Is Kaido a reckless man?

No, a reckless man cannot keep a huge organization running.

Judging by the country of their plots and peace.

When strength does not have a crushing advantage.

Kaido will also use all means at his disposal…

And now there is an opportunity to use some means.

Of course, if there is no opportunity, then they will create an opportunity!

Of course, there are three top powerhouses in the Dragon Kingdom.

But a smile is grappling with the yellow ape.

Although the yellow ape seems to have eaten ~ not a small loss.

But it is not so easy to distinguish the victory and defeat in a short time.

And Grimmchow’s battle with Cross Saint!

After Kaido took a look at it, his eyes immediately froze!

What’s the situation?! Cross Saint is almost overwhelmed!

What the hell, that blue-haired little ghost, does he have the strength to defeat a top powerhouse alone?!

That’s kind of scary!

Generally, the top powerhouse singles out, without external interference.

It takes a long time to fight for the winner and loser!

Usually it is common to play for a few days and nights.

But how long have they been fighting?

“Act now, that blue-haired imp’s combat power is extremely powerful, and Cross Saint is at risk of losing in a short time!” Now you can still fight, but it may not be necessary later! Kaido said.


The two top powerhouses of the Dragon Kingdom were entangled.

At present, the top powerhouse that the Dragon Kingdom can free its hands up.

Only the angelic white boss remained.

A top powerhouse, it’s easy to get involved!

Just create some chaos.

Right now, you can borrow the words of the five old stars to play out.

Kaido and Aunt took a tacit look!

Then Kaido clenched the mace and held it high, there was an arc flashing, and the overlord color was domineering!

“MAMA~~” Auntie smiled slightly and took off the hat she was wearing on her head!

Turn into a Napoleon knife and hold it up again!

The two stand side by side!

“Mom, why don’t you use me!” Prometheus, the floating fireball, asked with some jealousy!

“Hey, hey! Is Mom going to do it? Zeus, who was in the state of the white cloud, also smiled


[Redhead: The one in Figarandu is actually a bit defeated, amazing little ghost!!] 】

[Warring States: That young man’s combat power is vaguely stronger than that of Cross Saint! ] How is this possible!? 】

[Venus: The young and middle-aged generation of Figarandu seems to be a little slack! ] 】

[Figarando. Grimmgul: It’s too early to tell! 】

[Beckman: It’s not really going to lose!] Lose to a little ghost, then the whole world will be a sensation! 】

[Whitebeard: Goo la la la!!] I didn’t expect the warriors of the Dragon Kingdom to be able to do this!! 】

[Green Pheasant: The situation of the yellow ape seems to be no better, and it still hasn’t taken the slightest benefit! ] 】

[Orochimaru: No! ] No way! Old man, you won’t really go all out, and suffer a loss! 】

Yellow Ape: …

[Golden Lion: Look, Kaido and Aunt seem to have moved! ] 】

[Karp: What?! Could it be that the two Four Emperors want to do it together? 】

[Ghost mother-in-law: Such a thing has not happened for many years! ] 】

[Sengoku: They want to get a head start! ] 】

The words of the golden lion immediately attracted everyone’s attention!

Kaido and Aunt are accumulating!

“Stay away!!” Everyone nearby noticed that an extremely terrifying aura was pervasive!

The two suddenly attacked!!

Wave your weapon at the same time!

The power is all condensed to the extreme!

In order not to give the two strong men who are fighting in the Dragon Kingdom a chance to block!

Aunt Kaido deliberately picked an extremely tricky angle!

“Bahai !!”


Vast and majestic, a huge and rapid shock wave instantly formed!!

Like a pillar of destruction, it runs through the Dragon Kingdom!

The thick earthen wall was instantly broken like paper!

Several peaks were easily wiped out!

Along the way, the forest, the Extreme Devouring Beast, and the Great Void were also annihilated in an instant!

However, monsters that do not die completely will still recover later!

The terrifying shockwave is still rushing forward, like a roaring doomsday storm!

Just the fierce wind that escaped along the way formed a terrifying slash!


This shockwave has a tendency to run through the entire Dragon Kingdom!

And the joint attack of the two emperors has been preparing for a long time!!

If a single top powerhouse resists hard, he will not die or be crippled!

This is not a joint attack that the two of them will not charge in the future and casually fight to make Solon resist and not die!

They have been waiting for this moment for a long time!!

And at this time, he didn’t dare to underestimate the Dragon Kingdom!

This blow is to be strong enough!

to achieve the results you want!

Dispel some cannon fodder forces’ fear and jealousy of the three powerhouses of the Dragon Kingdom just now!

Countless people present showed shock.

The joint attack of the two emperors is really terrifying!

In their cognition! It is not too much to say that it is invincible!!

Bang!!! But in the end, the shockwave fell on the invisible shield!

It was blocked!!

A deafening loud sound resounded throughout the Dragon Kingdom!

However, cracks have also appeared on this shield!

But in the eyes of the world, this is still very incredible!

[Wang Zhi: What kind of stuff!? The attack that Kaido and Aunt combined to fight was blocked! 】

[Redhead: Even those with defensive abilities will lose their due power in the face of absolute strength and overlord entwinment! ] Although this thing has appeared cracks, it has not yet broken! Dragon Kingdom still has this kind of technology!? 】

[Usury King: No wonder the king of the Dragon Kingdom does not escape, perhaps it is precisely with this technique that he thinks that even if he can’t fight, he should be able to defend! ] But now that this barrier has been attacked, it is vulnerable! 】

[Silver Axe: Just now I thought it would be okay to run through the entire kingdom with this blow! ] I didn’t expect to even arrive on the island! 】

[Boss Bai: Although the shield is powerful, it is used to envelop the whole country, and the energy is still a little scattered, and it seems that it will have to be improved later. ] 】

[Sengoku: ……]

[Karp: ……]

[Kiberson: Is it human?] That’s a joint attack of the two emperors! How many people in this world can block it? What kind of shield do you pay to block it, is that not enough? 】

“Everyone, our Hundred Beasts and Aunt Pirate Group are attacking the Dragon Kingdom now, and the guys who want to get rich overnight should follow!” The value of Gao Yang must have been seen by you! The Dragon Kingdom is full of gold treasure power resources!! ”

“What are you still waiting to see!? Do you have to wait until these guys like Kapu Whitebeard Rocks arrive?! You won’t even be able to drink soup then! ”

“Now that the powerhouse of the Dragon Kingdom is involved, this is our best chance!”

“As long as we land at the same time from different coastlines of the Dragon Kingdom, it is still nightfall! They can’t keep us all! ”

Kaido exclaimed, and then didn’t care if others believed it or not.

Strike a bolt of lightning into the sky!

This is a signal!

Then everyone saw it from the video!

Around the island of the Dragon Kingdom, thousands of ships of various sizes appeared at the same time!

At the same time, an attack was launched towards the Dragon Kingdom!

Boom!! Countless artillery fire is fired near the coastline!

Many boats have animal abilities on board!

And many chess soldiers!

Most of them come from Kaido and Auntie’s pirate group!

And some pirate groups who were convinced by them!

Kaido and Aunt also rode Zeus and attacked the Dragon Kingdom from the air!

With Zeus here, they move fast and nimble!

General artillery fire does not hit them!

It really hit, and the defense of the two four emperors is also extremely amazing!

See Aunt Kaido really act!

Many people can’t help it!

“That’s right, the powerhouses and soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom are busy now, and this is a good opportunity for us to start!”

“After more and more people, the benefits are all divided by people!!”

“We take cover at night, use more small boats, and quickly approach the coast!”

“I’ve found a move-type powerhouse!”

“Let’s do it!! A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! ”

“Now that a top powerhouse in the Dragon Kingdom can free his hand, he can’t stop so many of us! Besides, that kind of strong person will only target Kaido them! “……

The sea under the moonlight instantly boiled! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Previously, the first wave of powerhouses was still fighting the Dragon Kingdom!

Now Aunt Kaido takes the lead!!

It’s a better opportunity than before!

Everything that plunders the Dragon Kingdom is tonight!

In an instant, more than a third of the forces were driven!

The stronger the Dragon Kingdom, the sooner you have to start!

After all, this kind of opportunity for top powerhouses to be pinned down is not often!

“Captain, don’t we have to wait for the military list before acting?”

“Too late! So many people have acted, and those monsters must have been consumed a lot by the previous people! If you don’t do it, the Dragon Kingdom will soon be eaten up and wiped clean! ”

“That’s two Four Emperors! And the great generals and the world government powerhouse! When Aunt Kaido moves, other monsters will also act!! The Dragon Kingdom is over! ”


“Kaido Lingling really acted, use your ability to secretly follow behind them, don’t be discovered, and strike again at the critical moment!” Wang Zhiyin Axe also followed suit.

“Can’t let Gao Yang fall into their hands!” Kiberson followed suit!

Launch many ships under your command!

Attack the Dragon Kingdom from all directions too!

They have been waiting for such an opportunity for a long time.

Kaido is waiting, why are they not waiting.

did not follow the world government, the first wave of undertakers entered, already careful restraint!

Now so many forces are acting together!

If they don’t act, they really can’t get anything.

Even the dragons of the revolutionary army are secretly mixed in the chaotic crowd at this moment.

The red-haired pirates did not move.

Reilly and Jabba hesitated, waiting for the time being.

Although they also want to get Gao Yang, it is best to wait for Gao Yang to fall into the hands of others!

Then try to save him, so that it is easier to get along with him in the future, which can make him more cooperative.

“Hahahaha!! What a pity for such a nice country! But I also need angel potions, it’s not decent to stick a rudder in my head every day, and my legs can be restored… Little ones, drive the ship into the Dragon Kingdom, don’t get too close! ”

There are ships flying in the air!


“If our kingdom does not move, we will eat the rest of others, enter now, with our strength, I am afraid that the coastline will not reach!”


The strong have the way of doing things by the strong!

The weak have the way of the weak to plunder!

“I can’t be impulsive, I just come to see the lively, watch the lively, but… Not to mention catching Gao Yang, getting some devil fruits, angel potions… Made! Can’t think anymore, don’t tempt me anymore! ”

Someone is struggling inside!

It’s a pity that there are not many people who can endure human greed in the end!

At this moment, the top powerhouses of the invading party are far more than three!!

The division of the Dragon Kingdom is a foregone conclusion in the eyes of the world.

As they said earlier!

Even if the Dragon Kingdom is a military power stronger than Elbaf!

It can’t stop the invasion of so many forces!

[King Riku: Dragon Kingdom!!] What a pity! These bastards invade other people’s kingdoms at will, and I haven’t properly thanked the Dragon Kingdom for killing Doflamingo’s kindness! 】

[Kobra: Why can’t you coexist peacefully! 】

[Boni: Dragon Kingdom, hold on!!] Whining! It’s really not possible, Lord Gao Yang, you must survive! 】


Countless terrifying firepower erupted from the coastlines of the Dragon Kingdom!

Countless ships became flames before they could get close to the coast!

But some guys fell into the water and swam to get closer to the coast!

There are too many capable people on the sea, and there are people with skills!

And the coastline is indeed vast.

There are no less than thousands of large and small ships attacking!!

There will always be some lucky ones in the gap in firepower!

Or rely on their own strength, ability, and luck to reach the land of the Dragon Kingdom!

It’s just that they don’t know, after arriving in the land of the Dragon Country!

Their nightmare began…

“Damn it!” Cross Saint saw this scene! Indignant!

Everything I have done, I have done other people’s wedding clothes!!

Himself became cannon fodder!

There are only a few survivors around at the moment!

Damn the king of the Dragon Kingdom, would rather be cheap pirates.

Nor willing to submit to the world government.

This time things are done so badly!

Dead and wounded so many elite world governments!

And they all died extremely miserable!!

After going back, I’m afraid it will be sad!

Maybe…… I shouldn’t have been the first to come in!

Who would have thought that the strength of the Dragon Kingdom would be so strong!

Poof!! Just so disturbed!

One of his arms was directly torn off by Grimmjow!

The pain of the broken arm made him wail in pain!

The body is already covered with all kinds of bloody injuries!

Many attacks are directed specifically at the pain nerves!

Let Cross Saint feel humiliated and painful at the same time!

This made him wonder if this fighting maniac had some hobby of abusing people!

“Tired of playing! If it weren’t for Boss Bai saying that Lord Gao Yang didn’t like you very much! As early as ten minutes ago, I had a chance to solve you! ”

Grimjow’s words made Cross Saint look surprised!!

This guy is torturing himself on purpose!!

“Go to hell and repent!”

Grim Joe used blood as a medium, and the cyan-blue energy quickly gathered in the palm!

The power that was so terrifying that the Cross Holy Capital trembled was surging.

It was an attack that he could never stop in his current state!

“No, no!! Stop it!! I’m from the Figarando family!! Cross Saint said with fear.

Some remorse welled up in my heart! I already knew not to come in and find some “lost” soldiers!

“Hey! At this time, it is not interesting to say this!! Grimchow sneered!

Cross Saint turned around and was about to flee…

“Lord Gao Yang, many enemies have come in, do you need me to deal with them?” Ulquiorra asked.

“How’s the evacuation in the city going?”

“Ordinary residents have been evacuated to safety.”

“So… They all work so hard, they have to give him what they want, let them come, anyway, they are the same wherever they are handled, the most active at the moment are Kaido and Auntie! Wait and cut them! ”

Gao Yang sat on the chair, drank wine and admired the moon, looked at the sky, and did not fall!


“Gao Yang, you are really more and more attractive, I was still on vacation, Umit called me back!” On the roof, stood a green-haired girl with a squeamish face in her arms.

“I forgot to tell him that there is no need to notify him on holiday, it seems that it will still trouble you, Tornado.”

(Subscription please!) D).

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