“Your Honor, the arms provided to us by the Kingdom of Saint Vnas, the suzerainty, are already in the port! But the price is 20% higher than the last time! ”

“What? How could it be so much higher!? ”

“The leader of the team said that this month is Lord Venus’s birthday!”


“Your Honor, what should I do now? Our treasury is not funded! ”

“No way, collect from the citizens!”

“But… Their taxes are already heavy! I’m afraid it’s hard to come up with any more money. ”

“They are difficult, is it not difficult for the king? Do what you are told, take the king’s army with you, and if you resist, kill them on the spot! ”

“Yes!” ……

After that, the battlefield of the suppression of civilians!

Then another picture!

“Sell several cities along the coast to pirates and make them nobles! One duke 100 million Bailey! A marquis 50 million Bailey! ”

“Your Majesty, don’t let the pirates become nobles, how can ordinary people live!” They do everything without law, and the ten rooms and nine rooms that were already scourged in those cities before are empty!! ”

“Will, I know you are loyal, but if our kingdom wants to go further, it is impossible to do without money! Only by riding with the Kingdom of Saint Vnas, which is responsible for the heavenly gold, can this king be expected to become the new Draco! Do it well, and then the king will not treat you badly! ”

“Draco is out of reach!! For so many years, no one has ever been promoted to the rank of world noble!! Your Majesty, wake up! ”

“Fart!! Others can’t, but this king can, we are one of the richest countries in the world, as long as we give enough money, there is nothing impossible! If you don’t do this, King Ben will let others do it! ”

“Even so, I can only die with the intention of dying, hoping to sober up Your Majesty!”

So, the loyalists fell!

Flags for the defeat of tyrants are raised all over the country!

And in order to suppress the riot!

The kingdom needs to spend more money to ask the world government for help!

There is not enough money, and the kingdom tries its best to get money!

It fell into the endless cycle of war….

And as the kingdom of Saint Vnas, who is responsible for the heavenly gold!

Nobles, royals lived a life of drunken gold.

But in every city, a large number of civilians are starved to death every day!

The matter of changing children and eating is also staged every day!

There are also constant wars everywhere!

Only the royal city is still luxurious!

A high wall divides the same kingdom into two worlds!

One kingdom after another has gathered funds here!

Some of them were stolen by them, and most of them were handed over to the world government.

But even if it’s just the part they smuggled.

Also a huge amount!

[Kingdom wealth ranking No.2, the main source of wealth is heavenly gold, arms… Annual net income estimate: 110 billion Bailey! 】

Seeing this amount, everyone is not extremely bad!

They were all extremely angry, and a sense of despair and suffocation surged into their hearts!!

[Kaido: Hmmmm!! It seems that the world government will still make money! War is indeed the best deal! It’s just that there are so many who smuggle it!! 】

[Ember: The bounty of our entire pirate group adds up, and it is estimated that it is only one-tenth of the annual income of this kingdom! ] 】

[Navy A: Impossible! This can never be true! The wars of so many countries actually broke out because of the heavenly gold of the Draco!! 】

[Navy B: Does the justice we have always insisted on really exist?! 】

[Lokes: The World Government is the biggest pirate group!!] Admire and admire!! 】

[Whitebeard: The world government has never been a good thing, and my hometown was also persecuted by heavenly gold! ] 】


Warring States, green pheasants, red dogs and other naval powerhouses are silent at this moment!

It’s not that I don’t know these things all along.

I just didn’t expect so many countries to be involved!

And many departments, including CP0, are actually involved in the arms sale!

How can this not shake their hearts!

Venus sees the silence of the naval side!

Sneer on the side of the pirates!

Had to quickly stand up and speak!

[Venus: The heavenly gold we collect is within a reasonable range, and we also help these countries to resist the invasion of pirates, if there are no pirates, of course, they will not charge such a high amount of heavenly gold, and many kings have hidden selfish intentions, is the following kingdom to do things is not right! ] The biggest bane is pirates, please don’t be misled! 】

[Whitebeard: A sentence that the following people do things in the wrong way, just throw it away? ] What a good excuse! 】

[Spandam: Lord Five Old Stars is right! ] Everything is the pirate’s fault!! 】

[Luo: It’s ridiculous, then how did the pirates come about? Didn’t you force it out yet? 】


Barrage controversy continues!

But for the world government, at least it is no longer a one-sided disadvantage!

Soon, new topics diverted everyone’s attention!

[Smogg: Now it seems that the second and third riches are full of blood! What about the first? And how bloody will the source of money gore? 】

[Ace: Isn’t there a clean source of money in this world? 】

[Blackbeard: Still so naïve, Captain Ace!!] There has never been peace in this world, and everything follows the law of survival of the law of the jungle! Money or power! Which one is not piled up on the pile of bones! 】

[Green Pheasant: The picture has been given to this so-called dragon country!!] According to the video of the sky now, the source of these riches is real, so where does this little-known dragon country come from to surpass the wealth of these two kingdoms? 】

Everyone is also curious about this!

At the same time, it is full of puzzlement!

It’s really compared to the previous two countries!

The country is really not famous at all!

The video is pulled from far to near.

A bustling, clean, and magnificent country is in everyone’s view!

(The new book needs the support of every flower!) Please, handsome! If you feel okay, just point your little hands to get rich and support the street! )

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