Around the sun.

As the voice of the abnormal containment meeting fell.

I saw a blurry figure.

appeared in front of the whole world.

He is an unreadable appearance.

Looks are not strange creatures of humans.

He is exactly the man on the Thousand Finger Star.


And that’s exactly what he’s been all along.

On this sea.

Causes the escape of abnormal containments.

to threaten the great “August 13” sea.

Since the advent of the abnormal containment meeting.

He never showed up.

In anyone’s sight.

And now.

In the face of abnormal containment meetings.

Declare war!

He showed up.

appeared in.

In front of the abnormal containment meeting!

“It’s you, right, all the abnormal containments that appear on this sea are all under your influence to escape, right?”

An agent of the Abnormal Asylum Society.

Carry your hands on your back.

Gaze at it calmly.

In fact.

They are abnormally sheltered.

It has long been noticed.

The Thousand Fingered Star of the Supreme Divinity.

And the one in front of you.

Always on the sea.

Causes the escape of abnormal containments.

Dangerous guys who endanger the sea!


In the beginning.

They are abnormally the power of the Containment Society.

Not powerful.

After all.

How to say it again.

Thousand finger star.

But O Supreme Divinity!

His strength.

Enough to dominate a universe!

They are abnormally sheltered.

There is no connection with the Supreme Divinity at all.

The capital of the thousand-fingered star to contend with.

But accompanied.

Continuous containment of abnormal containments.

The advent that Lore received.

It is also becoming more and more abundant.

And now.

They are abnormally sheltered.

Already completely not afraid of the so-called.

The Supreme Divinity Thousand Finger Star is up.

Because no matter how you say it.

Right now.

Relying on the strength of Lore himself.

At the level of the possessor of the supreme divinity!


Abnormal containment meeting.

Countless strong people! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

A word of supreme divinity.

They still didn’t pay much attention to it.

“That’s right, I had no interest in destroying you, but since you have declared war on me, the only thing waiting for you is death…”

The blurry figure.

Carry your hands on your back.

Calm gaze.

Numerous agents of the Abnormal Asylum Society.

Being the Supreme Divinity.

The man on the Thousand Finger Star.

He is naturally an abnormal containment association.

Something to understand!


Also know.

Standing in front of him.

These dozens of people.

All are Level 5 Reality Warper.


Even so.

It is also not afraid!


It represents the supreme divinity!

Look around the world!


Even say yes.

Look across the universe.

They are supreme divinity.

Thousand finger star.

Also 5.1 has never been afraid of anyone!

Navy headquarters, Marin numerous.

“All the abnormal containments of our sea have arrived, is this bastard ghosting?”

Sengoku frowned.

Shuangtong stared deadly.

The figure of the thousand-fingered star on the screen said.

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