Looking at the black muzzle of the gun in front of him, Enel seemed to have foreseen something.

He stood still, watching everything happening in front of him with a teasing look.


With a loud gunshot.

A bullet shot out of the barrel and passed through Enel's chest at a high speed, but strangely, there was no trace of blood flowing out, leaving only a small blue hole on Enel's body. If you look closely inside the small hole, you seem to see tiny lightning snakes swimming out of it.


In Kalina's astonished eyes, Enel's wound healed again.

Kalina was really surprised at this moment.

As a user of the Flame-Flame Fruit, she naturally knew what was going on with Enel.

Isn't it just natural elementalization to avoid physical damage?

Doesn't seastone have any effect on the Thunder Fruit?

This is impossible, it can't be so invincible!

Seeing the horrified expression on Kalina's face, Enel finally put on a satisfied smile:"Mortal weapons have no effect on gods. This is probably... probably... the 100th bullet fired by the ignorant Qinghai people!!!"

"Yeah hahahaha——!"


There is no doubt that the Qinghai people's tricks have pleased Enelus.

At this moment, Kalina's hands hesitated. She never thought that the seastone bullets would lose their power.

And Char on her neck was not affected by Enelus' provocation at all and continued to pull the trigger.

Bang, bang, bang!

The bullets continued to pass through Enelus' body.

When Enelus realized that the"musket" was the only means of Kalina in front of him, his teasing smile became even worse. He even dug his ears with his right hand, flicked his ears in the air, and quietly appreciated Kalina's performance.

Kalina was naturally a little confused.

Isn't seastone the nemesis of all devil fruits?

Even the elemental passive skills of the natural system can no longer be used. Use it in front of seastone!

But what's wrong with Enel in front of him?

Why didn't he react at all after a few shots! He still used elementalization to avoid all bullets!

Kalina was really panicked. If Char hadn't controlled her body, she was not sure if she would have the strength to pull the trigger again.

This is too abnormal!

At this moment, Enel simply waved his hand and suddenly inserted the golden stick into the ground.

Buzz buzz buzz——!

The crisp sound of gold, like ripples, makes people feel happy.

Then, Enel's body leaned calmly on the golden stick. He yawned and raised his eyelids, looking at Kalina who was still in surprise:"Finally saw a fairly satisfied expression, not bad, not bad.……"

"As a reward for your kindness, I will allow you to fire another hundred rounds."

"But after this~~~~~~~"

"You will feel what the most cruel divine punishment is."

Enel simply turned off the heart network detection, leaned lazily on the golden stick, and closed his eyes to rest.

At the same time,

Enel said lazily:"The four priests……"

"Here! Lord God!!!"

The four priests stepped forward.

"You are responsible for the countdown. Wait until they have completed the 100-round bullet mission, then wake up your god."

""Yes! Lord God!!!"

The four priests received the order solemnly.

Such a calm and invincible conversation was undoubtedly the most devastating. It was like looking down on people from Sky Island to Qinghai 10,000 meters below.

People with poor tolerance would probably collapse on the spot when faced with such a gap.

But Char just pulled Kalina's purple hair and continued to control her actions. Although Kalina looked terrified at this moment, her body was completely controlled and she continued to pull the trigger.

"Bang Bang Bang——!"


"No. 99——!!!"

"No. 98——!!!"

"No. 97……!!!"

The priests followed Enel's orders carefully, standing beside Char and Kalina, and counting down loudly.

At this time,

Char's mouth curled up slightly, and he once again controlled Kalina to pull the trigger.

At this time, the muzzle of the gun instantly burst into flames.

A series of bullets exploded out of the barrel.

"Bang Bang Bang——!!!!"

At this moment, when the bullet penetrated Enel's body, the long-lost pain immediately made Enel's eyes widen, and his expression instantly twisted to the extreme. Then, Enel's pupils continued to overflow with fear, and his eyeballs were about to pop out.

"This is……"

"It hurts.——!!!!"

He didn't even have time to yell out in disbelief.

Shot after shot of piercing pain came from all over his body.

Enel felt his arms, legs, abdomen, shoulders... not only the flesh and blood in various parts of his body were violently pierced by the fiery bullets.

Even the bones were shattered in an instant.

Streams of blood mist erupted and were about to ignite the air.

It's so hot...!

It's so hot...!

Enel's brain had become numb with heat, but his body instinctively wanted to use the elementalization of the Thunder Fruit.

But he found that his body had lost its strength! He had even completely lost contact with the thunder power of the Thunder Fruit:"Ah...……!!!!"




Enelu's breath became weaker and his voice became smaller.

"No. 85……!"

"No. 84……!"

"No. 83……!"

Although the four priests found some abnormalities, the god did not stop.

They could only tilt their heads and continue to count down.

In the loud countdown,

Enel felt that his mind was gradually sinking into a deep darkness.

A bottomless pit...

A terrifying darkness like a bottomless pit...

Until Enel's body could no longer support it, he slid off the golden stick like a puddle of mud.

He collapsed in a pool of scarlet blood in an extremely twisted posture.

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