secretly there!

It doesn’t get much better than this!

Kaido, Auntie shot at the same time!

“Bahai” reappeared!!

The attack went straight to Gao Yang, and they combined to take Gao Yang in the shortest possible time!

[Boni: You are still the Four Emperors! ] How is it so insidious! The attack hit Gao Yang, clearly to force Artoria to take their attack hard and let her out early! 】

[Luo: I really don’t talk about martial virtue at all! ] 】

[Cappenbeki: Under this huge benefit, who talks about martial virtue, taking Gaoyang is the most important! ] 】

Rumble!! A terrifying columnar shockwave swept through everything!

With the vast power of destroying the world and destroying the earth, go straight to Gaoyang!

It’s not to kill Gao Yang, it’s to force Artoria or Ulquiorra, who is suspected to be a top powerhouse, to hard-catch their attacks!

Because they are loyal, they will never let Gao Yang have an accident!

As long as it is hard, even if it does not die, it will be seriously injured!

Their tacit joint attack is not so easy to take!

Everything is inevitable!

The undertaker and others did not dare to rush over!

Otherwise, you may be shrouded in the attack of the two!

Gao Yang looked calmly, took the tea, and drank it casually.

This made everyone stunned!

This king of the Dragon Kingdom seems to have a good idea!

It’s all in danger by this time!

In the next second, they all knew why the king of the Dragon Kingdom was confident!

A pale hand reached out and faced this shockwave unpretentiously!


The pillar hovered with the shockwaves of the terrifying wind blade and slammed into Ulquiora’s pale palm!!

An earth-shattering bang!!

That was enough to destroy everything, and the columnar shockwave slammed into the palm of your hand!

It’s like water rushing over thick steel!

Ulquiora does not move!!

Blocked the shockwave that is still exerting force!

“Lock it down! Blackwing Devil!! ”

With a passage of Ulquiorra’s return to the blade sounded!!

The terrifying spiritual pressure erupted like a volcano!

Instantly swept the entire Dragon Kingdom!

Even if it is Aunt Kaido’s overlord color domineering in front of this spiritual pressure!

Also eclipsed!!

And under the pressure of this terrifying spirit!

Black spiritual pressure raindrops fell in the sky of the entire Dragon Kingdom!

Hair becomes longer and black nails become claws!

Wearing a white one-piece robe with condensed spiritual power!

The most obvious is a pair of black wings popping up from the back!!

After entering the first stage of the Returning Blade state!

Ulquiorra’s palm blocking the shock wave of the sea bent slightly!

A sudden grasp!!

Snap!! The attack that the two played together was directly pinched by Ulquiorra with one hand!

Kaido was dumbfounded!!

Auntie froze!!

The undertaker was also stunned!

The whole world is demented!!

[Lox: Groove!! 】

[Roger: Groove!!] 】

[Sengoku: Groove! ] 】

[Bucky: Lying groove, lying groove! 】

【Karp:!! 】

[Venus: Impossible!! 】

[Im: This…]

[Redhead: The attack of the double emperor was directly pinched, and there is such a monster in this world!] 】

[Rayleigh: How is this possible?! ] 】

[Whitebeard: Existence beyond the limits of the human body?! ] Straw】

[John: This is not a monster-level powerhouse at all! ] He may have gone beyond this level! 】

[Luo: I thought that this person might be a top powerhouse and would also make a move, but I didn’t expect to pinch the attack of the double emperor with such a strong and invincible posture!!] 】


“Before solving you, I have to tell you that you can come here not because of how strong you are, but because my king wants to meet you up close, that’s all.”

“You’ve worked so hard to get here, and next, I’ll send you on your way.”

Ulquiorra said, taking a step, the person disappeared in an instant!

(Subscription please!) )。

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