"Xia, it's so hard, it's so uncomfortable for me to ride, um~~~~!"

"Kalina, I'm still growing, it's normal to be hard!"

"Stupid Char, if you hadn't pointed us in the wrong direction, we might have found the Sunshine Pirates a long time ago. What if we go over there and they run away? If we can't get the treasure, you will be fully responsible!!!!"

"I don't want to, but sailing is too difficult to learn.……!"


In the year 1516 of the Haiyuan calendar, the East China Sea, Kui Island, early winter.

The street was covered with a thin layer of white snow. Although there was no one, you could see a line of footprints increasing step by step, and you could hear a man and a woman bickering.

Two voices, a line of footprints, but no one was seen.

I have to say that this scene is still a bit weird...


The owner of the female voice is a 14-year-old girl named Kalina. Kalina is a character from the theater version of"Golden City". She has a sweet voice, a flexible mind, and shrewd thief skills. In the plot, she has a deep intersection with the little thief cat Nami, nicknamed"Phantom Thief".

The identity of the male voice owner is even more special. His name is Char, a 14-year-old time traveler.

Two years ago, he traveled to the world of pirates and met Kalina, who was also an orphan, in the East China Sea. So they formed a"Knight and Phantom Thief" combination and made a living by stealing pirates on the sea.

It is worth mentioning that...

At the beginning of the time travel, Char was the rider who ate the superhuman-type Cavalier Fruit!

In the original work, the Ride-Ride Fruit appeared in the latest episode of the Egghead Island plot. The eater was Vice Admiral Bluegrass. After the old woman used her ability, she rode on the Pacifist and controlled the Pacifist to shoot lasers at Bonnie.

Apart from that, there is not much ability to show. The plot does not clearly state whether it can ride on people.

But this is not important.

The important thing is that Char has already ridden it!


To sum up Char's ability in one sentence, it is: anyone can ride it!!!

In theory, he can ride the sky, the earth, the air, the White Star, the Empress, and Im!

And control them to fight for him!

Of course... the premise is that the other party is willing to be ridden, or Char surrenders with absolute strength.

Otherwise, who is willing to be ridden?

Char is a time traveler. Although he does not have a system, he also has a golden finger.

Yes, his Ride-Ride Fruit has mutated!

Not only does it avoid side effects... but it also has an additional bug-level ability.

This ability is the gain buff!!!

It can be simply divided into two parts:

1: The Riding Fruit will randomly refresh a 'temporary riding buff' with special abilities. What ability it is, how long it can be used, and when it refreshes, all depends on luck!

2: When Char signs a riding contract with a human, he will obtain a 'permanent riding buff', which can be regarded as a permanent passive skill!

For example, now.

Char has a buff with a countdown on his head.

Invisibility: When riding, the ability user and the mount will gain the ability to be invisible. The remaining time is: 2 days, 15 hours, 34 minutes and 46 seconds.

It is a temporary version of the parahuman transparent fruit!

Since the invisibility skill has been refreshed, of course it should be used reasonably.

It happened that Kalina had found out a piece of information some time ago, saying that the Sunshine Pirates stationed on Kuei Island had made a lot of money.

Now, the two of them are in a playful mood and are ready to collect the harvest!

In order to avoid alerting the enemy, when Char and Kalina landed on Kuei Island, they used the riding form and disappeared together.

This is also the fundamental reason why the two people were walking on the street, but only heard each other's voices but could not see them.


A few minutes later, Char rode Kalina into the base of the Sunshine Pirates.

"Idiot, if I hadn’t insisted on this direction, we would have almost gone the wrong way again!"

"Fortunately, I was smart enough to stick to it! Humph!"

Karina punched Char's thigh and pouted to get praise.

Char pulled Karina's hair.

"Speak softly, others can't hear you, but they can hear you!"

Several bonfires were burning in the open space not far away. The air was filled with the aroma of roasted meat. A dozen pirates were eating meat and drinking wine. They had no idea that two people had come to them.

In the center of the base, sat a two-meter-tall strong man wearing a captain's uniform of a trendy brand and a pirate hat with the logo of their pirate group.

This man was the captain of the Rizhao Pirates, Dog Eyes Mihawk.

Next to the captain's seat, a 14-year-old girl with short orange hair was raising her glass generously.

"Captain Dog Eyes, the wine from Kuei Island is simply amazing! Let’s have another glass! I’ll drink first!!!"

Nami raised her glass and drank it all in one gulp.

Dog Eyes Mihawk smiled crookedly:"Thanks to Nami’s help this time, we were able to get the treasure map with one shell without wasting a single bullet! Nami is not only cute, but her drinking capacity has also won my heart!!!"

"If you weren't a little younger, I would have promoted you to the captain's wife! Quack quack quack!"

"Hahaha, Captain, you are so humorous……!!!"

"Let's celebrate the captain's finding the treasure and toast to Nami's joining!!!"

Logically speaking, a girl named Nami who fell into the hands of a group of vicious pirates would either become a handyman, or the captain's personal plaything, or a toy for all pirates to relieve their sexual desires, or even be sold as a slave.

However, looking at the situation, it seems that Nami is now a member of the Rizhao Pirates?

Of course!

Nami's ability to join the pirate group and gain the recognition of the pirates is only the first step of the plan. Her real purpose is to get all the pirates drunk and then steal the treasure of the pirate group.

The so-called treasure map is just a part of the plan!

Nami just drew it casually with her talent for drawing sea maps.

None of them are made old, it seems that the Rizhao Pirates are not very smart!

Seeing everyone at this time���Nami was already a little drunk, with a sly smile on her face.


"Come again!!!"

When Char passed by and saw the orange-haired girl, his eyes lit up instantly.


I never expected to meet him here!

In fact,

99% of the area of the pirate world is sea, and the importance of the navigator is self-evident.

Navigation is indispensable to navigators, just like horses cannot be without knights.

Because of the lack of navigators, Char and Kalina suffered a lot during the voyage.

And Nami is the top navigator in the original work. Even the fish-man dragon who travels freely in the sea, and even the thief golden lion Shiki who sails in the air, covet Nami's navigation skills.

So, navigators are very important. More importantly, for Char...

Nami is not only an excellent navigator, but also can be... ridden!!!!

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